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JWs, ^?re7 1 7#&, 1862. The deel great i...
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( 201 )
( 201 )
Xxxvil—Our French # Correspondent.
Jws, ^?Re7 1 7#&, 1862. The Deel Great I...
_JWs , _^? _re 7 1 7 _# _& , 1862 . The deel great interes naval ted duel the between French public tlie Monito but r in and a lesser the Merrimac degree than has
the p apparition y of "Victor Hugo ' s last , work . " Les Miserables" is i t has on every since drawing the third -room of this table m , onth and , in passed every circulating through so librar many y ;
hands , as to look soiled and tattered as the garments of poor little Thenaudier Cosette after she As joine a top d the ic o famil f conversa y circle tion of M it onsieur has in and the Madame same
. , short period been almost worn threadbare . cc Toujours les Miser-• Miserables ables ; par tout dans les les Mis salons erables on . _rf On entend n affic parler 7 ie dans que les d _' eux rues " w que ere ces a
; , w fe e w days continua since ll the assaile despairing d with expressions diatribes of against a Legi the timis social t , whose evils ears of y
the present day , and who could not escape from hearing the warmest eulog t iums thfull passed exposed upon them the to writer the civilized who so world ably in so the eloquen work tly -which , and
so now creates y a , greater sensation than did ever " Uncle Tom ' s Cabin . " The walls are covered with enormous yellow placards , announcing
in ever pink pleases letters may , severa buy l the centimetres first part long of this , that terrible for twelve record francs of human whofrancs
misery It is no , or unusual the three thing parts to , see makin the g blouses up the with set , for their thir faces ty-six literally . title
hardl which flattened c _' est y mi h one se a against r v able e would for d t ' the e tre imag window the ine charm p " panes receded involuntary of dividing nove pictures lty . b them urs " of t Grand from life the a that day Dieu before - would / page que ,
_ressem bookseller yesterday bl & t ' a from s M shop . a street in pauvre nos the -sweeper m Faub iseres _, , ourg who ne seraient St was . Honore wistfull des ; y " articles S gazing i la de socie into luxe te a _Httgo que
tout The -d-fait ; _au-dessus are , la as porte full e of des " pauvres Les Miserables " " as the dead walls . newspapers
which limited Comptes , the are rendus general given of day the readers after two volumes day onl , as find , well to too which as short interminable it has as hitherto they extracts awaken been ,
y , twelve curiosity francs in the for most a new tantalizing novel are manner not at ; the and disposal thirty-six of , every or even one
subscribing M . Hugo , did 1 to not the publish cheap journals his thrilling so common narrative here of . human It is a suffering pity that and the
in read public a would cheaper would fail have form to gained buy than it lie considerabl were did ; each by y doing . part Few sold so , who both for know a he coup how le to of
if francs largel ; y and circulated the lesson , fail of to true be attended charity which with excellent it inculcates results coul . d not The ,
_vindictive character of what we are in the habit of calling _"justice , "
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), May 1, 1862, page 201, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01051862/page/57/