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It requires no spirit of prophecy to foretell how the Fast Day * "which has been appointed for the twenty-first of this month , will be observed . We can , without presumption , become its
historians by anticipation . We lay no claim to second sight , nor have we any revelations to make in an unknown tongue . It is not altogether-that * the sunset of life gives us mystical lore ; ' but the sun , or perhaps rather the moon of fasting is deep in its decline , and so , * coining events cast their shadows before . ' Our prefigurations make no pretensions to divinity , or even to
magnificence . We see not , in our visions , a puissant and devout nation kneeling in singleness of heart before its own undivided altar , its plumed head bowing to the dust , and the trust of its heart ascending , like the unbroken and aspiring flame of a sacrifice , to heaven . There can be nothing like this in the harsh , vulgar , and discordant reality which is soon to be presented to our senses . The
fast day will . come / and people will leave off working , but nobody will abstain from eating , save those whom poverty compels to keep perennial fast . Even from them , it may be presumed , charity will not withhold the soup which is distributed the more vigorously in the hope that it may help to keep the cholera from the neighbourhood . The theatres will be closed , the churches will be open , and the
shops will manage their shutters so as to hit the happy medium . Amongst the higher classes , a handsome dish of salt fish , at the head of the well-spread table , by way of addition not of substitution , will suffice to mark the day decorously . Our statesmen and senators will be in conclave , using their brief breathing time to arrange the tactics of the next week ' s debate , and plan how the next party blow is to be struck or parried . At the other extreme ,
some of the ragged radicals of the Rotunda may be heartily eating their subscription dinner , with ominous consistency still showing their opposition to things as they are , by proceedings not unattended with danger about the throat . The steam-boats will feed , as usual , the huge mouths of their engines ; and digest the collation by rapid motion up the river and down the river , with
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MARCH , 1832 .
The Fast Day And The Cholera.
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JNo . 63 . M
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), March 2, 1832, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1808/page/1/