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Hn The Ewgxish Woman's Jottrnax For July...
useful testimonial , and might possibly be accompanied by a substantial prize , something like a real and effectual stimulus was
presented to them . Mr . Chester laid before the meeting , and " the explained proposed , an new outline Association which he . had It would been interfere requested with to draw no existing up for
agencies , but would help , as far as possible , all the institutes and evening schools of London , and promote the establishment of such _,
bodies where at present they were wanting . The first object would ¦ be to bring the Society of Arts' examinations , certificates , and
advantage prizes , within of thi the s system reach it of was all necessary parts of to the be , metropolis directly or . indirectl To take y ,
through soine affiliated body , in union with that Society . A considerable number of the institutes , and a few of the evening
schools of London , were already in direct union with the Society of Arts evening , but schools there which was a could great not number afford of to poor enter institutes into direct and union poor _,
¦ with the Society , but would be allowed many of the advantages of the Union if they were grouped together in such an Association as
that now to "be formed , which would be directly united to the Society of Arts . . . . As some of the audience had come late into the room ,
Previous and inight and be Final puzzle and d between those of the the Societ Centr y al of Committee Arts' Examin and ations Local ,
Boards , it might , be well to clear up those points . The whole system was in connexion with the Society of Arts , but the Society
did not wish the system to be centralized more than was necessary . It acted everywhere through local agencies , and was desirous to
create everywhere local bodies , authoritative in education , because composed of the representatives of educational institutions . The
-Society had—1 st , its own Central Board of Examiners , by whom the papers of questions used in the " Final" ( or advanced )
Examinations were set and adjudged ; 2 nd , " Local Boards , " who first held the " Previous" ( or sifting ) Examinationsand without whose
, recommendation no candidate could be admitted to the Final Examinations . This was the machinery employed in what he would
call the Major Examinations , and these were not open to any person under 16 years of age . He would next describe what he
would call the Minor Examinations . These were open to any person not under 12 . They were of a very simple and elementary
character , suitable for children between 12 and 16 , and for older persons whose education had been neglected . Two sets of
examination papers were provided . They were called " Junior" and " Senior" but these terms referred to the degrees of simplicity in
the questions ; proposed , and not to the ages of the candidates . A well-instructed child of 12 might select the " Senior , " or less simple
. set of questions ; while an old man of neglected education , might select the " Junior" or simpler set . Both the sets were prepared
by the Central Committee , , and printed by the Society of Arts .
"These Minor Examinations were held by the same " Local Boards ' *
298 Examinations Of The Society Of Arts.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 298, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/10/