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Hn The Ewgxish Woman's Jottrnax For July...
The question was now raised , whether women , some of whom had expressed a desire to be examinedwere eligible as candidates .
, In the Society's Journal for February 19 th , 1858 , we find a letter dated " Bristol Athenaeum 26 th January 1858 / ' in which the
, , the question case ) occur from s our : "If ladies we ' hav classes e lad , y are app we licants to examine ( as will them probabl or no y ? be " '
and in the same Journal , among * other answers to queries , we find the brief reply , " The Examinations are not limited to one sex . "
The privilege having thus been conceded , five women , of ages varying from . _eighteen to thirty-seven , presented themselves asand
candidatesand received certificates of proficiency competency _,, according , to their respective standing , in French and German-Four of the candidates were from Bristol and one from Macclesfield .
The following year there were again four candidates from Bristol . At a meeting for the distribution of prizes and certificates awarded
h the y the fact Societ that y the of examination Arts , the Rev of the . Canon Society Girdlestone of Arts afforded " noticed
thefirst and only opportunity for ladies to compete for these public rewards of intellectual achievement , and anticipated great good
as In resulting 1861 therefrom the number . " of female candidates increases to thirteen ,,
and tHey appear , at a greater variety of centres . Birmingham , Derb l y , candidates Louth , Glasgow as well , and as the Brist London ol and Mechanics Macclesfield ' Institute . There , y
is supp also a greater range , in the subjects chosen . Domestic economy having subject ; been there added are three to the successful list , four candidates certificates in are Eng taken lish history in that
and one in music . The year 1862 shows a further increase . The candidates ,
twentytwo in numberpresented themselves for examination at eleven - and centres the , — London Leeds , , Pol Newcastle technic -upon Institution -Tyne , Devonport being added , Wolverhampton to the previous , -
listwhile Louth onl y y is omitted . The , certificates awarded are as follows , : Arithmetic , five ; French , _^ . ve ; Domestic Economy , Hive ;
GeogTaphy , three ; English History , three ; English Literature , two The ; first Drawing prize , in two Eng ; li Al sh gebra Literature , one ; was Physiology adjudged , one to ; Miss Music Fulford , one ..
of Birmingham , ( who also took a first-class in English History , ) in consideration Shakspere , written , as we by are her informed . It is , a of fact a very worth commonl remarkable noticing looked , as paper a result on
of free choicethat in musicwhich is y upon as _Arithmetic women ' s special on , which subject they , onl are y , supposed one certificate to be speciall was taken y weak , while , there in - -
were five successful candidates . In considering these Examinations generally , two questions ,
among of mixed many examination others , make and themselves classification prominent proved . to Is be the safe system and
desirable ?—andwhen educational advantages are offered to ,
290 Examinations Of The Society Of Arts.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 290, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/2/