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JjAfruAfe* i, 1853.] T H fe L E A D B ft...
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Jjafruafe* I, 1853.] T H Fe L E A D B Ft...
_JjAfruAfe _* i , 1853 . ] T H fe L E A D B ft . S 3
_^ WATCHES ! _TifrAtf _CittfcS ! WATCHES ! 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases _, - 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same ; ' .. " . ' .. ... ' .. 0 2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . " Sent Free to any part ofthe Kingdom upon receipt of One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGEE'S WHOLESALE WATCH _MANUEACTOEY , 27 , _CITT ROAB , near Finsbury Square , London . * * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
C _XMlWCiUi , _MKDICAL , AND ( _JKNEKAL LIKE ASSURANCE SOOIKTV . Thei Assure'el may reside in _ineist . parts at' the ; _weirlel , without extra charge , and in all parts by payment , eif a amall extra , lire-miiini . The ; smiill share eif Prollt , eliviaible in future ; among the ; _Hharoheilele-rs being now _proviele-el fur , wilheiul . _iutre-ue-hing on the ; amount maele ; by I he' regular business , the- _Assemui will _he-re ; - _alle-r _ele-rive- all the ; be ; nellts eibl iiinablo 1 ' ieiin 11 . Mutual _Ollle-e _, with , uf the ; Hiune _* time-, _e-eunph-te ; fre-eeleim freim liability , _aei-ureel by meaiiM eif an ample ; _Preiprie-lary (! apil ; il thus e-einihiiiiug , in tiie- name ; _eillie-o _, all the _intraittiiyes ti f Imtli systems . Fivie ItoNiasias have ; bce-n _de-e-hire-el ; at . the- last in _, / aiiiiary , 1 _Hf > a ! , the ; sum of . ( J IIS 1 , 125 was _aelele-el In the ; I _' eilie-ie-. s , pre Mincing a Men 1 us vary in ;; with ( he el ill ere-ill . age's , fre in 1 2 ti tei Ui ' i pe-r e'en I . on the ; I ' re-mi in 11 .-1 _iiuiel eluring I hi' li \ " ye-ars , or freim _fiC _) '" . _{' . I ' A 10 H - _pe-r _e-e-lll .. em ( lie sum _nssiire'el . The' ue . vt . ami future ; _lloiiiiHe-s ¦ nay be ; _e-ilhe-i" _re-ee'ive-d in Cash , or app lied nt . the' _eijitiini ofthe ; nssiireel iu any eillie'r way . ( In |' _eilie'ie-ii fur Ibe- whole- eif I , iio , _eiiie ; half eif the ; Annual Premiums lor tin- Ural Ibe ye-ars may remain e _. n _e-re-dil , anel may _e-ithe-r _eieintimie ; as a _ele-l . l . ' on the I ' _eiliey , e , r may be _paiet oil" at Ci . aimn pitiel thirti / elays _nfte-r _preiofof _ele-nth , and all . Policies nre' Imlisjnttalilc c \ Ic \ i \ in _e-ieee-s eif fraud . 1 nvai . ii ! I , i v km may bn assures ! at rates preipeirl _. iouerl tei tho _ini'i-i'iiHeie ! _risli . The ; Assurance ; Kernel _nlre-iiely _mve-sl . _e-el amount ,:, | , „ J > _Q | 30 000 anel the ; _Ine-eimi ; o < _e-e-e-el . _- _( . £ l _3 f ! , 000 l >« _-r annum . ' The A _e-e-eiiints anel llaliuiei ; _She-e-ta are nt , all tnnem eipeu to the ; _iiiHpe-ed . ii . n eif the ; _Assure'd , or ot any person who may desire to assure . ,, . ... . A copy eif the' lust _Ife-iietrt , with a l ' rospeidus anil f , _M"iiis eif I _' reiiieisid _, _e-ini lie- _eiblaine-d ed any ot flu ; Heieh . t y _' _n agents < H- wiH be ; _leirwiireleil Ires ; bv addressing a line ; tei „ , V _^ ° - ' . ' . M ' i ARI > ' X «« _M «» t Secretary . till , ( Jroiit KiiH _. _'ie-ll tttrool _, _BloeiniHbui-y _, Loiuh ' in .
AR GUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 39 , Throgmorton Street , Bank ; anel 1-1 , Pall Mall . Chairman—Thomas _FaenComb , Esq ., Alderman . Deputy-Chairman---Wii / _liaji Leap , Esq . Richard E . Arden , Esq . John Humphery , Esq ., Alder-Edward Bates , Esq . man . Thomas Camplin , Esq . Thomas Kelly , Esq ., Alderman . James Clift , Esq . . Jeremiah Pilcher _, Esq . , Rupert Ingleby , Esq . Lewis Poeock , Esq . AUDITORS . Rev . T . G . Hall , M . A . J J . B . Shuttleworth , Esq . Physician—Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Finsbury Square . Suegeon—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick's Place , Old Jewry . Consulting Actuary—Professor Hall , M . A ., of King's College . _^ oiicitob—William Fisher , Esq ., 19 , Doughty Street . Advantages op Assuhing with this Company . —In addition to a large _subscribeel Capital , _Policy-heilders have tho security of an Assurance Fund of Throe Hunelred and Forty Thousand Pounds , and an income of £ 75 , 000 a-year , arising _from't he issue of nearly 7500 policies . Bonus , ok Profit Bkancii—Persons assuring on the Bonus System will be entitled , at the expiration of hvo years , and afterwards annually , to participate in HO percent , ofthe profits . Tho profit assigneel tea eaeh Policy may bo aeleled to the sum assureel , applieel in reduction of the annual premium , or be paid in _mone-y . Non-Bonus , on Low _Phkmium Branch . —The Tables on the ; nein-partieipating principle afforel peculiar advantages to the assureel , neit _oflereel by any other _eillie-e ; for where tbe ; object is the ; least , possible ; outlay , the payment ejf a certain sum is seeiuvel to the- Peilie . y-holder , on the death of the assureel , at a reduced rate ; eif premium . l _' _ltKNtrrMs tii _Assi-iir . CI ( JO . , 1 _AYmir . i : _TititM . . , One j _Se-ven With _AVitlieiut " ' Ye-ar . Yeairs . ' l _' reitil . s . I ' reilits . aa . fo 17 k . to in 1 . ti i . i io £ 1 ll io ao 1 l : s l -a 7 a . 1 . 1 a 0 7 id 1 a 0 1 1 ; a a 0 7 a _> 11 10 ao _i 11 1 1 ki in 1 0 h 1 ei 11 iai ; t a 1 a 17 0 _e ; ia- ;» fl 0 10 One half of Ihe ; "Whole ; _Te-rni" Premium may remain 1111 credit _f" > r _se- \ on ye-ars , eir eine _' -l hire ! eif I lie- _Pri-mium 111113 ' renniiii for life ; ; ih a < _le-lil , upon tin- _I'eiliiv , ill , 5 _pe-r _e-ent , eir limy be- paiil _olfatnuy time without _iiolie'ea Claims paid in one meinth after preieifs have- been _nppreiveel . l , oaii .-i li | iem npprei \ e-ei _se-e-urily . Thei ine-eiie-al _ollie-or . i _alte-iiel every elay at , Tlirogineirteui SI reel , , at a _epiartor _he-feire ; l . wei ei ' _eloe-li . li . HATES , _Resident Director .
PROFESSIONAL LIFE _ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Ht . Ni > bed and _Fieiy _Thottsahd Pounds . _Chairman—MIjoe Henet Stones , LL . B . Deputy-Chairman—James Ahdbiw Durham , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . ' There hre two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , by whieh the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 5 per cent , per annum on the capital originally invested by them . All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of Premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia—Bermuda—Madeira—Cape of Good Hope—Mauritius—and the British North American Colonies . Medical men in all eases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : —¦ Age—20 ... £ 1 10 9 I Age—10 ... £ 2 13 6 30 ... £ 1 19 6 I 50 ... £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may bo had at the Offices of the Company , or of any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD BAYLIS , Resident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapside , London .
THE OAK MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE and LOAN COMPANY . Office ;* --49 , _Moeirgate . Street , ' Leineleui . _Guarantee _Ftinel , Fifty The ' _iusaiul _Pounels . Th e ; Oak Lii'H Offick undertake'S all _Iranstie-tiems inveilving thc >> contingencies of human life ' , whether they relate ; to the ; Upp _e-r eir _Mielelle ; Classes , whie-h are new almost , _pe-culiarly the ; ol > je > e-ts of Life Assurance" , eir to those in nn humbler spheretiie ; iiiehistrieius Lnhoure'r , Meehanio , eir Artisan . j The oonstitutiein < if the- _Ollie-e ; is upon the- _ Mutual _Prine-iple , anel embrace's _Afisurane-es upem . Single eir Joint _Live-s anel _Surviveirnhips , _EneleiwiiH-nts , anel ibe ; granting of Immediate eir Doferre'el Annuitie'S . The- attentiem of _beneveilenl . _iie'i'sems , anel _eniideive-rs eif _e-ve-ry dewrip _t iein , is invite-el tei the ; _Preispe-e-tus anel I allies eif the _Iuelusti-ial or Workmen ' s Branch eif this Cennpany . Tabic _shtiirintf the _Mtmfhti / Contributions payable for the Assurance of any tifthefolltnviug Sums payable at Death . Age « next For . _C 20 . Feir JL' 3 () . For . UK ) . I <\ ir . 1 . 50 . iti rt heliiy . _, L' s . d . . li . 1 . tl . H «¦ ' 1 . ( i s . tl . K ) 0 o 7 o o ii o ' n o 1 (> 12 0 OH 0 0 11 0 13 0 17 If ; ( 1 OH 0 1 o o i 4 o I s ih o o i ) oti oi r > 0 1 !» ¦ ' 0 ei o ;» oil o l <> o l <> _" el ( 1 10 0 12 0 17 ( 1111 _- >; , 0 0 10 0 13 0 1 H 0 2 1 ji ; O 0 10 O I 4 Old 022 H 0 0 II 0 1 I . O 1 10 O 2 3 . to oio o i f . oiii o 2 r » ; 0 I ( I 0 1 li 0 2 0 0 2 ( i ;<; , Oil O I H O 2 2 O 2 11 _; t 7 ( 112 0 1 l > 0 2 1 0 2 11 , | , 0 0 13 0 I II O 2 0 2 7 ( 13 0 0 4 4 _Kxa mim . is . A pe ; _rseiii ageid 21 miiy , by the ; sinidl payment eif Del . per iiieinlh , _se-e-eire _; to bin wife , efiililri-n , eir either _relatives eir _iieiiiiinea-H _, I lie' sum eif . fJ 20 al , his eloath , _whe-never that _enoliL _niiiy _eie-cii ' r . The ; Premiums will be- _re-e-e ; _ive ; _el by iiiMt . alnionls at , _Hiieili of I h <; ( , _'einipany ' H Agcncici as miiy suit . Ihe (! _einve-uie ; _iii-e eif the _AHMiire-rs . _I'l-eiaiie-i'time's anel Forms eif _Ajiplie-ntiein may be ; had at I he » e'eiiniuoiy ' s Ollieais , anel eif the ; _Agemls throughout the _ltingeleiin . ' l Ct . MANN UltS _OOODE , Secretary . _jsj U _ Agents _roepiireel in all parts of tho JUngelom . ¦ II 11 11 h 11
BANKS OF DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANKS . INVESTMENT OF CAriTAL AND SAVINGS . NATIONAL ASSUEANCE and INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION , 7 , St . _Maetin's Place , Trafalgar Square , London , and 56 , Pall Mall , Manchester . Established in 1844 . trustees . Lieut .-Col . the Right Honourable Lord George Paget , M . P . Rev . Joseph Prendergast _, D . D ., ( Cantab . ) Lewisham . George Stone , Esq ., Banker , Lombard Street . Matthew Hutton Chaytor , Esq ., Eeigate . The Investment ot Money with this Association secures equal advantages to the Savings of the Provident and the Capital of the Affluent , and afibrets to both the means of realising the highest rate of Interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the Funds are employed . The constant demand for advances upon securities of that peculiar class , whieh are offered almost exclusively to Life Assurance Companies , such as Reversions , Life Interests , & c , enables the Board of Management to employ Capital on more advantageous terms and at higher rates of Interest than could otherwise , with equal safety , be obtained . The present rate of Interest _isyfve per cent , per annum , and this rate will continue to be paid so long as the Assurance department finds the same safe and profitable employment for money ; Interest payable half-yearly in January and July . Money intended for Investment ia received daily between the hours of 10 and 4 o ' clock , at the Offices ofthe Association . Immediate Annuities granted , and the business of Life Assurance in all its branches , transacted , on highly _advantageous terms . Rates , Prospectuses Jkid Forms of Proposal , with every requisite information , may We obtained on application at the eilfices of the _Association , or to the respective Agents throughout the United Kingelom . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Applications for Agencies may be made to the Managing Director .
TO LIFE ASSURANCE AGENTS , and OTHERS . — PARTIES acting as Agents in any life assurance company , in any part eif England , may with advantage attach a Fire Branch to that of the life , and thereby extend their field of ope > rations . Tho Directors e > f the Unity _IHre Insurance" _Asseiciation ( an iristitutiem presenting new and important principles to the public ) are ready te > _receive applications for _Agencies , anil to afford every facility to _e-arry end such views Fe _> r terms , prospectuses , and all other information , pleaso apply to THOMAS H . RAYL 1 S , General Manager anel Secretary . Chief _Oflieios , 10 , Pall Mall , _Lonelon .
Del th e' ' _el ' a ' " i- " '' l " ' _" » le , nnel _paynblei te > _Meileler within _feiurteen Va all ,.,. Ilcnii _^ llll (| _( _- _,.,. _,, (¦ i >()| i _,. y Ml f » _iti |> te ) thei _Ahhui-ciI . n " _""'"'ely ne > w anel _nilisl . < -e : e ) iie ) _inie-id _Menle of PremiuinH . <) , rH ' I « Mr () _IJ- ) KlllS' AND _OimiOlfAL LlKle ; AHHURANCIO COMPANY . " "el Hi , Adam _Ntiiiskt , A dki _. _i-iii , _Londiin . Willi ,., a _DIliKerroiiH . 'I'l ,,, u ' 1 ' ,, >" . _I _' _-Nq . _Rie-lnirdGiimihH Wellbrd , _Esej . ( !| ia _,. | _, ,. ' ""' _s (' ate ) r . _lOelwnrel ltn . H <> oi » ei , Km <| ., M . I ) . J _'' . Du .. ' . _" _, _M _,, _¦ , 5 'J < J- f _' _eteir _Palernou , Ese _) . _"P'" _" 0- W . _ibHleM- _. _Esij . _Pote-r PaterHim , Khii ., jun . I . I , _' . '' _'H-l'INelTIVK _AIND 1 _'ICein . l All KKVrilllKN . "K" 1111111 ' •'/ , "' " ' . ' '" tihsolittctij indisputable , tho state ) e > f health , ., _^ _^ _""< "' _-eH ( , _be-ing aelniil . tiMl e _> n thei Pe . _lie-y . ¦ 'I . p ,, | i "' '' ' '" _^ ' _'• _ilc .- !' _'" '' HiiMfe'iaiblei by _inden-Me-mem ' t . 11 f _> . n ' ! , "T'" ' ' ""' "dthin _Poitrtecn . Dtn / s after Proof ofDeath . 11 ( I . / . ' . . ,, | , nr K" ' '"'• _Polie-y Hhimp . h *" _dt , lil , ' _, ' /' " /• ' ' ''' '' " /' . ' / assured in other Offices may obtain iiidis- 11 _^ ' '' _"ditins ' ¦'"" . / ' ¦««* this Company at more moderate rates tf " ll'ul itoforooM in all _e'aseis paiet b y ( , | io _Otitnpiuir . RICHARD 1 IODHON , Booretnry . '
A WAR , I ) f < td a PETZE MEDAL UNDER {/ i * 7 p (; i ' XIX . —TO THE OARl'KT Tit A DE . — RO YA I . 11 rv , \ KKIjT CARPETING .--The PATENT _WOOL-. '' _^ '' 'OTH COMPANY be _« g to inform the . _tiiielo ( lint their h . ' iH | mU , ' niH '" CARPETS anel TABLE COVERS for the _pre-M'lwou _urei now () lI ( . nnel will be found far _fmpe-rieir te > any I _' l ' _iVV l- _V LV < 1 1 , iu " _< _- _' » _proeliice-el , _Irnth in style au . l vari _.-ty . The iH ' . "' ' lm hei _supplied nt nil _ri'speedulile ) Carped . Ile _> _UHe'S in ( 7 . '¦ "" "'"' 'he ' country . Tho Company diM . ni it . _neeMissary te ) ( | ' ,, '¦ '"! Publii ! ngaiiiHt _parties whei are * _m-lling tin _infe'i-ieir liana "' ¦ " "' _£ "< M ' H I 1 M feReMl carpets , whioh will not boar _e-enn"ii ( U | " | ' l "' ""' '' 7 "lanuf / led . iire , _e'itlier iu Htylei or elnritbility ; I ,,,,., 1 _) _ge'iiuinenieiMH of _lliei ge _> oelH < ain always bei _te-Hte'el by _eaiels '' . ' ' . * " _^ Out Company ' s _eati-pe'ts are nil _stampeMl nt both will ' , Ji " 1 _'ieaai , _"ReiYAi . Vh _.-touia _CaitiM-ariNee _, London , " (() l . |( ' ' ' '" . Val 111-niH iu the _ea-nlrei . Thei Company ' s _iiiiimiliie--Wl " 1 " " t * ' ''' lllw ,, <> el Mills , _LiMiels , nnel _lioretiigii-reiiid , Louelon . Hid ,, , H " _Wuri-hoimo , at H , Love-lane , W 001 l-. str . 10 t , ( _Jlieiip-
LAMPS of ALL SOETS and PATTEENS . The largest , as well as the choicest , assortment in existence nf PALMER ' S MAGNUM and other LAMPS , CAMPHINE , ARGAND , SOLAR , and MODERATEUR LAMPS , with all the latest improvements , and of the newest and most _rechercteS patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , and plain glass , or papier machea , is at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , and thev are arranged in one large room , so that the patterns , sizes , and sorts can be instantly selected . PALMER'S CANDLES , 7 \ d . a pound . Palmer ' s Patent Canelles , all marked " Palmer . " Single or double wicks 7 \ d . per pound . Mid . size , 3 wicks 8 _^ d . ditto . Magnums , 3 or 4 wicks 9 d . ditto . English ' s Patent Camphine , in sealed cans , 4 s . per gallon _. Best French Colza Oil , 4 s . per gallon . DISH COVEES AND HOT-WATEE DISHES in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most _recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . thc set of six ; Block Tin , lis . 6 d . to 25 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns / 30 s . to 53 s . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 68 s . to 102 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , £ 10 to £ 16 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , lis . to 25 s . ; Britannia Metal , 32 s . to 63 s . ; Sheffield plated , full size , £ 9 10 s . THE PEEEECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be _extinguished from real silver . Fiddle Thread or King's Pattern . Brunswick Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoons , per dozen 18 s 23 s a ... 36 s . Dessert Forks „ 30 s 42 s 58 s . Dessert Spoons ,, 30 s 42 s 62 s . Table Forks „ 40 d 55 s 70 s . Table Spoons ,, 40 s 55 s 75 s . Tea anel Ce . fFee Sets , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c , at _proporfietnale prices . All kinels of re-plating done by tho patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL , NOT PLATED . Fieldle . Thread . King ' s . Table _Spoeins and Forks , full size , per _deizen 12 s 28 s 30 s . . _Di'sse-rl ¦ ditto and ditto 10 s 21 s 25 s . Te > a ditto Ds lis 12 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE 8 HOWKOOMH ( all communicating ) , exclusive eif thei Shop , _devote-el Kololy to the _slie . w of GENERAL FURNISHING _IRONJMlNGKRY ( _ine-luding cutlery , nickel silver , plateel , and japanne'd wares , iron nnel brass bedsteads ) , _se > arranged anel _e-liissilii'd that purchuserH may easily anel ut e . nco make their _selections . Oatalogiuas , wilh engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money ri'lunie'il Ior every _artie-le ) not a . ppre > vi ; d eif . XTn !\ .. ) Xr , i , <) , _tl > -f _l'l _RHKT ( corner of Nownmn-st . ); Nos . 1 & 2 , * 1 'VV MAN-STREET ; and 1 & . 5 , PERRY'S-PLACE .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011853/page/23/