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S(0Hd>iMS SEN- 3PllSfiBM^i MH
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For Several Days After^Tir^ 'First^Sit-;...
Jes sAWe uits - _? Twerifa _vfcimey into _untoy _ifcfoe _Sjt _ien _greats did _Kifehdri Sinners , haves n { _# _hQre _beert _^ t _:- ! nbT _cocked ; ' ; _doubfc iM ift is thb a
coo _loftyjovdiifltedit k -i for ¦ hundreds < oom ; " _^ r with _/ But ; _^ _' s _iiowotwo io _^ ; _"es and . bid _oihGr women a _^> pai are ? _attt _sufficsieiit _s-etiGtig , li to t 6 arid otherwise isa tHe
inj prep _orderi arie ictur theisimp _& _^ sin Ota . coloredM the le ndid wall _tiles _^ of day one _dinner of [ side ah of the kitchen fed _Hb keep _^ tile ravieris curious _plaee
And a old ; 'cap p _asiwe itat _^ thing stood ' ) ¦ and ifeiwas , _looikingi 116 _^ that at y _^ it ithesB _^ we M the y _i eduld _^ _greiai ; with being _5 _: not _rbbms / - hel _^ p | and thinking y voices this pret what _^ _^
and _happyjad Goiirt ft _^ _and eir _^ _^ hter _KJioisters etched _^ - _^ lo _should _bking longer iresorind be _ilsv _; ; dreary _f ¦ y : _chilfltish _> home : y _\ _--.. y u i of on the Jesuits : ; _,: / artd :: _;
pup , the " \ o AH > / _'th any _® sS \ _^ good _-S _27 ; l _iis things _^ e _^ 'be _© _^ ii bfoug _^ _TotiAye _ll t _; _"( i ab ' _-s ptit iiide ; I b 860 y the , an _& _Involution are on _6 of ;
_edup _Gtoveipnmfeiit _^ fcibiS pa of _othe _j Schools _^ j irls are is _^ now _^ _eiaM being bie i ing -: _opened _^ attended ;/ dailyy tc [ _^ aixd j Tlierie _^ _> the
_wasuno chool t -in - ; fact the 4 ¦ the i g di 0 education of the esp _Bourboilsy > of _^ y irls was on _& thoug single ht _- public altogether _^ girls _^
_loweK _unimiportant s clas \ n _^ _- _^ _) als _aliove an , . _$ t 1 _^ _^ oi _y _^ _$ ars _$ } $ ) old &; diffic who ult c _an to - eithei _ftiid _^ ? any read ; girl ; or of writei the ,
"W _^ ev _^ _visiJted y _^ o _^ _xiffie ; _^ iE _^ ma _^ _^ _Sehobl _,. _wliiehfhad just been building sized opened _rooms _iaft obeing the arid had _Gonventbf / _; - i _teeix oceup gjiven ifed San : " < by _ttp ) i iFrahcesed troopsl for i the the ¦ p . « firs But _j urpose where ! it ;• three was the _' rest hot moderate _^ of iairl the y -
6 rga / nized _^ ' _tjbe young _teaclier ( t pupil turned but by at difficulty the _otheiir _^) Training _? iridifierenceJ of keeping _, _^ elicfol order _^ ' ¦ ' b She y wh arndrig the i - -b ' _- _? e the _^ , _periienGing ); ent 1 g _seamed irls the ? _-and " _^ dismayed the rather - difficul disgusted afc ty > tH of _6
it m beginning 3 is idleness _s _absolutel _wiihnbi _^ _^ Bui y _necessary g iif _gid 'this s _^ _^ _fold geiieratipn to o ¦ ¦ _^ _take / hav e in sp _/ is these tp ' be girls whole made _^ bf _^ of anythiiig 1 O their y 1 ly li and _V oi _-es y
rig the 12 _htsvthey _^ instruction _yfears , asr _^ ought _? th can _ey ; to -are _include be to ; _^ / It _som - ' wlHi - ifor ' e practical 'b _& the a g _^ _liaiant rei teaching _^ t step - Schools _^ for of needlework Sicil _^ wh y _^ ere when by
sul _cdokingy _^ edt _^ and etc ., iii _'as _- fe ' none _^ oif the _^ e g irls hkve any : iiotibiis bit the _^
graiidi th _stnd ey > ; : _the ; are Gasioiisi _rb , yerj _gulat _^ _-iintidy _i' dressmaker _Vir _: if ; ih ; _cdiiseg . _?? | _¦ ¦ . ; to . _^ [ make . uencey ! . _'j ) _-r their ' _; _except ; _iH > j clothes 7 _^ :. otx . h -.:. » iete > . _^ r _¦> Naturall . v day ? ; . i / _^ -. s tod ¦ j y _.- _^ _l-
oc . The JPromk < _MoreP _te :: _iv _<^ and _^ _^ isufficient _numbereiiied
Schooli' _properly organized _^ _; - op during _!^ _tfee _tramed year _^ _tov mistresses meet ; the n increases _^ ed , but the the _^ difficulty _laboiv : d There £ ' getting _^
_propbrl certainly fit y- _^ _^ _^ not- _* mc _^ | _reijthan _^ three _^ now ;; iii the time _"' ' Training as > _'teffc _^ School ' are his _^' ¦
the school a _^ t _^ aiL Directress _^ _tb' vfor _driveJ _/ thjeir of into thei _' _f _work _- _fehe Seuola tbwn . '; _Wiesfihad Magistral _< agaiiiiy fjust an _^ _'d " ' to _^ "ealil ; arrange , ' ' -for eii we w mbment : ith ' her ; _$ the on _^
S(0hd>Ims Sen- 3pllsfibm^I Mh
S ( _0 Hd > _iMS SEN- _3 PllSfiBM _^ i _MH
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1864, page 301, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011864/page/13/