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The Evil Of Intoxicating Drink Is One Of...
¦ that every descri lied ption to of the literature hih-born offered wealth to the consumer public , of as well _"liht in y g
reading sup / p ' as in that in g which the masses revel . The active princile of the stimulant in both cases is alikeit is the
p , manner offspring . * of The the- works same root of fiction , and does popular its deadl with y work all classes in the same have
identical bases ; they all minister , to the same depraved , desire to know all the sinuosities of evil in human society ; they all
suit metamorp represent the tastes hoses the of same ; all and sorts are ideas made of and up le subjects with . various under combination innumerable s to peop
We may paraphrase a well-known axiom : " Show me what character you read , quite and as I will well tell as living you what associates you are . . Selections " Books betray reveal
proclivities what-a man , and is as these any company mute witnesses he may are keep as . good Ah ! evidence ladies and of
gentlemen other itinerant the very in nothing same newsvendor , you thing pay else your that b you y the your guinea do pennyworth in poorer that to you Mudie nei ! both g If hbour and you deli others buys resemble ght in from for seeing each just the
your fellow-creatures , in the depths of vice ; you love the history of iniquity ; that which you profess to loath in flesh and blood , you gloat over in print ! The girl , from whom you start aside
with , horror ; the ruffian , whose presence you would not tolerate for a moment ; these are they whose lives so deeply interest you , because But what they kind excite of " your sensations feelings ? " , furnish Hatred you of with sinlove " sensations of virtue !" ?
You think it is those two good emotions that you , feel , but I tell guilt you it and is not that . anxiety Those thrills to know of intense " the end interest " of the in story the career are due of
to nothing , better than morbid curiosity , and to the wish , , as old as Eve's , that , after all , the serpent may be right , and that
everything " Sensation may Heading turn out " is well formed and on happ the ily Devil ! ' s own model . It and Satanwords
is "Ye all one shall gran not d surel effort to die prove " the God truth a ! liar It , makes the ' s sinner ' s , finale just the same y asthe , saint ' s " they merely take different
. , courses through life , they all get well off in the long run , " according to the " fashionable novels " and their the popular Serial this
lest p Stories lausibl conscience ; y and to their their condemn dupes existence . the They " depends sensation must not on " blurt but they it out telling must roug tone hly ,
it down to meet the eye without shocking , the perceptions , and disguise the materials with which they deal so as to convey
their substan gross ce unrecognized into the system . Their subtle poison is easily swallowed ; it is sheathed and masked , and slips
• quickly past the mental palate ; and then its action is so gentle
Intoxicating Reading. . 107
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), April 1, 1864, page 107, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01041864/page/35/