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, . , —' Xi. The Peach. Its Itaxy *' Hom...
growing on peach-trees , and even sometimes on . the same branch with peaches , and it is now believed that they are only an accidental
by variet sowing y of the their peach seeds , usuall . The y , _thoug finest h not known invariabl the is the y , Bost to be tree on ' perpetuated nectarine des ,
produced originally from a peach-stone ; parent was - troyed when in full fruit by some mischievous boys , but its seeds _produced descendants which now afford the largest and most
beautiful fruit of the kind in America : and when some years back a drawing of one , measuring 8 j inches in circumference , was sent to
the London Horticultural Society , no one would believe that it could be correctuntil a few years after Mr . Knight exhibited some
equally fine specimens , which he had grown here from its seed . The leaves of the peach are used in £ he Greek islands to dye silk
green : and the color called / . " rose-pink" is extracted from the wood of the tree . The fruit is noted rather for its passive than its
active virtues , for while Pliny , after mentioning that it is more wholesome than the plum , bursts into the exclamation , " Indeed ,
what fruit is there that is more wholesome as an aliment than this !'' yet no special power over the human frame has been attributed
to it ; and very notwithstanding its wholesomeness it may become very injurious should its charms-tempt the eater to excess . It did the
world good service _oneei indeed , through this very characteristic ; and having had the honor of ridding England of a tyrant , deserves
quite as well to be held in grateful remembrance by the patriotic as did the " little tleman in black velvet" to be immortalized in
the toasts of the Jacobites gen ; for it was due to no poison in the fruit , but simplbecause with jaded body and irritated mind he " ate
gluttonousl y y of peaches , " at his _, last meal in Swineshead Abbey , that King John closed so abruptly his inglorious career . A great
love all genius voluptuaries the of . _terrors this Groethe fruit , but his has records is father speciall , however in held y the associated , by over memorials no him mean with had of s been more his failed youth confined than to , one control how to man , mere after Ms of
childish _, fear , of going to sleep aLone in the dark , his mother ' s soothing promise of an unlimited peach-feast on the morrow proved
a sufficiently strong incitement to conquer himself at night in order _Tbest that remembered he might not portrait lose the too promised which his reward biograp in the hers morning have given . The of
the poet of Indolence is , that , which represents him as lounging about the Leasowes with his hands in his pockets , and languidly
ness lifting hung who dem was upon Ms anded so head the fond quantity wall to of bite . this Less off as fruit the well dainty sunny that as , qualit because side y h of to . more as appease a growing Boswell greed his y peach , luxurious Johnson " as he it - , thougsays
would , eat seven or eight large peaches of a , morning before break , - as dinner fast _muclj began again _vaB , he , and yet wished treated I have of w heard them all-frui him with t , exc protest proportionate ept onc that e in he his never attention life . had " There q after uit © B 2
Fruits Kst Their Season 5£
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Sept. 1, 1861, page 51, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01091861/page/51/