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The period was yet to come , when , with a bearing more composed ueens was ,, an to d a it hero in resi ism gnation truly royal undis , this most for th afflicted e comle of
tion q of her fate . For her ambition , had been y , to be universall p y belovedand she struggled with desperate determination to win
her the eyes admiration , grew weak of others with weep ; while ing , her as fresh beauty proofs faded of the away popular , and
scorn sank into her wounded heart . scenes Our limits which do succeeded not permit —scenes us to follow which her have throug been h the alread tragical so
skilfully painted by the pen of experienced historians as to require no additional touches .
he It was is recorded admitted of to Groeth a splendid e that pavilion when a , which student had at Strasbourg been fitted
[ up France for ) the , in reception one of the of loveliest Marie Antoinette islands on the ( then Rhine Daup . hin Enter e o - f
Ing , he recoiled with horror on beholding the subject of the tapestry OreusaM which edea lined and the the princi image pal of tent the . most There trag he saw and Jason fatal ,
whilst on marria the ge her , left on children of record which , . lay a In dead wife the strugg at mids her led t feet was against . represented Yet a Marie frightful Antoinette a throne death _s ,
love was then and a rejoicing hadowed girl , happy the in faintest the confidence dream of of a her peop dark le ' s
destiny , . To the collectors y of curious presentiments this story of Goethe ' s unwonted depression may perhaps be worthy of
notice . " Faultsand not crimes" was the unhappy queen ' s just
, , less summary hardly of , since the , history if her ill of -governed her life . imprudence Posterity will hastened judg * e her the
vi blood ils y and ending was of buried her husband In his ' hastl s life , she shared . Jealousy his melanchol of others y
of g her , sex was amongst the g most y characteris grave tic of her weaknessesFretted and annoyed at their superior intellectual
. h power htil , she sli estranged hted Madam the e de affection Genlis of and Madame bitterlexclaimed de Stael ,
augy g , y of She Madam lacked e that de Coi nobility gny that of soul she was which the mi true ht hav queen e checked of France the ,
eager craving for kindliness and , sympathy g which animated her amiable nature ? and yet in her casejealousy was but the
shadow She was cast by a stranger the brightness , misunderstood of her affection , and . ill-judged , in a
forei disposition gn and onl unfriendl hei y htened clime the ; and miseries the acute of sensibilit her life . y It of is her a
comfort to hope y that g in the dreariest days of her sorrow her impetuous nature pro , bably lost something of this early
sensitiveness , and that a merciful callousness to pain ameliorated
242 Marie Antoinette.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Dec. 1, 1863, page 242, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01121863/page/26/