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-«*9»- Any One Who Happens To Be In The ...
many tense darkness a gem ; stars beautiful which flowers by their shooting silen up t * radiance amid briers relieve , and vary the ing
inthe uncultivated ; weedwaste . , These are scattered very thinly , looking as if an angel , had y dropped them in his night , but they shed 4
a sweet perfume and tell of another paradise , " Allure to brighter worlds and lead the way . "
But what is to be done to relieve all this wretchedness ? First , what is its cause ? The cause lies somewhere—where ? etc
the thoug Certainl idea h bitter of y the not and with aristocracy heavy the their merchants being meed in , manufacturer any of does curses way connect . connected Absurder s , foremen them with still , The this is .,
result cause ; is true nearer , an ignorant homeit , morbid is at fancy homenor so is it competent . to the legislature to interfere , If a man strikes , me down and tramples on
. methe arm of the law seizes and punishes him , it is always bare for , defencebut if I will lie . downhow shall it interfere to prevent
my my being tramp , led on ? Shall it , interpose to lessen the hours of labor ? It cannotI will take my work home and sew all night if
. I chooseand as the price of all labor is regulated by the equality or preponderanc , e of supply and demand , the manufacturer does
but make the same claim which the workpeople would make if the scale The preponderated scale be on made the to other preponderate side . on the other side . may
How ? By the simplest means . Let our operatives ke & p their wives at home at home and . " a They penny are saved wanted is a penny there got . . They " They can save can render money
their homes , fit for their reception , and render them independent of the Let public the men house cease , which to is hardl ort the y the publican case as ' s things family , and at present provide .
for their own . He that supp does not this is " worse than an infidel " It is unquestionably true that tens of thousands of English men
and are slaves women to are their terribl own y appetites oppressed , — to they a degrading are abject ignorance slaves ; but , not they to members of the lower
classes any man or class each of other men , Am excepting 1 a seamstress that ? then I am terribly
oppress . oppressed own ? . If Most I am certainl virtuous y . — " no Who . The then ragged are my , wretched oppressors , drunken —am I , my
idle charter home operatives to , are take my care who oppressors of congregate their . children Instead in taprooms and of maintaining make , and their bleat their wage about s wives elastic the at ,
th cannot ey force get any them thin into g like the a re alread asonable y overstocked , remuneration in the labor for -market my classes toil , and . but I
It is true that there is plenty of tyranny upper , a it stead all . y After industrious all " mechanic right is will might generally . " Liberty be able is not to say to be "Ah had If a" for to
the will asking not asse nor rt th for eir dignity demanding and walk _* but erect for the , they deserving must be . content men
170 Warehouse Seamstresses.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), May 1, 1859, page 170, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01051859/page/26/