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First And Foremost Among Home Events Of ...
era as last on autumn this time —Saturday -honored , site May . 15 The th , witnessed ra _|) id and the substantial inauguration erection of a of new so h is it that
large a building is almost unprecedented , and no small triump its acoustic and ventilating qualities are found to be excellent Garden . Mr Theatre . Barry
stands and Mr a . monument Gye have achieved of what wonders skill and , and ingenuity the new may Covent accomplish , backed by the thews and sinews of British artisans
which The omits House the of words Lords " having on the true rejected faith . the of a 5 th Christian clause " of in the the O oath aths' when Bill , Russell moved that
resolution the taken House by member of Commons division s of the was do Jewish carried disagree persuasion b from 263 , to the Lord 150 Lords . John U ' amendment a further , motion which y pon
moved disagreeing of Lord that John upon B from aron Russell the Rothschild , a Lords , committee in be their a member was amendment aj > pointed of the to , committee and draw Mr up . the T . a reasons Duncombe resolution for
whichafter some discussion and an adjournment to the following , day ( May 11 ) Thus , was , carried have by the 251 curious to 196 . spectacle of a Christian legislative assembl
arguing , we discussing , and legislating for the preservation intact of what y the great founder and master of Christianity distinctl for y it forbids is God . " throne But I
say unto you swear not at all ; neither by Heaven , ' s ; nor by the earth , for it is God ' s footstool . * * But , let your these communica cometh of
tion be yea , yea ; nay , nay ; for whatsoever is more than evil . " 18 thMrSlaney asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill to enable
or May facilitate and regulated , grants . recreation of land to of be adults appropriated and as lay near -grounds populous for places children for the .
use , ppoor Many call attention of our subscribers to this fact being and to personall the advertisement y interested in in our this advertising undertaking pages , we ,
for by which the attainment it will be of seen this that , most an desirable effort is making object , both in public and private ,
. May ired 18 at th her , soon residence after five at Richmond o ' clock in . the This morning fatal termination , the Duchess to an d'Orlean attack s exp
into of influenza deep , affliction was wholl . Her y unlooked dignified for and , and heroic has plunged bearing the at exiled the sitting royal famil of the y Chamber of Deputies the 24 th of February 1848 where she presented
fresh herself in , with our her recollection two childr on . en The , claiming fortitude the of throne this , noble for , the princess Count , de under Paris the , is
under sudden the and misfortunes terrible bereavement of exilecombined of her royal with her husb known and , and devotion , subsequentl as wife y , and motherendear her to the memories , of all .
long We and are grap indebted , hic account to Mr . Russell of Ex-Commissioner , the well-known Yeh , Times wherein corresp i dirt oble ondent , dissimula , for a -
tion of the , and great deceit man form of a country prominent , who characteristics coolly owns . to A the more execution gn of specimen 200 , 000 men and women under his rule , it would be difficult to conceive evident . However that in
exalted Chinaas the elsewhere boasted " practice Taoli" may and be precept in theory are , far it is from very being one and the that same his thing , life . was The in abject no , danger terror , the evinced shrewd by calculations Yeh on his arrest for personal , until comfort assured , followed
and the assumption of personal dignity which instantaneously , we with shew have the self yet to be cunning to his learn main . which Yeh -spring made parrie of him action d que assume . stions What indifference and Chinamen baffled to surrounding suggestions really are ,
same believed objects while himself others safe from were observation present , to . climb Loathsome to the in stern his windows and when habits he person admirable ,
Yehthe external manis made familiar to us bMr . Russell ' s descri , ption ; but Yeh , the , moral and intellectual y * being , the representative of
his race , is as great a riddle as ever .
Passing Events. 287
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), June 1, 1858, page 287, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01061858/page/71/