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¦ •? It Is Common In Our Day To Call Swi...
and without thisthe law is without effect . " The wife is obliged to live with her _, husbandandto follow him wherever he thinks
provide proper to her reside with the ; the necessaries husb , and , of is life obli according ged to receive to his her means , and and to
condition . " Thus the position of the , wife is made identical with that of the child under the paternal roof . The enjoyment and
the administration of her property passes entirely into the hands of her husband , who is possessed of her fortune as completely as
of herself . Her civil existence is absorbed in that of another . of Her laws propert to defend y is it however . In most protected cases . the Ther wife e is is even quite favo a profusion ured at
reall the especiall expense y by of the the reg nothing husband ime doted she . . The This is thing onl is y because is a made lay in figure almost that case ( jpr inviolable 4 the te-nom wife \ ,
serving y possesses to transmit the propert , y of her relations to her children or collateral relations . The regime dotal is really a substitution in the
maternal line . The regime dotal is the common law in the cantons of Vaud and Fribourg . At Neuchatel and in the Valais , as at
Geneva , in default of any provision to the contrary , married persons live under the law of community of goods ; a communityhowever ,
, band without . In reci the procit Valais y , which we absorbs find a provision the wife comp which letel is y quite in the local hus- ,
empowering the wife to receive annually , and on her own sole receipts { quittances ) , a part of her income for her petty expenses and
personal requirements . The regime of separation of goods can be stipulated for in marriage contract in the canton of Neuchatelvery
, liberal on this point , and the wife then retains the free administration of her fortune . The French code recognises the regime of
separation of goods , but the husband remains administrator of his wife's fortune , and she can do nothing without his in action authorit the y . two In
the cantons of Neuchatel and Vaud , we see most extreme legislations which are at present practised in Europe as regards the laws relating to women . On the banks of the Leman
it is perpetual tutelage ; on the Jura it is almost complete enfranchisement , even , in marriage . It is true the Neuchatel code is the
most recent of all the codes of Switzerland . This progress gives hope Passing for the over future the . laws of divorce we come now to the rights of
widows . It is very certain that in all countries where the woman , held in perpetual tutelage , receives a counsellor from the moment of her majority , as well as from that of her widowhood , code she liberal cannot
be the guardian of her children . There is , however , no connexions enough even are to preferred allow her in to such take a case part to in near famil female y councils relatives and . Male , and
in default of relations of the governing sex , friends , even widowed strangers , mother are called as guardian in . But by the law French of her code children afc least while names minors the .
She can , however , refuse the office , and propose instead some rela-
56 Women In French Switzerland;
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), March 2, 1863, page 56, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_02031863/page/56/