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Vol. II. February 1, 1859. No- l2 '
A. certain "Last summer , my daug palace...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Vol. Ii. February 1, 1859. No- L2 '
Vol . II . February 1 , 1859 . _No- l 2 '
Ix—Colleges For (Hkls.
A. Certain "Last Summer , My Daug Palace...
Atain " Last , my daug palace hter which begg I 'd have a boon ,
. cersummer Hard Yet being by your an father man ' s frontier it : I and said there no ,
easy , gave ; Fox All " wild maidens to found on the an University she fled . " spur
, The Princess * Before visablt entering consider on our t special leng subject th the of inquiry ture , it will histor be y ad of
e o asome parison collegiat b y which tablishmen , to measure ts , in order those to which obtain have some alread standard y been un of founde ful com filled d - for the benefit of and those which et remain as
women , y conce The ptions word . lle" belongs to our language by Norman
inheritance term ; , which " colliege , " again co , " since ge is derive modifie d , d throug to college h the _, being Latin noun an old colleg French ium , _,
from the verb colligo , which merely signifies to collect or bring together tion or bod . y In like men manner , and a g a colleg t varie ium ty of teral colleg ly ia meant , man an y and of associa under them
li the ke Emp our ire companies , and the or name guilds imp , exis lied ted that at Rome the persons both , before of whom they bound were com to p act ose or d w serve ere em in plo concert yed in the For same instance functions there , and were , as four it were col- ,
alone after leges . his of There priests death , were , a and fifth also when , college colleges divine was . for honors added those were , emp com loyed , decreed posed in to the h Augustus is offices pries of ts td
government , the liberal arfcs , and even mechanical arts or raes ; eng intende many ineers others d , the ca , rp into Cap enters these itol , butchers companies Games , an , d . being m Plutarch usicians gathered , says and that likewise those it who _afterwards was , among super Numa
-. much wIlo first considered made this by division the civil of law the , peop from le which , and that it may it was be said to have descended to us .
The same more general application of the word " college " may be found for instance in mediaeval the College institutions of Cardinals , many of . which The College are still of in Electors existence , and , as
vo : l . ii . . 2 b
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Feb. 1, 1859, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01021859/page/1/