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» Of At So A Time Much Like Discussion T...
the expiration of which time , many conflicting interests helped to bring In * 1375 about Waldemar a renewal of III hostilities . of Denmark . died from taking some kind
but of Margaret quack no woman medicine and , Ingeborg had , and ever , left were rei no gned the son actual in to Denmark succeed inheritrices him and . of thoug His his daug king h each hters dom of ,
, these Princesses had now become the mother of a son , the direct male line of the ancient dynastwas indisputably ended .
Hereupon the States assembled at Odensee y , and the subject was formally debated . Although some electors proposed to transfer the succession
to a distant collateral branch of the royal family , and some even went so far as to suggest the nomination of a foreign Prince , the
maj and after ority Henry a protracted were , and throug Olaf session hout , the divided son the of assembl between Margaret y broke Albert and , up Hako the without son . of At Ingeborg length having ,
were arrived for at the any first conclusion time called , , and into Margaret service , , hastened whose dip to lomatic profit talents by the
and delay in . no She wise was beautiful now" just twent Still y there -three was years something of age , dusk noble y as in ever the ,
. expression and persuasive of her in her countenance address . , and Being something at all times infinitel more y winning graceful
than with naajestic whom she , she came gained in contact the affection and was as well beside as s the all respect this of iffced those b , gy
nature with such rare and irresistible ; eloquence , as seldom comes within the radius of a woman ' s acquirements . Conscious of these
regarded advantages by to , and all work classes fully sensible of the her sympathies father of the ' s affection subjects of the electors , with she which now , and strove turn she was her in
every way upon own sents . popularity She flattered to account the . aristocracy She spared , she neither courted promises the church nor , pre she
conciliated the peasantry . She engaged , with certain limitations , that the nobles should receive the fines inflicted on their vassals ,
instead of the money being paid over , as heretofore , to the crown ; that no man in holy orders should be invested with civil or military
dignities ; and that the King should never enter upon a war without first obtaining the consent of his noblessenators , and clergy . To
, the church she guaranteed the continuance of its full rights and immunitiesand undertook that no layman should hold benefices ;
that no aliens , should become dignitaries ; that bishops should be amenable only to their ecclesiastical judges ; and that the inferior
the peasantry clergy wretchedness should , the be very of liable con their ditions to position none upon . but which No their man she , bishops she bribed promised . them As , for should argue the
be executed without trial , or forced to repair the royal palaces without paymentor have his goods confiscated without sufficient offence
, being and sentenced proven against to death him he . was Nay to , more be allowed —when a month judiciall and y convicted a day to
, flee the kingdom !
Mabgaret Of Norway, 13
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 1, 1859, page 13, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01031859/page/13/