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.+ . In Attempting 1 To Answer Tlie Comm...
of taste ilsthat , will commissions seek desi will gners be and sent assistants to themand from that among the various their
pup works , of the students may find a fair chance , of sale . Every one must see that these are advantages not easily gained . Art
education is too expensive generally for any but the rich ; and private instruction is not so good as public , inasmuch as it does not create
¦ attempts that exertion atmosp . to And here dispose further of Art of , works it which will of be is Art , admitted of are itself , especiall th so at g individual rea y t in a the stimu , unaided case lus of to
, women That , these hazardo schools us , troublesome have been , and successful often unavailing to a great . extent in
accomplishing this part of their task , can be proved hy any one who is at all conversant with their history .
v the iz It . Schools may "To , raise perhaps of Art and , hop be extend e more to accomp the difficult intellectual lish to their determine culture other and of by the hi what gher students obj means ect . " ,
The , results cannot in this case , as in the other , be clearly indicated resolved hy tabular into statistics lines and . fi Mental yet and are moral they influences not the less refuse real . to be
But howit will be gures asked , ; do these schools help to raise the intellectual , culture of young women ? And to this we would reply ,
that the study of Art , rightly directed , is of itself a most valuable educational Even the agent elements . of drawingas taught in ordinary schools
may be made of great use in this way , ; far more so than the study , of music . either
Take any ordinary girl , with no very decided talent for pursuit ; let her be placed under two teachers , both equally invari qualified abl ,
foun and d at that the the end child of a has given learnt time more it will from , the we drawing think , be lessons than y from , the music lessonsThe music may possibly have quickened
. the her mind feelings . , It but will the have drawing change will d vacant have looking broug into ht out careful the powers observing of ,
has by " it charg and ing by the so beam doing of will the have eye with prepared thoug the ht , " way as John for Foster future
, knowle As a d nation ge . we are slow to appreciate and loth to acknowledge
tine value of Art , education . Its influences are too subtle , and its good results analyst or too to evil estimate minutel that forms . y distributed But and who colours can , for say exercise the how merel on great y our practical the dail power y tempers , moral , for
and dispositions , ? Surely we shall , ere long , recognise these as amoral forces , and provide for admitted their full to and these efficient schools working them . will
other be Of found professions course the , daug all . classes hters Some are of will clergymen come from , medical the necessit men , y . and of In e of arning men , in in
_^ some circles way where , their it mi own ght living be least , a necessity expected . every Others day , extending without this to
The Gui Bono Of Schools Of Art For Women...
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 313, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/25/