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-Afta— At The Southern End Of The Rue D'...
donkey cochin- , chinas four or and five other goats denizens and sheep of of the different barn-yard breeds , who , ducks live ,
, together On fine in days perfect , one amit sometimes y and rustic finds goodwill chair the . artist inside , in the a wide-awake busil or
a sun-bonnetseated on a paling , y , have sketching taken some care one to present of these ourselves animals ; on but a more Friday frequentl afternoon y , —if , the we of the
only time when it is possible to gain access to the divinity ushered place , invisible through to lass mortal doors eyes into during the the hall rest with of the paintings week— on we the are
Avails , orange trees g and oleanders standing , in green tubs in the corners , and the floor ( since the artist crossed the Channel !) covered
with with thick English grey oil- drugget cloth . , From bring thi Us s to hall the a atelier few stairs , which , simp on ly Fridays covered
is turned into a reception-room . This beautiful studio , one of the largest and most
finely-proportioned in Paris , with its greenish-grey walls , and plain green curtains to lofty windows that never let in daylight—the room being
li apartments ghted entirel anywhere y from to the be found ceiling . — All is one the of woodwork the most is ch of arming dark
oakas are also the bookcase , tables , chairs , and other articles of furniture , —richly . carved , but otherwise of most severe simplicity —•
distributed about the room . The walls are covered with paintings , and poles sketches sandals , gnarled , casts collected , and old armour twisted by the , vine fishing artist -branches -nets in , her ru , de p wanderings icturesque baskets and hats among pouches , cloaks the ,
peasants of -animals of various antlers and regions horns , nondescri . The fine pt draperies old bookcase , bones contains and skins fully
, mounted as many with casts as , skeletons mbust , s and curiosities in laster , as books shields , and and is other surgroups p ,
way looking artistic with booty stone little of , at as casts the its any top upper and are can bronzes end seen , accommodate of on . the easels Paintings room ; at and is the of , covered the lower all great sizes in end the , Gothic and of same the in - stage progress
room every ; our artist always , working at several at a time . Stands of portfolios are arrot chirp , ing and in stacks cages iciously of of canvas various from , line the dimensions the top sides of , a of and loffc the y a perch studio magnificent . ; birds
Scattered p over eyes the you floor susp —as bright as waxing can make it—are skins of admitted tigers , oxen b , the leopards artist , into and her foxe - s work ; the -room only . _species " They of give floor me -covering ideas "
y costl she y says and of luxurious these favorite carpet is suggestive appurtenances of nothing , " whereas . " the most
But the suggestion of picturesque associations is not the only footed service members occasionall of y the rendered animal to king the dom artist . by I remember these spoils going of the to four call
on rather her , earlier one sultry than Friday her usual afternoon reception , two hour , or and three finding summers her ly ago ing , *
228 Rosa Bonheuu.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), June 1, 1858, page 228, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01061858/page/12/