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Charitable Wje Will Now Exertion Take A ...
promise chiefs for once of , " , La but said Vendee entre La Soeur ating" Rosalie her to return not . The to thanks beg very in next again for food . week " " and I one will shelter of not the
came bestowed on several of his companions in misfortune , and actually met at her threshold one of the emissaries of the police . He was while she held
not recognised ; and La Sceur made him a sign to fly , days the official after enchanted the latter b found y her conversation out how near for he a full had hour been . to Some his is tour
just intended " What much would victim for _yovL , an have d ! " came , And Mons to In ieur comp effect , " said lain it was she of , her not "I would " long mauva afterwards have done . " '
as you , in that public an imprudent authority measure the roused le howled a riot and round threatened the house and of he a man did
not Hosalie dare , who show came his face strai ; . g B htway peop y a luck , addressed y thought the he went mob to individuall tell , La Sceur y by riotand
finall name y , scolded put down them the , for rising having storm left , and their released work the to get functionary up a , from
his During durance the vile famine . of 1847 which preceded the revolution of 1848 , the le
distress and La Sceur she that exerted so at far first prevailed extraordinary the Faubourg over powers the Saint excitement Marceau to get bread did incident not for stir to . popular During peop , hbours mounted
a whole monthwhile Paris was unsafe , the neig priest guard who over was her , door comin , and g to earl perform y one morning mass , in they lay costume very nearl , taking y shot it a
into their heads that such an early visitor must come with evil intent the ceau against scenes gave the way which nuns to ; took the But general in lace the in terror days the streets , of and June La , that the Sceur [ Faubourg she was said so horrifie afterwards Saint Mar d at
pressed she were _" the could into faces hardl the which y ranks believe met p of her a sing the gaze le slayers . devil It , was was if not difficult left of in the hell to avoid , slain " so , awful being and
the Maison de _Secozirs was turned into a hospital , where the forced in wounded tears to broug fi of ht either ht and in party their corner were husbands equall of the , to y house hide received was them and filled lest tended with they fug should . itives Wivea be ; every
dy while ing In the in men very the g , yet , dispensary thick breathing of the and vengeance strugg court le , of an against officer reception the who opposite were had wounded been party fighting . and
flying against down the the insurgents Hue de found l'Epee himself -de-Bois , cut rushed off from throug his h men the , open and , in the midst of the
door of the Maison de _Secoursand took refuge at Sisters his . heels The they insurgents crowded had round _, recognised the themselves house him , , but and between all following the the Sisters close ,
men with and the Superior their victim at their . The head insurgents , threw were checked by the living angry and for hour she kept
them rampart at ; bay all , while knew the they Soeur tried Rosalie to negotiate , for an his blood . They
308 La Sceur Rosalie.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1860, page 308, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011860/page/20/