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,. ,, * The Of Social Annual Science Mee...
us again must , any be man aware who that was in acquainted the middle with classes , the of state societ of societ women y among had * y
not fair play . The daughters of the higher part of the middle and thelower art of the more wealthy classes hadin factno
recognised . position p or work in the world , except as mothers , of , families and managers of households . What were their daughters to do ?
Wh and embellishment y sketch , they , -were and made other and ornament things for something of that of life sort else but , which than which to were wer play e excellent the not p to iano be as , an
, made—and could not be made without deteriorating the personvirtuall intelligent y the lady business , now married of life , that . He she was knew told a considerable himself by number a very
feeling of young themselves ladies who not were wheels so dissatisfied in the great with social want machine of emp , that loymen they t , could enlihtened hardly mind exaggerate nothing their next misery to , actual for to criminalit a conscientious yis so and
depressing g * and so painful , as , to feel that one is in the world , of no use—that having faculties , and desiring to use those faculties , one
_coitntry has very no properl sp the here proportion y for alluded their to of operations in the Miss sexes . Parkes was Another deranged 's paper thing was perpetuall which , that had in y , been this and
hundreds on a great and scale in thousands , by emigration but our . women Our young are left men behind emigrate ; and in if not the Governmentindividuals , must do something to redress this
derangement also . , They knew that men and women came into the world in due pro |) ortions , and if the men are taken away , why ,
than society derangement those was to deranged . which There reference , and were some many had means other been must made spheres be in of taken the intellectual papers to check read labor that in
which able to women know wh mig y ht female be properl patients y emp —wh loyed y females . Pie , had when never they were been
sickshould not be attended by female doctors . It appeared to him that , some important ends would be subserved by women being ht it
accustomed to attend women as medical officers . He thoug was more natural—he submitted it was more delicate—and if they ht beand
more were some few beneficial educated of them as for were they both , oug parties he ht thoug to , and be ht , it and for would society as they be in more mi general g natural . , There and as elieved to
what be was more no little subject important they connected could than to this with assist , and Social those he Science hoped benevolent all which of and them he enli b would ghtened do
ladie Mr Dr s . . Begg in _DuisrcAisr pushin very _McLaren g heartil forward y concurred thi after s great a few in obj sensible all ect Dr . . Lee words had on said the .
discussion which had taken place , concerning the lowering of wages , said a that emp lad loyed he who would in took his mention business all the , , money as that stated in , made addition at Glasgow all the to , the their payments thirteen chief , clerk balanced women was y
158 Meetings At Glasgow And Edinburgh. ,
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Nov. 1, 1860, page 158, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01111860/page/14/