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¦* »¦ The Other Day I Walked With Madame...
tlie ceremony of was one over , and Now whilst Heaven standing take before tlie wife altar for , I in sh th . aU . e . my
presence not ! ' and then every with loud , steps may strode out of the church . , Blanche , EstelleMonsieur le Cure , and all present , remained confounded as
though , struck by a thunderbolt . returned " Blanche with , followed her mother by a crowd home of indi and gnant never sympathetic again crossed villagers the ,
threshold of the little cottage . Pale , , dejected , and drooping , she was like one who had received a death blow . Her sorrow , her
penitence those , who her meekness then saw , her and . her They sufferings have endeared , will never her be to many forgotten hearts by ,
former if possible and even happ more ier days than . did In May her loveliness she gave birth of mind to whom a and little person the daugh in
ter and , whom almost she heart desired -broken to grandmother be called Estelle shed , and many over tears both of poor love and sorrowIn a short timethe of the motherand then
that of the . little infant , were , borne corpse along the young pathway to , repose in the neighbouring churchyard . Poor Estelle ! it were well for her
could " Henriette she rest calml appeared y with again them at . the chateau within a few weeks thither b
affcer her sister ' s death . She said that she had been sent y together keeper madanie being , to were take infirm evidentl charge . y of She on the and the apartments Jacque most intimate s of Castee the terms famil appeared y , , and the air house op spoke enly
of their ht to approaching show their m contempt arriage . of By public a bold op and inion undaunted . The sole indi they - vidual soug whose expression of detestation has ever been known to make
Jacques miser beggar visibly Whenever flinch , is a he well encounters known Castee character he utter here , s the the most rich
. fearful to fling maledictions after him his against giffc of him a napoleon and Henriette , accompanied , and was with once the most seen
horrible imprecations , although in general the old _beg-gar is ready to receive the merest trifle . about
" Monsieur , as I told you , has gone this very day to the bishop tried business this miserable by , which the business business he can . prevent of The Satan good the himself marriage man , will and . Heaven leave Ah ! no it above means is a black onl un y -
knows what the end of it will be ! " And with a deep sigh and mournful her relation shakin of this g of village her head tragedy , the Cure some 's old of housekeeper the principal termin actors ated in
which it had been our lot to encounter ; during our afternoon ' s stroll through little Puit aux Pres .
M . H .
The Sor&Ows Of Estelle Lamage. 413
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Feb. 1, 1859, page 413, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01021859/page/53/