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O. A riVTTTV-rA A^ X A ~VT XT A "D V 1 T...
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¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ' ¦ ; " - ^ L ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' * V ' - ^» . ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' * A L after , POLITICA AND LITERARY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' , _ . ¦ AND . . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ' RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES SHIPPING , & c
O. A Rivtttv-Ra A^ X A ~Vt Xt A "D V 1 T...
O . A riVTTTV-rA A ^ X A ~ VT XT A "D V 1 TQKQ "Pt > T / -T 7 < f UNSTAMPED ... FIVEPENCE * I VOL . X . No . 458 . i SATUBDAY , JANUAKx 1 , looa . . tiiice \ Stamfd . sixpence .
The Gloucestershire Coal Mining Company ...
THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE COAL MINING COMPANY ( Limited ) . Capital 40 , 0007-. in 40 , 000 shares of U . each ( with power to increase . ) . Deposit 2 s . fid . per share . ( To be incorporated under the Joint-Stock Companies Acts , lS 5 ti and 1 S 07 , and liability limited to amount of subscript-ion . ) DIRECTORS . George Cavendish Bentiiick , Esq ., 43 , Charles-street , Berkeley-square , .. London .. ' John Dunnirigton Fletcher , Esq ., . 12 , Westbourne-tcrrace , London . George Glennie , Esq ., of 43 , Upper Thames-street , London , and Blackhcath . , James Lawrie , Esq ., 33 , Lombard-street . London . John Romanes , Esq ., of l £ oll . vino , unt , Hlackheaxh . Captain F . Stewart , of Surbiton . Surrey . ¦ JohnAVi Williamson , Esq ., 1 , Gloucester Villas , Hyde Park , London . Auditor—William Moatos , Esq-, Accountant , 19 , King ' s Arms-yard , Moo . rgate-street , London . Solicitor—Walter Federau Nokes , Esq ., 11 , George-yard , . . . ¦ Lombard-street . ' ¦ . ' ,. Bankers—Tho City Bank . Thread needle street . London ; Branches of the National- Provincial Bank of England . Brokers—Messrs . P . W . Thomas , Sons , and Co ., 50 , Threadnecdle-strcet , London . Consulting Engineer—Joseph J . W .. Watson , Esq ., C and M . E ., F . G . S ., & c Secretary—George Grant , ' Esq . Temporary Offices—72 , Old Broad-street , London . PROSPECTUS . Coal is a staple article of constant and increasiup : consumption , nnd . tho demand which exists for it may ho said to be limitod only by the quality that tho producer can offer , and the price at which it can he supplied . In the year 1807 , upwards of 3 , 000 , 000 tons of coal were exported from Great Britain , while the homo consumption at first Sight appears almost fabulous , so immense was the quantity . It is obvious , however , that the wants of the co untry . as respects coal , may bo regarded as constantly and rapidly augmenting ; audit is not a matter of surprise , therefore , that a good , eolliory , well situated and well managed , has uniformly proved a lucrative investment , a reference to the statistics of the day will show that there . is far less risk and a greater certainty of large and profitable results in working colliories than iii any other mineral property . This Company is formed for tho purpose of purchasing and working tho coal in the four grants from the Crown , comprising about SCO acres , on which four well-known colliories , called the Triio Blue , Newhum Bottom , Wondsido , and Birchen Grove Collieries are situate , immediately contiguous to tho village of Ruardoan , in the Forest of I ) eau , in tho county of Gloucester , in Kngland ; together with the railway , plant , stonm-ciigiuos , tram waggonn , pit parts , machinery tools , and all oilier necessary appliances which , at groat expun & o , have been lately placed on these important properties . Those four grants adjoin eneh other , as shown in the encloSQd plan , and for all practical purposes , therefore , may bo considered as forming one extensive but very compact estato ; they contain about : 2 , 000 , noo tons of coal , which is ofJlrab'OlasN bituminous chnrmMcr , and much vahuul for household i ) iirposos , for gas , ironworks , smelling , nnd especially for raising Ktcinn . To get this quantity , at the rule of 250 tons por day , for : } 00 dnys in tho your , will , it may bo oosorvod , occupy a period of about 27 yours . Nos , land 2 . Tho True Blue nnd Nowlmm Itottoiu Col-Hones . —The grants which contain thono collieries are lsi acroa in oxton't , of wliicli at leant ion remain unvvorked . Tho BMin is 5 foot 8 inches in thicUncHS . nnd in five from PWfclngB , ditchings , or troubles , and , with the exception of ilioHorse , whloh la of little practical importance , ol' any lanltS i tho yiold por square fnthom is from It to : \\ tons : More are two drawing pits of tho respective depths or no ana 49 ynrdu now in nwo at thnno oolllerlos ; also two powerjul « oam-onginoH , with boiler and the atloiuliiiil machinery , woro , than adequate to the requirements of tho work , togevDor with nil tho noooawary plnnl , including Irani wagons ^ plt tubu , drawing tackle , landing hlugoN , pit stctnlng . . rwia , Uinborlng of tho iimln roaiin , \ c , in ( lie moat clllclciit 1 * . Pprfoot order . Tho ooal yard , with loading ln * i » l * . wOlKhbrldfto , BuiiMi ' a shop , b | oi'chouh (< n , » te ., is well nr-R » "Boa both for Horting nnd deNpntohlng coal . Tim col-« iW 08 nro , in a word , in full working oriler , ami do not jwiwlronny fui'thor outlay . At Tnio itluit Pit operation * S no y , <) li "" hmi unrrloil further tlinti Urhlng out llio ivaaa . wlilali , howovor , are nlrendy Hulllcleully mlvanotnl to "niBtaUuwlK / n tJO Iiiiih per tiny nlny ho rained , the yield . rA ^ urw , nr ogroHwlvuly liKiri'iiwIng » h more mIhIIh mIiiiI ) be iZn ' iA NnwImiH iiottoiu Pit tli romlH ami hIuIIh Intvc ffon woll aovlsoU l \) r winning nurp ""»>< , anil from 00 tw 7 « wn » por cjivy » ro now bolnjj ruliiuU . IMh lilts wv coiiuootoU
by well-laid tramroads with the main line to the Church-Way Station on the South Wales and Great Avcstern Itailwavs , and are in iIkj best possible maintenance . These collieries are held in perpetuity from the Crown , subject to the very low royalty of 2 d . per ton . No . 3 . Tho Woodside Colliery . —This grant contains about CO acres of unworked coal , from I- to 6 fiVet thick ,, of the Colfcforrt'Hurh Deif . Vein . ' The ¦ coal is raised . through two well-made pits . A substantial engine .-house , with a superior 50-horse power steam-engine , and two 30-horse boilers , pumps , and all requisite shafting and gearing , foreman s ¦ dwel ling-house ' ,: Car .. peiifers and smiths' shops , walted-in . coal yard , and other convenient buildinss , the whole of which , with the necessary plant , both under and above ground ;' consisting of tram w-assgons , pit carts , rails , working tools , Ac , are in good repair . Tht ; workings undor'¦ ' ground are extensive , ainl there are a sufficient number of stalls turned to raise 150 tons p «> r day . A \ vdl-laid tramroad connects both pits with the liiain line to Churchway . This colliery is held ^ under the Crown for 1000 years from 19 th May , l ' S 53 , subject to a royalty of 2 d . per ton . No . 4 . The Birchen Grove Colliery . —This grant contains
an entirely maiden coalfield , and commands from 116 to 120 acres of untouched coal * of the high delf vein , of the same quality and average thickness as the coal in True Blue and XcwhauvBottom ; it adjoins those , collieries on the west , and can be drained and worked most economically through the present workings in thorn , thus obviating the expense and delay of sinking a pit from the surface and erecting separate machinery . It is hold tinder the Crown in perpetuity , subject to a royalty of l ^ d . per ton . A railway two miles in length has been laid from the colw »
111 I ll"B 1 ( 1 IUIIIIL'A . It'll W I L J * Llli ; JJL 111 KJ M . ill M * *•••**•* **• ' , «•• Wales and Great Western lines , thereby elTectiug an economical and 'important transit to the adjacent towns and villages , and by vessels from Bullo Pill Wharf , on the river Severn , to towns on the coast and to all parts of tho Continent . The construction of the railway , with the erection or engines , sinking pits , the underground works ; -the purchase of plant , machinery , tools , Ac ., and the bringing the collieries to their present excellent working condition , has been accomplished at a cost oxcoc-. ling 30 , 000 / . of actual outlay judiciously expended . Two hundred and fifty tons of coal per day may bo raised at the commencement of the operations ol the Company , nml witli tlin hi > ln of i-ortnin <> niitnimil ! itud imnroVClUCIlts
in tho Wpodsido Colliory , this quantity will in a short period be considerably increased . " Tho cost , delivered into tho railway trucks at Churcliwuy , will bo Us . Sid . por ton , and . the average soiling price 5 s . OJd . por tou , giving a net pro lit , after deducting overv possible uxpensf , of 71 ^ 1 ' - 5 s , per annum , on a yield of 2 , "> ii tons i ) er day ( as shown in tlie accoinpauying . htati-mcnt of prollU ) . equal to an annual dividend of upwards of 20 pur cunt , on a capital of &">> o 00 l . The daily yield of i-oul will oontinuillly increase , ns more ground is opened in the ' several collieries . It is important to obsurvo thirt this rate of protits ia not derived from a calculation niiido on liypolhetienl estimates , l )\ it _ is . the actual result of the prvsent Wi ) rk { ngs of the collieries . In addition to tho trade now attached to these colliorios , all the further coal that can bo raised will lind a ready market at the ports of Gloucester , Lyilue . v . and Bullo Pill , on tho Severn ; and as an inland trade nt the various towns on the South Wa | es ami Great Western Railway , inoludipg Cheltenham , Oxford , Reading , Windsor , Abingclon , Uasiugntoko , Brimscombe , ( . 'irenccstor , . " \ liirlo \ v . Maidenhead , Newbury , Pnugbour io , Swimloii , Slough , Stroml , Stono-Iiouhu . Oxbridge , Wnllingfurd , and Wvcoinbe ; to nil of which placud the coal from these colliories is regularly . supplied . The Directors of this Company hnvo conditionally contracted for the acquisition of the coal in tho foregoing properties , with the railway and nil tho machinery , plant , Ac , attached to the wnitl colliorius , at the priuo of ! K ) , U 00 / ., to bo paid partly in money and partly in shares . If it should itpnoar that KOimu . ( reserving 500 n / . not proposed to bo eiilloil up on the lii . DOu slmrua of the Coinpnuy ) 1 m a Hiunll working cnpitnl . it must bo remnrkod that tlie property acqulreii is not an undeveloped property , but on tlie ( . 'onlrtiry is produciun ; n large yield of coal at prosont ; and that capital is only required to continue a trade ( already in operation ) to the extent of producing 200 tons a ilny , lor which purpose noOiV , in amply sulllcleiit . It in contemplated gradually to extend the operations of ( he Company , by tho puruhnmt of other conlllcldti In tho neighbourhood , which nlny be noiiuireil «> u reasonable term ' s , and which can only liu piolltably worked by the uho ol' Ihlrt t'onipany ' M railway nud other approaches . It 1 h right also to ob « crvo that tho Hallway Us in llHulf a real | iropi > riv , iuntimucli nN'it hah a right to tollago from all minerals passing over it , under I he provisions of the . Dunn Koreht Act . Kotilmrcholdor will Incur nny Ualilllly beyond tho amount of Ihc hIiiu'ch allot Unl to liiin . Tin' Directors do not propose to proceed to carry out tno object" in view until such mi auuniui of capital an they are iihMuvd will Ju » ll !' y I ho uiuleinnkliig hno been auusurlbou for . A | i |) lie ; illoiiH for pharos uniht bo nuu ^ o in tho rumoxod form , iiaoh uppllcuul Mill bu rcauiruil to pay In to tho
bankers of the Company 2 s . 6 d . per share on the number of shares applied for . in exchange for which a receipt will be given , and ^ to make a further payment of 103 . per share on such shares as shall be allotted to him on allotment . ^ In the event of the Directors allotting less than the whole i ) umber applied for , the amount paid in to the bankers will be applied towards the further payment of 10 s- per snare payable on the number allotted ; but in case no allotment be made , the money so lodged will be forthwith returned in Th 6 balance of the capital will be called up in instalments of not more than 5 s ; per share , and at intervals of not less than three months . . '¦' . ' ¦¦ '¦ : > Prospectuses , mining reports , forms of application for shares and of bankers' receipts for deposits , . may be had or Messrs . P . AV . Thomas , Sons , and Co ., Threadneedle-street . London , brokers to tlie Company ; of the sbhcitor ; at ^ tUe Citv Bank ; at the various branches of the National Provincial Bank of England ; or the offices of the Company , 72 , Old Broad-street , 1 / Ondon . where plans of the properties mav be seen and examined , and where every information as to the Company may be obtained .
Price 6d. Railway Management :
The OFFICIAl- VIEW REFUTED ; being a Reply to Ubiections urged against a Plan for the Government and Working . of a Railway . By THOMAS WRIGLEY . London : SiMPEiN , Mabshall , and Co . ; Manchester : JonwsoN and Rawsox , 89 , Market-street ; Geobge Simms , St . Ann's Square . _
Established in the reign of Queen Anne , a . d . 1714 . UNION ASSURANCE OFFICE . FIRE AND LIFE . Offices—SI . Cornhill , and 70 , Baker-street , London ; and in Bristol , Liverpool , 'Edinburgh , Dublin , Hamburg , Berlin , and Berne . Receipts for fire insurances falling due at Christmas arc now ready at-the Head Offices , and with tho respective agents in the country . VM . - B . LEWI 8 , Secretary .
Established 1838 . VICTORIA & LEGAL & COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . ! No . 13 , King William-street , City , P IUKCTOR 3 . BENJAMIN ll . VWUS , Esq .. Chairman . THOMAS NKSBITT , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . W , K . Jameson , Esq . George Denny , Esq . , John Jones , Esq . J . O . Dinisdalo , Esq . John Nolloth , Esq . William Elliott , M . D . . Moaburn Staniland , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . i Daniel Sutton , Esq . J . 1 \ Gassiot , Esq .. F . R . S . , Walter Charles Venning . Esq . John Gladstone , Esq . ' O'B . Bcllingham Woolsoy , Anron Goldsmid , Esq . > Esq . Sidney Gurnoy , Esq . Tho business of the Company embraces every description of risk connected with Life Assurance . The assets of tho Company exceed 205 , 000 / , And its income Is over 00 , 000 / , n yonr . Advnucos in connexion with Life Assuran ' co aro mndo on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM RATUAY , Actuary .
LAW PROPERTY & LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 30 , Essox-stroct , Strand , London . Capital , ' - 'OO . OOOi . HIUECTOU 8 . Ralph T . Brockman . Esq ., Folkestone . Edward Win . Cox , Esq . ' Mi , Russoll-squaro . ( George Frederick l- 'ox , E » q ,, Bristol , , ' . -v , ' E . K . 1 > . Kolsey , Urtq .. Snllftbury . ' - ! " . J . Mond , Esq ., a . King's Bench-walk , ToiujJo / - '; ' ; ' ' : ' , ' H . Pftull , Esq ., IM . l ' ,, 33 , DovoiialUro . plnc ^^ ojran ^ ii ^ nl ^ . ^ . EIGHTY PER CENT . OF TfeftlliW ^ frS v ilhidod among the AssurffiD ' . —* V A'i ' v , >— ^ . J , . At tho llrst division of i > rollts in Mny , Vl 3 % W UftWM ^ M dcclarod , varying from Two to El « vt ' ir ^ cj ^ ^ wU » s >^ H '; * w 9 \ -- " amount a « Murcd , nnd amounting , in HMHxplillWWr ., ' ••' upwards of Fifty jier cent , on tho rreinlWn *« ttulw \ iF ' yC ' ;; ^ >^ At tho Scooiul I )( v |» lou of I ' rolltb in . W ^ gn JSfilyAfr / ' ' J 1 MIO RAT A « OX US with declared . M v J ^ J > J ^\ S J & Noxt division of protlls in ISiH . ^ S ^ . N ^ lj " *»* JSvpry doaorlptlon »» I * 1 , 1 fo Assurnnoo busimywHTBOswotoa . ' fiDWAUP g , BAitotf , Soorotwy .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/1/