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" Going Abroad," Like Authorship, Is No ...
escortwho had apparently just discovered my whereabouts , blind by caused the , faith way me . to as At hasten he last woun I to reached d my in and party my out , putting guide of the , - and carcases up followed my pencils to tak him , e & me c in .,
to friendsmuttering- ominously at every step , and lookinglong any my thing ? had but he , pleasantl anxiousl lost y y at and ? me and vainl . Had y this searched I kep his t him for of me waiting testif , and ing too at
just his last deli g been iven ght emp me at loy restoring over ing as their me leisure once was more in pur to chasin the way friends g some who of y had his hotographs ? NoI understood what it all meantwhen on
put p again a imperfect visiting few finishing - the drawing ; scene touches of Scarcel my to wh sketch at at had the I to best ok pencil out could a , pen be touched cil but to a
paper very consular , not than permission fortifications I was informed a ? sing . Once le it was strok in y e Bologn against was illegal a my the I had rules ! been Surel ; " without y nearl these y
knowing works were arrested in l the y for , and distance a more in perfect elaborate and a g innocence limpse sketch of , , some introduced into other which fortifications some I had earth un - . -
The whole British army , could have made nothing of the seized subject of an " by ; officer but the after authorities and a an gentleman hour , and ' s work I , _" saw (?) ray it who Guardia rolled poor comp little up lacentl where in sketch the y watched hands black was ;
Madonna my descent from to the tak Monte e the military della under her , protection a , but does not teach appears manners in her school . At Pompeiihowever
, , my pencil I had -strokes a half hint were that suffered I mi to ht remain add to them my own but property I did not ; n
linger wish ay , knowing about the ly to Eorum do anything , ruins in g of illegal the temp theatres , les and to so Isis , moved , Hercules , . on to ,
and other divinities , and to spect . ic iC Excavations Oh there are is , I a suppose great deal , still more going to on be ? " discovered I observed yet . ;
come here yes , and you shall see the very latest additions to the Pompeiian We entered , collection a small . " building " , and there under glass cases , skeletons
ve death probabl of ' ry full attitudes -grown sudden y awaiting in peop and which their le unexpected , just perh removal as aps they on to overtook the Nap had 23 les been rd , them were of discovered August . some One , skeleton a , . d in . the 79 ,
else all was I can was . in , onl I very a y remarkably describe singular it as is from looking perfect a compound the . more condition , encrustatio like of , many copperas but n of the things lava than appearance , & mostl anything c , which y of of
Buffered volcanic by ori suppose g water in , pumice as well stone as fire , hot , hence ashes , the dust greater , & c . Herculaneum inj , ury done
322 From Naples To Pompeii.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), July 1, 1864, page 322, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01071864/page/34/