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In the years 1857 and 1858, Examinations...
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9, Hue De La Jperle, Paris. If There Be ...
_Professional _Schooid for Youn g Girls . The professional sclaool is especially designed to prepare young
girls for commercial and industrial employments . Only day-pupils are receivedwho must not be under twelveand must have passed
, , an examination . There are general and special courses , comprising three years of study . The general course includes , French ,
arithmetic , history , geography , science applied to common things , drawing , writing , and singing .
The special courses are , commerce , ( including book-keeping , & c ., ) industrial drawingand needlework in all its branches . It is in
, contemplation to add a course for printing , as being one of the most important and lucrative trades for women , in France especially ,
where the printing offices are open to them . A special subscription has been opened for the purchase of the new type composing and
distributing machines , invented by Mr . James Young , and exhibited at the International Exhibition .
The candidates for admission to the general course are examined in the elements of French , grammar , and arithmetic . The
examination for the special courses is regulated according to the nature of each course .
At the end of each year , examinations will be held , and
certificates awarded .
University Xocal Examinations. 191
Xxxvi.—University Local Examinations. — ...
In The Years 1857 And 1858, Examinations...
In the years 1857 and 1858 , Examinations were instituted by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridgefor the benefit of young
, persons not members -of the Universities . These Examinations were at first , and are still most generally known by the name of
" Middle Class . " That term being open to the charge of vaguenessboth Universities subsequently adopted the name of " Local "
, , hj which these Examinations are now designated . On the 18 th of June 1857 a Statute " de Examinatione
Candi-, , datorum qui non sunt de Corpore Universitatis" was passed by the Convocation of the University of Oxford , and a Delegacy to
carry its provisions into effect was appointed immediately after . We learn from the First Annual Beport of the Delegacy , that
" the statute was passed in consequence of Memorials addressed to the University from various parts of the country , both by masters
of schools and by others interested in education . In these Memorials it was represented that the University might confer a great benefit
on that large class of persons who cannot afford , or do not require , a University education for their children , by undertaking to
examine boys , about the time of their leaving school . Such an
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Nov. 1, 1862, page 191, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01111862/page/47/