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B Some Lush Beautifu Inkan L D Roses Mos...
And u You the shall princess have the laug whole hed , say wreath ing- — . " her beautiful
But in pulling it off , down came all shining hair The that prince reached was almost enchanted to the ground I think . he would rather have
had one of the shining golden . tresses , but of course he did not pre So sum he e took to ask the for wreath one . and when he was out of everybody ' s
sig He " ht Had he laced ki ever ssed the flower it many wreath s such times , carefull homag . e paid in a them lendid ? " said box the covered roses . y sp
with crimson p velvetand lined with white satin . , Not " He must day indeed passed , prize without us , " s his aid the roses them . a visit . The
wreath a was faded nowand it would pay have been difficult to tell what color the flowers , had once beenbut the prince seemed
to treasure it as much as ever . , One day the roses caught altered sight of themselves in a mirror ,
s and aid " Thi saw the s how roses must much be " he a th likes most ey were us constant quite as . young well now man thoug , this h prince we are , "
faded and withered , . Doubtlessit is our sweet perfume that , plea For ses som him e . " time after that the prince did not come to look at
the rose-wreathbut at last the roses heard his voice , and they whispered " He is to coming one , another " ,
He was not alone . , for they heard him speaking to some one , and he saidnot shown
" " Then I have he got has something not forgotten that I us have he still appreciates you . " us , " said
the roses . , The prince opened the boxand the beautiful princess bent
over the withered flowers . , u the ath of that
me " . See Ah , " ! said I have the ever prin kep ce , t it for wr your e sake . roses Julia " Goddabd you gave _.
Gatherings For Girls. 421*
Ii. The Broken" Needle.
I was a very polished gentleman oncethough I am old and
, rusty I now . of five and twentbrothersand we lived in a dark was one
paper dwelling so small that we y had scarc , ely room to turn in it . into hous
jBut a lady took us into her service , and put us a e
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Aug. 1, 1864, page 421, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01081864/page/61/