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- A And Very That Striking Of Land Diffe...
a chair occupying a central position on the platform ; at Ms either side four or five girlschoice specimens selected out of a large school
, , proceede immediatel d before y ranged a somewhat themselves numerous , and the auditory examination , consisting forthwith 1 almost
entirely of ladies . Very short was the time necessary to convince me , after the examination began , that my stock of Italian was
amply sufficient for all the requirements of this exhibition , for nothing could possibly exceed the simplicity of the questions put by
the examiner . Girls from ten to fifteen years of age were required to tell how many vowels there were in the Italian language , and after
demanded that , a farther , by furnishing proof of words their cleverness in which these and information letters severall was y
might be discoverable . " Right , very right , " said the professor of orthography ,
applaudingly , as a girl mentioned bocca , in exemplification of the use of tho letter ' o ' in the Italian language ; " and now" he continuedin his
,, consequential manner , " I write the word bocca ( mouth ) upon this slate , and I require you to tell me , what letter it is necessary to add ,
to convert this word bocca into boccia ( bottle ) . " The girl addressed , hesitated to give an answer , but the question being passed on to
another girl was triumphantly answered . The French master ' s examination was equally puerile and absurd
in character . After requiring the French for I , thou , he , she , it , etc ., requirements not always successfully complied with , he
proceeded to make his pupils apply their knowledge of the personal pronouns to the conjugation , in French , of the phrase" To
gain one ' s livelihood . " In geography and history , not even the , most superficial examination took place , and when the morning ' s
performances came to an end , I could not help wondering at the display I had witnessed , of gross incapacity on the part of the teachers , and
gross ignorance on the part of the taught . From the reputation that this school enjoyed and the number of
pupils it contained , it was evident that the system of instruction there pursued , was not inferior to that adopted in other female
educational establishments of the town . How fully , indeed , the knowlege displayed came up to the requirements of society , I had a striking
proof in the surprise excited by my observation , that the examination from its extreme simplicity was solely adapted to children of a few
years old . It was truly , however , no matter for wonder , that ladies who had been subjected to precisely the same system of tuition
themselves , should find nothing to blame , or to smile at , in that morning's scene .
While such is . the state of feminine education in the higher classes of societyit may well be supposed , as is actually the casethat in
, , the lower ranks of female life , a state of the densest ignorance prevails . Even girls , whose parents enjoy a very respectable position
in the world , remain quite ignorant of the arts of reading and
writing ' . The popular opinion on the subject of the uselessness of
38 Women In Italy.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1858, page 38, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091858/page/38/