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¦ •? It Is Common In Our Day To Call Swi...
excessive correction on the part of the father : if he does not restrain himselfit denounces him to the prefect . If the _^
prefect . thinks it necessary , to provide for the safety of the child , prett he refers nearl the ease the sam to the e functions Direction as des the Orp chambre helins , which _pzipillaire discharges in the
Valais y and y the justice of the peace , or the tribunal de premiereinstance , elsewhere . Upon the judgment of the direction de & r
orp and helins ive , , the the chil tribunal d a can dian deprive . On the the father motion of of his the paternal direction power des guar
helins g the tribunal can authorize the confinement of the child orp for a month , if he is less than sixteen , and for six months , from >
where that age the to child , the is time called of major to ity make . Fr his ibourg defence is . the In onl the y Canton Canton . upon
de A special "Vaud , the house detention of disci of pline the is for child established of any for age this , may to purpose infer last two from . years There this .
the that is one father nowhere for g can irls is the shorten and occasion another the more detention boys frequent . and Are ? recall we Everywhere his child , however to his , -
home when he considers the correction , sufficient . The French code alone contains some protective provisions in hatred to
favour unjust obliged father of , in the . order child Thus to who , when obtain may the hav the father e detention become has married an of obj a e twice child ct of , by he is the always first an form
marriage same alities when as , are whatever the required child may in possesses be the his case age personal of , to a go child throug propert of sixteen h business y , the of . same which It is What the the
parents have only the use , or when he practises a . is onl most y is striking recognized in , all that these of the provisions mother is being that treated the paternal as null powei and * in default of
void the . father The mother for exercises lein the case paternal he is absent power lunatic only , or dead in law in fact ; examp Nevertheless , there still exist , here and there ,
reor . dians strictive or regul trustees ations of , to the her child disadvantage . Thusthe and moth in favour er twice of the married
guarcannot obtain the detention of a child , of the first marriage , without the consent of the two nearest relations on the father ' s side ;
a provision to which there is nothing corresponding as regards the father twice arried
m . Fixed The at age twent fixed -one for by legal the maj French ority , code varies it in takes the different place at Cantons nineteen .
at Neuchatelat y twenty at Fribourg ; it , is deferred to twenty-three * in the Canton , de Vaudwhere men may thus be electors and
declared capable of governing , the State , before they can legally is administer the Everywhere same their for however both own sexes property , as . we There . have are said some ; the differences age of civil relat maj in ority g to fixed at
fifteen the power for women of contracting and at * ei marri ghteen age for . Everywhere men . Up to it the is ages of
52 Women In French Switzerland;
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 2, 1863, page 52, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_02031863/page/52/