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J^Pctbe ;:Lam$Jtq£>:T|L^ Crospel> -At Jy...
4 < _tk 6 _tesLc _^ esi tb the _^ a _& ter- _' tlie _^ _6 <> 4 iomicalngaiii of _relspe & table _^ _^ _^ _arguifteiib _eil-ifed _^ _ancfc > _^ wh ' _WeM icii ' _teHs -nouSed _Meves _? _^^ _^ brk _^ _ujpon _^ pe _^ ' _fiiin _pl _^ . _^ _^ of _^( B _ttoei _^ _tfe _^ p bovin as anim _tuiag e b g & is _^ _zkJ an ?
; _' next _result ? _^ _wou ld ib _^ tbe _< _-tipf _^ lSlbmg _!^ of htani _^ ani als into intellectual _Whieli the _imaniiifapturiiig _& i _^ _interests liave _^ _developed ' so largel _?^
_liftndsy _iiie' mill mid _^ owiieris the events insisted -bf o th _£ i' e a _^ _^ _cejrtaib la _^ t _^ _few _^ anlotin _^ onths 4 i _^ _- f ii _ifkeultjiin _aive - _^^ ed y their _^ -
mi _Stefling _i lls . ' _5 ¦ ViDha _^ _- _^ 1 * a ; < 3 :: ter _i _% v ] . of :.. _w > _" _the . _^ _^ ¦ ¦ wd i . ! :: v ! _- _rfe j ; o \ _| _peqp t j ; _-n _lej _arfe ( . ojjj _Collected _/ l ' _,: ) i ; ; rvimd . ii : pro _- _^ . / . n _^ their -il _/; i : e
- _^ - The _^ _revelations _< t _^ Meh _^ -the _; -pagers _^ deow _? - m _^ _akingM of a the sltiggis villages h in _^ stkt _EuGkingiiainsliire _^ _bf > thdse "•( |! _give whoni _^ sM _h 110 _^ testimoti i _ihdpGem yi _^ _td _nt > th i lia e s sonkfen Keen
. o r oflfered _^ _owMer -for _^ _of _iMpftovemenfo _slibhceytateis _- _tibat _' The ais political _>^ _i mere _ecbn iheasur 'Ozn _^ _is- _of t _^ points self-in _oufc terest to
_philanthrop _^ he e should _^ ist improve _^ _appeals _^^ at tne to ; tWe _^ his condition _^ better _^> _Lfeeliiri of _; hi _gso _^ pea oti _> _^ j antry behalf . ; KJ i : - of x The . a
_homei _diown-icast Btit _^ opul in _^ _^ eadh a tiori . base _' the _very ? object threshoM _^ iis _^ e _/ s _^ knie of _^ Mb _^ - Jconifqrtable tOJmake the
ixian _^ ' _^ _¥ _heii more > _kiddies _' petfecti are ' - _^ en o . _i _rn _| _gaging _^ . _y- _'uA servants . _, > _li . i ) _.- i . _tlo _-ri _^ o _theyJ _^ j _^ : _? _choose _jua ; i . _;^ , ) q _-Ae v > _-. j {;
their slatternl _--inin y _-ds aM _y _''^ do carele they _^ _remainJ ones ? J GOnteiit i _^ t _^ _Mst ? _y _ii failing The ! practical -to'ifind > ) : any house to - establishmentsbecause their
keepers organize training , sagacity and _teaches _* the" > _kindl _^ em y _- - _^ hearted ' _oMi iii the _^ _enterprise _ifrom _lpve _:: an d
_gaaiie far pity ' _^ as _^ to " ; the their it ' riaiist pro 1 f _& _^ _llow ujcing ] be _+ as ctkSLttk periect ! m _^ achi _& ' _^ _^ e _^ M possible ds _¦ _con _0 _yrned ' _* _^ In _^ _^ _faict _ds > _preeisely _^ this imaxini _ithe :
of _i _pbliticall : _edonomy i _& ¦ ' the' _iworkman as _^ s _^ _igtrongi . _; bulwark ' . _iagaihM the oppressive _^ exactions' of _^ rapacious- _aind igreedy rhlasters _^ : aB . d
thari aogrea _1 to 'ter _imprestJits kindness ti -could _^ _utili _ori Scarcel the emp y-bid loyer showii ;/! m te _^ d j the ; g : : emp _ifj > ir loyed iii _^ d
_•! 'is _< m _& _tcMiiery' a _^ _g-ain _^ orjloss _^ to I the _^ _^ _einployed _? _^ To ; _iliKe _ckimi praise _^ - _^ Or ' Wot WaMe _^ _kjhitj _^ of vv its 5 ! e'niiist in ven ;' ' _^ _ation ith _^ : _^ r jioliti _^ ri _^ _^ _ve al _« iecbnomy © _afJ has rejoice / - canicilayi _oveq those nb
_fiiie talents _^ _iwit _^ _whibh _dtf ; _/ d a 6 e good _^ _-Providedice i ! endowed soroe _hdiiian _^ ings _^ J :: _ButQie'withinitheiproyiriceiof _politieaJ
of _ecbtto _^ _Chlristi niy'tO _^ iit _' _ett _^ _/ _- _coterage tO ' p _^ ss _^ 'Or _udgnifent ' _rbstraiti _bn its _^^ i _^ _humdhStyyi se _^ 4 _^ vii _6 hli _^ _- - _^ tke _ioi the province _h-yJ _^ _oc _<'* ]
_< _iy _]& dw' % _lriew & _^ worl ( i _>?^ A < _Jo » _^ _makgdb _ndaiiufecturey _> he _^ irniprove prep _^ iiis ' _niaehinery abd' _^ _disinasjpes five oneiwork . hands
tates raa _^ < < _theopla kn d % ay _^ _^ i ( _M'a wdrknl _^ ti , add cOns i _^ he _eqi _^ nunitber _^ nce . _< x of ) Sb : _^ _tfeel h _© _^ _des hi achiii titute e _^ : _'
But is increased does the , . y master _-rls that ;; mak _beneiyplenq e ? no ) rtsei _^?¦ o _^ § _^ _^ oea _-hifeij _^ _tfeat pOun benefit _^—does the he poor bury ?
12®2 £Ttl££&^M-]B^
12 _® 2 _£ ttl _££ _&^ _M- ] B _^
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1864, page 292, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011864/page/4/