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»— The World Seems Now Astir. Many Are L...
who and covering is perhaps 1 . at that very moment suffering' for lack of food
Sad as may be the condition of the needlewomen at the present momentit can but grow daily more so . Three causes combine
, to bring about this result . The needlewomen have to compete with three classes of women who work , and who are able and
willing- to work for very small remuneration . 1 st . Women in prisons .
2 nd . Women in convents . 3 rd . Women who are comfortably off , but who like to gain a
little hy their own work . Add to these three causes of depression , the " ready-made" system in tradeand the introduction of the
, sewing-machine , which threatens to bring about a complete revolution in sewing work .
1 st . "With regard to prisons—such was felt to be the injury done to hand-labour by the amount of needlework of every sort done in
the large prisons , that at one time there was an idea of stopping it altogether * but then it suggested itselfthat it would be altogether
irrational and , wicked to shut up prisoners , without giving them the great blessing of workand that work , of a kind which was not
, absolutely unproductive . 2 nd . What has been said of prison-labour holds good of
conventlabour—of the " work-rooms " attached to each convent , and of the large number of women who are , thereby , added to the ranks
of needlewomen . Takefor instancethe making of shirts wholesale : out of a
, , hundred dozen shirts which come into the Parisian market , eightyfive dozen have been made in the convents .
Not merely are the people in the workrooms the sempstresses , but the nuns themselveswomen who for the most part would
, never have touched such work had they been living in the world , do their share . They gain nothing by their labour , as their
earnings go either to the funds of the Institution , or to the poor , but they do it at any price they choose , and sohelp to keep the
labourmarket low . _^ 3 rd . A third cause of depression has been named ; viz ., the amount
of needlework done by married women and even young ladies , who make use of their spare time to acquire a little fund of money for
their own use . Some amongst them may claim to be reckoned as regular
workwomen , namely , those women who work for three or four hours a dayand spend the rest of their time in attending to a shopwalking *
with , their children , and so on . They work , in all probability , , to earn the money to keep themselves in clothes . But there are
many fathers of families who little think that their elegant drawingroom is a workshopand that the pretty things worked before their
, very eyes have been bought beforehand , or ordered by some
warehouse in the Rue St . Denis . Almost all the muslin work , the nets ,
320 Work And Wages Op Women In France.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 320, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/32/