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——.. ^ We Do Not Propose To Consider In ...
kitchen cause-a-great diminution of labor , and should the continental fashion of _eating in common increase in this country , the application
of such contrivances on a large scale will become generally possible . " Water lifts' transferred now conveyed from by the pipes warehous to the e top to the of every club and well- from built thence house ,
to the private dwelling , gas stoves , or gas Jires , like the beautiful and cleanly specimen exhibited in the Crystal Palace , all tend to
diminish the amount of the household labor of women . The inventive tendencies of the present time have lately set strongly in this
direction , and we have at least learnt not to be sceptical on the score of the possibilities of science . Who knows that our houses may not
shortly become * self-acting , ' may not wash their own steps , scrub their own floors , light their own fires , and be generally capable of
turning themselves ' out of windows . ' On this point , Theodore Parker , the American preacher , has said eloquent words . In a
ser-Function mon delivered of Woman by him , occurs at Boston this passage , in 1858 on , partiall entitled y ' unoccup The Public ied
women . what " In the progress onlfeminine of mankind work , and the whereb application much of masculine time is saved science from to
the wheel was once and the y loom , the oven and , — the spit y , so with the consequent increase c on s i e quence hes , the th saving ereof , * — of this time class , and of the women intellectual is continuall education y enl which arging come . Wi s th in _£ .
is us a in great New deal England larger , in than all most the north men , commonl it is a very y th large ink it class is . . It is * continuall * * * _j y enlarging garment , and you was see made why at . home When all manufactures web wove at were home domestic , — thread when
spun every at home , every fleece dyed , at every home , —when the husband , every provided the wool or the sheepskin , and the wife made it a coat ,- —when the husband mortar brought home a sack it between of corn on a mule ' s back , and the wife pounded it in a
domestic , or function ground miht well two consume stones all , as the in the time Old of Testament a able , —then -heade the d woman . But now-a g -dayswhen so much work is done abroad very —when the
' flour-mills of Rochester and , Boston take the place of the pestle and , mortar , two and enormous the hand-mill Old of Testament the Old women Testament , sp , inning —when and Lowell weaving and Lawrence year out and are in
the year butcher , day and and the night baker both h , — the when tailor so much and the of woman cook and ' s work the is - done maker by and she is no longer obliged , y to dior mould with her own hands gas ,
candle that " goeth not out by nig p ht , " as in the Old Testament woman every ' s functions housekeep . ing This , —you will see become how yet very more much the of case woman . Ere ' s long time , is a great left for deal other of
human lofty science hands will in the be app house lied , as to out housekeep of it . in And g , and accor work ding be ly done , you b see y other , that than the and class larger of women . " not wholly taken up by the domestic function will get larger
The experience of New England and that of Old England is alike , and creates a corresponding tendency among our young women
to enter upon professional life ; some on the spur of a stern necessity , others inspired by a hearty enthusiasm , others making a
compromise between the two modes of life , and gasping a perpetual protestation of womanhood , while stitching together the old cloth
and the new . .
2 Osf The Adoption Ol'^Bdpessiojstai* Li...
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1858, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091858/page/2/