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The Bkitons. The It The Is Days Difficul...
adds" that many ladies of high rank have their bodies almost from covered , the with best figures familie ; those s have who the are greatest most honourable number and and v descended ariety of devices
these figures . " Indeed , it is supposed , that to these punctured Certain on it the is that skin , , as may the be custom traced of the tattooing origin of went armorial out , the bearings art of .
painting , or inlaying with figures cast in brass , was introduced , and formed the basis of heraldic distinctions . turn to the
p Dion icturesque Thus we far find , pages Britain materials of prior Tacitus for to , the f ar Romans th e more e in ; t but ima elab t when e ora ac t q uain we descri tance ptions with of
f our R ound oman ancestors , con brave ques . t Centuries ; d or d an wh elapsed ised en Caesar between le lan determined de Phoenician d on these to discovery defend shores their , and he gpeop
country to the last . It is needless for , us to go into any details Knit the resp _Celtee ec together ting the either by orig the in side bond of t of he of the race one Chann which common el peop formed faith led , Gaul that one great of and Druidism Britain family , , .
on kind subject of in governmen principle t , ( thoug and ch h arac differing terised in bj some similar particulars feelings , ) motives to one ,
and peculiarities . divided At the into time small of the states Roman , presided invasion over , Britain by independent , as well as kings Gaul . , was The h
na again mes of d more ivi states ded than i foug nto thirty numerous ht beneath British pe the tty kin states b g anner doms and of are clans one preserved . leader In time . , eac The of
war first pecu many liarity which commands our attention is the law of successionwhich did not exclude women from the throne , and , as a
na mander tural , conse when quence invasion , from threatened assuming the the state office over of which military they com pre-
teristic sided . , Respect The chivalry for women of the generall middle y is another took its marked rise in charac these
-. ages remote ever more times full , and sustained we doub than t if the high the ideal semi of -barbarian true chivalry inhabi was - among
tants of Britain y . Consequently marriage was reverenced . Tacitus gives " Marriage a most particular is considered account as a of strict this and _institutio sacred n institution : . In the ¦
national character there is nothing so truly commendable . Ta be contented with one wife is peculiar to them . They differ in
thisrespect from all other savage nations . There are , indeed , a few : families instances who of pol court ygamy the , alliance occasioned of the by chief the distinguished ambition of various by the
nobility , of his birth and character . The bride brings no portion , parent she accepted receives s and the relations a match dowry he from is makes approved her a husband tender . In . of the In part the choice of _presence his of wealth presents of ; her if
female vanity , is not consulted . There are no frivolous trinkets to , adorn the future bride . The whole fortune consists of oxen , a t > 2
The Manneb Of Life Of Women In England. ...
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 2, 1863, page 35, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_02031863/page/35/