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¦ ¦ ¦ • ; .:- • ; \ ;;,P After Two Years...
which In anal made ysing him what soand he must was , try we to must think allow what for he would the causes have
been had his nature , been developed in its own true sphere . artist For he was "When born I think an artist of his ; in being the hi condemned ghest and widest to business sense , and an
. , full to the of environment sympathfull of of such indi natures gnation as . he I am met touched with in with it , I the am
y , beautiful keenest pity in its when delicate I think honour of a nature its so worth high and iration gentle , its so y asp
sensitive laced in contact feelings with , sold the into coarsest slavery , natures to the . As lowest with pursuits the , lad , y
in p Oomusinner virtue bore him unharmed through , the foul rout . And , even business never made him base . It could but not
the degrade make golden him . He calf suffer could , Crushed but never never and be broug stoop tram ht ; led it to in could fall the down s torture trugg and le , worshi he yet p
had throug iven h all it suffering to . him . and In sorrow the fi , g kep ht p he t his kept nature his pure shield , as ; God and ,
remained g noble in all his feelings , and in all his spirit , To degrade " In , desp and ite drag of down the world , and ' s oppose dull endeavour it for ever . "
must I fancy have the men aid of him business the amongst liment whom the onl his y sad one lot they was could cast comp
of their p hatred . The rooks must , have hated the dove who pay cam , e so strangely amongst the loftiness them . They and must which have resented to
them with an a perpetual angry dislike reproach and discomfort . purity There was were a daily beauty in his life which made theirs ugly ive . him He for did forgive
them ; but I doubt if they would ever forgbeing so much , above them . far above selfishnessHoland
With every motive raised , possessed motives and a character singular power he could of penetration look quite throug into other h the men deeds ' s ;
b of y men a glance ; and was duplicity gifted , meanness with that , clear worldliness insi of g hum ht . which I am and detects certain that
that he of had satire naturall which y is the its keenest concomitan sense t . He shrank our , toolike power from tinaturesOnlin _^ the , at
a sensitive lantanpathetic . y - mosphere How of p sympath such , a y man could must he unfold have suffered his nature in business and his I
powers _Business . utilizesabsorbs into itselfthat which is coarse and low toned in hum , anity ; when it cannot , degrade the higher
to nature And note it yet how seeks in the his to flicker works destroy of ( which it . iration I am shot now up reading throug ) it h is the curious presasp
sure of corroding cares , the depression of ill-health . The brave
The Record Of A Vanished Life. 261 \
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), June 1, 1864, page 261, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01061864/page/45/