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Cambr Cambeidge idExaminers Local having...
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To The Editor Of The English Woman's Jou...
ness labourer for . one Think shilling of that per , ye week poor and " slavies the scantiest , " who lead of board a life of and toil lod and ging wretched in those - let to sinle gentlemen "
abodes where the principal apartments are " g . poor Australia , begr would imed , hard have -worked seemed , an but El tender Dorada -hearted —an earthl little y Marchioness and paradise—to left who the it
so till imag lives carefull Sampson inary out in y character meek tended Brass and the ' s of patient clerk sick Dickens bed grew resignation ' of . careless We well have in again Dick the hundreds . back Swiveller The kitchen like Marchioness , her s , working and never sculleries was their no
value of the or great learn metr how opolis the . matrons How it of is Belgravia that they and so Ty seldom burnia find are out yearnin their g real for
their life . , services Stillsuch , forms is the one case of and the it reall is almost y incomprehensible hopeless to expect mysteries that it of will London ever
be on otherwise the increase , . However and the , the , question demand is for as good to how gener far al a servants proper supp is continuall ly can be y
increase fem obtained allabour . of There female , in is factories p reason opulation for out believing among stri the the that labourin increase , notwithstan g of classes population din , g the the dem . continued Female and for
labour and withal e , desp so ite do the cile largeness that wherever of the ps demand practicable for it it , is is comparativel employed in y preference so cheap ,
to male labour in the , factories and workshops of the country . This is one class prejudicial of the to indirect which to the they effects best belong of interests ill . -considered In , both the factories of strikes the female it , and is impossible workers can onl themselves y for be them regarded to and learn the for as
the the disch duties arge and of routine their m of arried a well obli -ordered gations home . Hence , or to it prepare is that themselves in the cottondeficient manufacturing in knowled districts the of the wives houehold of the operatives Could prove a portion in general of this so
labour-stream a be diverted ge into other s chann economy elssuch . as domestic service , much the supp good number ly to of the female general of suitable labour community wives would for augment would prudent be the and the value , hardworking result of . that A diminution of operatives the men , in would while the
who be largel visit y increased the public . -hous In the e saloons factory and districts dancing the rooms number is almost of young incredible females , those lost and unfortunate creatures
and goes far to explain the number of trials wise which , they and haunt temptations would the strive gas-lig of to ht such fit pavements their a life daug are of hters m our any for streets , domesti but . those If c service working which . men beset True were , the the
emp wide path loyment of wide the world factory , she is but girl too the often are domestic still , indeed more servant , cast numerous both who homeless . faithfull If the y and latter disch hopeless arges be cast her on out duty the of ;
to lend fortunatel her , less emp encouragement y , loyers good m seldom asters to and lacks their mistresses a female home . are offspring Bad still emp more entering loyers so . are If the parents common factories afterwards would , , but but ,
subjecting allowed servicenot and them onl even y would to encouraged the " Paterfamilias wholesome them to restraints attend " possess school better and a dis little chances cipline more of of , obtaining domestic find
_industrious p a laced good , more servant , and frequentl , economical but the y "within deserving wife . his reach and provident the power working of John obtaining man Plummeb would a neat . ,
Facts And Scraps. 287
Xlvl—Facts And Scraps.
Cambr Cambeidge Idexaminers Local Having...
Cambr Cambeidge idExaminers Local having Examinations now been publi Gibls shed , . — it appears Report that 83 of g irls ge
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), June 1, 1864, page 287, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01061864/page/71/