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insanity; its cause and cuke. 5 "
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• __ -«©> . , .. ,^ Y V'. • I "We Are Al...
condition . It was known to one or two physicians of the Royal College who visited tlie lace once a but they said that
pyear ; althoug Conolly h has they said saw , these "It is things astonishing they could to witness not amend humane them Eng . " li D sh r . hand
of and physicians death foot , without and dail neck y contemp one and sing waist lating le , touch in hel illness pless of compunction , insane in pain patients , and or in the bound the sli agonies ghtest
, , approach to a feeling of acting either cruelly or unwisely : they thoug The ht state it impossible of things at to York manage Hosp insane ital , the peop first le tliat in any became other the way object . "
of inquiry in 1815 , was horrible . It was found that there were and concealed that patients rooms in slep the t in hosp these ital , room unknown s , which even wer to e human saturated the governors with ,
thirteen filth , and female totally pati unfit ents for were the crowded habitation in a of room any twelve feet being by ; seven feet ten inchesOf Bethnal Green the report is still more
. chained revolting to in their its details bedsteads . Several naked , of and the onl pauper y covered women with there a hempen , were
ed rug that , ( this " The was in December 7 department . ) In January especiall 1815 y that the appropriated visitors report to
paupers , were women chained , "was _unwholesomel their straw y crowded bedswith , and onl that a some to pauper cover them men rug
defenceless against upon the cold . " In , 1816 it y was stated in evidence , jected before to the brutal Parliament crueltie ary s from Committee the attendants , that the ; patients that they were suffered
subvery much from cold , ( one patient having lost her toes from mortification proceeding from coldand that they were infested
with vermin . ) In 1827 it was further , stated in evidence that wet , dirtatients _wexe chained to their cribsand " confinedwithout
intermission y p , from Saturday night till Monday , morning , . " That was the constant and universal practice ; they were chained at four
o ' clock on Saturday afternoon , in crowded and ill-ventilated places , and liberated about nine or ten on Monday , wallowing in filth , to be
rubbed jdown with a mop dipped in cold water , like so many if animals not in . their Happ ri ily ht , hardl mind y a the vesti wretched ge of this things state are of things at least remains clothed :
and fed abundantl g y , besides , being cared for and watched over , system employed are , instructed brought , to and light amused , there . is When a universal any remains IlowI of of execration Scotland the old
And thr Ireland oug onl hout y a female last the year land patient the , as commissioners strapped witness the down late found in bed disclosures in with Armag bod in h y straps Asylum of . ,
hard leather , three inches wideand twisted under , the body , with wrist-locks strapped , and locked , , and with wrists frayed from want
of lining to the straps ; the patient , too , was seriously ill . Another confined male patient in a was strait- foun waistcoat d strapped with down the sleeves in bed knotted ; in addition behind he him was ;
and as he could only lie on his , back , his sufferings must have been
Insanity; Its Cause And Cuke. 5 "
insanity ; its cause and cuke . 5
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1859, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091859/page/5/