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When Mention Is Made Of Westminster, The...
Mrs . How , a widow witli two _children , sells fi & h and fruit . MrsTapphusband a colliereight children .
Mrs . . Band , y , sells tapes , etc . , , in the streets , husband a sweep * three children .
: Mrs . . Dob Seymour son , slop , coal work shed at , five 2 _^ d children . a shirt . , husband a pensioner , four
children Mrs . Butcher , two son , husband s now in blind India , she , 50 th sells reg fish iment , flowers . , makes baskets
and mats , four children . Mrs Mrs . . Evans May , husband an ironer a laborer husband , three a tailor children , eleven . children , two
re-, , ceived Mrs . prizes Lockwood from , charwoman Lord Shaftesbury , husband . a potman , offcen out of work ,
five children . Mrs . P coal shedinclined to drunkenness , three children .
with Mrs two . Lloy sons d , , / sells This tins , , sometimes woman has sings taken in the into streets her , room a widow two poor
poor orphan children , who but for her would have gone into the workhouse . of whom
Mrs . B , a widow , slop worker , four children , two . have Mrs been Charanan to prison a . charwomanfive childrenone had a prize .
. , , , Mrs Mrs . Mary William Brown Brown , a costermonger widowtwo , children three children both . in service , both
had prizes . from the Ragged , School , Union . , MrsLeoa widownurses or charsthree children .
Mrs . . Stocks , five children , , " goes into , the streets . " Mrs . H , husband a costermonger and a sad drunkard , six
, children . Mrs . H three childrengets her living in the streets , somehow .
Mrs . B , , husband supposed , to be a thief , four children . Mrs . Raxberry , widow , sings in the streets Hi , children five children . in the
Mrs . Bell , husband lost his right arm , ve , sings streets Such . is a brief outline of the poor women this meeting is enwith
deavoring to elevate , and any one who had been us , as we these wandered throug waiting h the at rain the and top mud of the of last alley Monday for their , and benefactors had seen ,
women and heard their welcomewould have perceived how grateful they are for the interest taken , in them . The room was filled long before noticethat all
visitors it was time had to bonnets commence on their , and heads we could and caps not but under them , , one woman our
sons only carefull forming an covered exception most , their of them gowns wore were tid all y mende aprons d , , and their their
perhands and faces y had evidentl , y been washed for the occasion . desirous As the of rules starting of this a similar society meeting may be , we useful will for copy those them who for the are
benefit of our readers : — *
268 A Night In Westminster.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Dec. 1, 1858, page 268, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01121858/page/52/