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» ^ Between The Subject Medical Of Fever...
the out specific , " product viz poison ., local of ( inflammation when tissue- this metamorp exists , definite stupor hosis ) , , is time , delirium eliminated either in different , alone and , recovery coma or fevers . with When is takes not the
place . Why this occurs at a known . answers _Having the thus questions endeavoured relating to to show the in causes what its of way fever modern , it to remains control science
or for re us move to p the oint worst out how and mo far st socie active ty of has the it fever in -producing power agencies . _DriMurchison thinks it not unreasonable to look forward to the
. tinued complete fevers extermination are no more of the inevitable whole class than ; he the believe Oriental s that plague con , - shores
which we have succeeded in banishing from our . Dr . Watson lete _^ thou extermination gh perhaps of less fever sanguine believes as that to the under possibility good sanitary of the
comp conditions , an epidemic need never , occur . At , the close of his rethat mark over s up the on the etiolo predisposing gy of fever causes , he rem they inds can his exercise medical but rea little ders
control—that many their attention must mainl , y be concentrated upon individual cases " " '
. Dr Social Watson responsibilit that y medical steps in ower precisel fails . y at Those the predisposing spot where p
in causes . every which way says are to be too removed general by in medical their operation men , mus , t be removed too vast
by tific at societ point and y . of mode The view directl , b f ac y w tion exc e may it to in leave g others cause the and may chief int l eres consideration y ourselves t us , in a to scien of that its
nure , app division of the work which fairly belongs to us as citizens . We . must constantlclaim the assistance of medical menbut they give
y , their it in hands their larger and heads capacity are as engrossed members with of the societ work y—professionall of staving off y , at work
death in the cases in which the exciting cause has been . And even if we doubt the existence of the specific fever poison , if called
the question of the relative power of the predisposing and sois exciting should not thereb exercise causes y obscured be a certain considered . In guardianshi either as still case p siib reason over judice the demands , our sanitary practical that condition society duty
of towns air , and should water provide _5 and should the poor maintain with the their common interests necessaries when they of pure
are opposed by the class interests of ignorant and selfish householders society Twenty . do At all this this ? this point How question the can question it would claim have n any aturall ri been ght y much arises of guardianshi — less How readil can p y ?
the answere Public d years than Health ago it is gave at present society . the In power 1848 , the it needed Act for , and Promoting at of the the same time _transferrUft to Government a large proportion
odium which is generally the _immediate reward of sanitary reformers . i
10 Feveb, In Its Social Aspects.
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 2, 1863, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_02031863/page/10/