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O Or Late Years, A New Phase In The Hist...
day subject , Is a " Cottage in Wiltshire , " ( 318 , ) by W . Goodall;—and equally good is a bright study of dock-leaves on the banks of a
streamlet , ( 159 ) hj the same artist . Nor must we omit Mr . Duncan's contributions . His " Hulks in Hamoaze" ( 198 ); and fragments of a
, wreck upon a desolate beach ( 3 74 ) are models of patient labour . There are many pictures of dewy English lanesand thatched homesteads ,
, and grey ruins—such as Mr . Topham ' s " Pevensey , " ( 177 , ) with its gay sketching-party seated beneath the crumbling towers ; -while , as
reminiscences of foreign travel , most admirable are Mr . Glennie ' s Koman sketchesMr . David CoxJun . ' s" View of Lyons" ( 260 ) from _,
, , , , a height above the town ; and Mr . Read ' s " Toledo , " ( 293 ) which ancient citycrowning a lofty rockglows in the last rays of the
, , setting sun , while twilight creeps over the landscape below , where muleteers stop to converse , or drive their laden beasts over the
tower-flanked bridge , and up the steep path that winds round the hillside . Everything in this picture is drawn with the greatest
care ; yet , despite this minute manipulation , the broad effect remains uninjured . Mr . Holland ' s Venetian sketches glow like jewels .
Four examples in one frame show how much a master-hand can da with a few touches . The crowd of kneeling worshippers in St .
Mark ' s , the solitary wreck beneath a sunset sky , the thronged Rialto at noon-day , and the deserted Square at midnight , are all
excellent . So are Alfred Fripp ' s Italian scenes , where at Capri , ( 118 ) the goats flock home in the twilightand the shepherdess
, kneels at the wayside shrine ; and _" Olevano , " ( 128 , ) where the peasant on his mule laden with Indian corn , turns to greet the
pretty contadina ; and above all , " Capricio , " ( 225 , ) where the distant _, village lies low amid desolate reaches of sand , and a herd of shaggy
buffaloes are the only living creatures visible as they stoop to drink : at a stream .
_JSTaftel sends brilliant bits of colour , such as his " Bay of Salerno , " ( 153 , ) with its dreamy purple background ; a " Guernsey Cornfield /*
with the glowing yellow spears of corn set against the bright blue sea ; and the delightful " Lane" ( 370 ) where amid the
yellowgreen spring branches , a little stream , run , s down the road , in which ducks paddle and bits of blue sky glitter in the water . The cool
• verdure of this charming sketch contrasts forcibly with the lurid glare of the picture immediately beneath it by Carl Haag , ( 371 , )
where a Bedawee on a camel ' s back is making his way across the burning wilderness of sand . Mr . Plaag undoubtedly ranks first
of the figure painters in this exhibition , with his splendid studies of " VenetianArchers" ( 309-336 ); of an " ArabWater-carrier , " ( 26 );
a noble Sheikh , ( 70 , , ) habited in sweeping crimson robes , with a background of driven desert sand , and the glowing head of ami
Eastern boy , ( 201 , ) his complexion" The To whom shadowed he is livery a neighbour of the burnished and near bred sun , . "
No less thoroughly national are the English country-boys of Hunt _,
330 The Winter Exhibitions.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 330, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/42/