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„_ N» Whiie The Opening's For Women's Ad...
themselves _$ o give attention , in selecting- their employes , to these certificates .
Up to this present year—such is the force of habit , and the patient acquiescence of women in their own exclusion from
compeconsidered tition with this the important other sex , movement that scarcel as y affecting any one 1 any appears but young to men have .
In some of our manufacturing towns , where women are much more numerously employed in industrial occupations than in London ;
many of these institutes comprise a large proportion of -women their members ; but no one dreamed of competing for one
of among the Society ' s certificates . The possibility of such an event seemsindeednot to have entered the minds of the original
promoters , of the , system ; and when two years ago it was incidentally alluded to , it appears to have startled the most benevolent and
active of its supporters , and to have been looked upon as a delicate and a dangerous subject . Mr . W . J . Fox , however , who was
present at the conference , boldly asserted that "he saw no reason wh awarded y females by the should Societ not " compete but the suggestion for the honorary was not certificates responded
to . The idea seemed to y ; be felt like a sudden note of discord in a well-trained orchestra . It passed away , and was forgotten .
This year , however , upon the institution of the widely extended lan of local boardsan unexpected question was put to the society
p , members by one of should its institutions offer themselves in union to be . examined Supposing , would women the , Society being
refuse to , allow them to be admitted , and to grant them certificates if successful ? Some young women had indeed offered themselves !
The board deliberated , and to their great honor , finally determined that the sex of the applicant in nowise concerned them as examiners .
Young women , coming within the conditions applicable to the other sex When , would it not is remembered be refused . that the idea is novelthat to up very
, recently it was not known that these candidates would be admitted , it is not to be expected that they would be numerous , or that they
would exhibit any remarkable proficiency ; but we regret to find that no one has been successful in obtaining a certificate of the highest
class . None have presented themselves for examination save in thei French language . These were from literary institutions in Bristol * each
Manchester , and Macclesfield . Two young persons , aged ei ( second ghteen , class and ) one in age this d twent stud y- . eight Three , take others certificates aged of respectivel proficiency y
y , have seventeen taken , ei certificates ghteen , and of the thirty third -seven class , — . the We latter regret a that governess the results , — -
are , as yet , no better than this , because we feel convinced that the testimonial possession of to one young of the person Society ' anxious s certificates to obtain would emp be loyment a valuable or
improve her condition any , and therefore , a new means of breaking
down the barrier which at present shuts them out _from so many
The Society Of Arts Examinations. 831
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), July 1, 1858, page 331, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01071858/page/43/