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Books Or The Month..1st A Somewhat Bulky...
• with , this Important measure were placed under Mr . Markham _' s period superintendence of three years by the . Secretary During that of State time for the India author , and saw occup much ied of a
, a region not often visited by travellers , and the part of the book devoted to travels in Peru contains much information , historical
geographical , and botanical . In Southern India we are on more familiar ground . The author mentions a curious institution
prevailing in Malabar . It appears that among the _Nairs , who form the most important part of the population , _" sisters never
leave their homes , but receive visits from male acquaintances , and the brothers go out to other houses , to their lady-loves , but live
with their sisters . If a younger brother settles in a new house , he takes his favourite sister with him , and not the woman who _?
according to the custom in all other countries , should keep house for him . " Most of the womenas well as the men , read and write
, in their own character , and there is a Government Gazette printed in the Malayalim language . At Coimbatore , on the other hand , a
girls' school has been set on foot with much difficulty . " At present the influence of the women , and all women have influence ,
is for evil . . The men , to maintain their superiority , dislike the women to know anythingand the head official of the cutcherry at
, Coimbatore , who is a Brahmin , dare not let his friends know that his wife can read and write , though this accomplishment makes her
a more useful and agreeable companion . " The book , as a whole , Is well worth reading .
Miss Plues , having already given to the public , for the modest sum of one shilling each , two very useful and very clear
little books , " Rambles in search of Ferns , " and " Rambles in search of Mosses , " now adds a larger work , _" Rambles in search
of Wild Flowers . " ( 2 ) It is a book which maybe heartily recommended , and which will , it may be hoped , draw many a languid
young lady into a pursuit which is healthful alike for mind and body . Miss Plues groups the English flowers very ably according
to the natural system , and numerous coloured drawings are given to assist the learner in identifying specimens .
A new French illustrated periodical has lately heen started , ( 3 ) having for its objectto supply suitable French reading for young
, persons after leaving school . It is intended to contain sketches , narratives , and anecdotes ; biographies ; articles on scientific
subjects , & c . The first number is a creditable production , and seems well suited for Its purpose .
Mr . Erskine Clarke is already favourably known to the public as the compiler of a very good little collection of poems ,
Street By ( 2 Margaret ) . " Rambles Plues in . search London of Wild : _Journal _flowers of Horticulture , and how to distinguish Office , 162 , them Fleet . ' *
Hall ( 3 ) Court " Journal . des Families . " London : W . Allan & Co ., 9 , _Stationers *
350 Books Oe The Month ,
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1863, page 350, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011863/page/62/