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. (429)
first of " To Louis day be of or Hapole ...
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. (429)
. ( 429 )
Lxl—Passing Events.
First Of " To Louis Day Be Of Or Hapole ...
first of " To Louis day be of or _Hapole the not new to on be year and , " is , which suggested tlie question to all by appearances a few which ambi has guous , ag is itated likel words y to Europ from agitate e the since mouth it the for
, , some " To time be to " say come those . riht who to sympathise vindicate itself with in the the oppressed long and whil who believe not to
in be the " is power the argument of the g of those who love peace at all costs run , and ; who e , , " so long and funds hihbut little for the chains and
maintains political as dungeons ' markets degradation of are di Nap gnified stead les , of y the and great misery defensive nations and . attitude g suffering Meanwhile , care and in , France Austria the Papal bullies with states , whom Piedmont , or the the
perty quarrel Ail in sorts is the being a of Lonibar possible picked do- , and Venetian marches impossible troops states , sacrifices to preparing the , frontiers are for speculated the and brunt , realises upon of her war for . i _3 the robutsacrifice is in
the the aversion fate act of from of perpetration so which great Poerio a calamity , to and our as his thoug an gallant Europ ht , as comrades ean cruel war , and in captivity , more one terrible have than just
been letters a middle delivered from aged Turin , adventurer the corrob sacrifice orate , whom of the a young she rumours is , noble said which to , and hold have tenderl in latel abhorrence y nurtured gained . Private ground girl to
y in an the aversion daily which papers whether as to the spring Princess ing from Clotilde personal ' s aversion dislike to , or the the marriage Austrian ;
blood to outwei that h flows , political in , her advantages veins , would in the , it mind might and have heart been of hoped her royal , be father suffered . g
publi " Our c attention homeless and poor sympath " evoked have y , . during A inundation letter the of month of appeal subscri , occup , backed ied a b large y an eloquent share of
leader in the " Times" an ptions . _^ Necessary as these to advocates symptom refuges or supporter appear while , the s to , that be disease , , it with should remains few exceptions not untouched be lost , to si . y g - ht offer After of , only either all alleviation the by truest their
to thinking charity the a is there e that al m , which is ade danger in hel behalf ps that the of the poor Refuges read to y hel and for p themselve the generous Homeless s response , and Poor we , of may cannot , the provoke public avoid app
the and Let streets encourage not of the be mendicity metropoli misunderstood , a s fact during -to which The the last poor the few want sudden weeks help influx bears from evidence of the beggars rich . ; they into
where want not more us onl than y money in our but workhouses personal . , sympath whose casual y and wards superintendence , it appears , , and remain noand other crowdedbecause in
unfilledwhile Field Lane refuges are , our workhouses Let then , those poverty who is have insulted money and to treated give , g as ive a liberall crime . y to schools , and more the not onlreceived for the ht but
their where especiall disposal they y to are refuges taught by where to iving help that themselves poor time are ensure , while a y those different whose order time of nig onl thing y is s in at
, may , g , workhouses Homeless Poor which . " As sliall Lowell result the in American making j them ) oet-philosop indeed her " Refuges , expresses for it our in
a our beautiful Saviour is poem supposed but little to be , known speaking on : — this side of the Atlantic , and where
« ' Himsel Who bestows fhis hungering himself \ vi nei fch g his hbour alms , and feeds me three . " , — ,
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Feb. 1, 1859, page 429, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01021859/page/69/