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+ Beautiful As Weeds, Flowers If Left Un...
long upheld and indulged , they become , if we may so speak , tangible petrifactionsand are received and known as custom and usage . It
, may be , that what is in our day a false view , a prejudice , and a foolish custom , was once a true view , and therefore had a right at
that time to be acted out . In the same way words are admirable ) so long as they represent the idea meant to be conveyed , but when
the idea has grown and expanded , and the outer covering remains as small as in the infancy of the thought , then is the word useless _,
the " geist" has escaped and we have only the dead letter , the shrivelled husk , the lifeless form . Nay , it is worse than useless , it
is deceptive , because it is still held up as having its original worker meaning — , ' having whereas 1 been , from busy the , sp it irit has of entirel change y — lost that its never primitive -resting
significance . less There ' and is this likewise is from another their const way ant in which iteration -words which become acts meaning like the
never , -ceasing dripping of water : in process of , time the stone on which it for ever fallswears away , and the wood and the moss on
, which its ice-drops rest , lose their original vitality and become petrified substances . In similar mannerthe perpetual repetition of common
, words hardens and ossifies them , until they are no longer living representations , but a series of sapless , shell-like fossils , and thus
they remain , waiting for some master mind or wand of genius to revivify themand make once more " the dry bones live . "
, The use or misuse of words is so little thought of , that few apprehend evil results from what seem to be only harmless sounds ; and
yet from these apparently harmless , often musical and pleasant soundsas much misery ( we use a strong term , but it is a true one )
, springs into actual being as from any prejudice or superstition by which women have in all ages been victimized to a far greater
extent than men . In speaking or writing of woman and her affairs , the public have
so long been accustomed to a certain set of stereotyped phrases , ( many of these now done to death , and fit only to be cast aside as
useless , " ) that when other signs are chosen to "represent what is alive and not dead _5 alarm is taken lest some idol or household image is
about to be demolished . The dear , old , smoke-dried _" Lares" are hugged more tenderly
tic than hearth ever / , the " Guardian moment" angels Paterfamilias , _" " Home catches altars the " " sound Loving of hearts " Domes "— - ¦ '
, in those after-dinner speeches , where such loving sentiment flourishes undisturbed by the mocking laugh , or wailing sigh of those wan
women who are wandering in the rough _, stony places of the world ' s highwaywho have neither homes , nor hearthsnor domestic altars
, , , whereon to place a shrine . How those kindly meaning men would start were a band of such spectralchilly forms suddenly to appear
, before them , and with earnest voices and imploring tears beg for
something more substantial to be given them than airy words and
74 Facts Versus Ideas-
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), April 1, 1861, page 74, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01041861/page/2/