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16 THE IiEADEE. [No. 458, JanuaiiyJI ^JJ...
alse glories of the theatrical mines, wh...
" ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ^CiVP'fr'r*«*+fr JDuSTMrHII* : -T^T- -~***Y : * ? —
Lbjldeb Office, Friday Evening, December...
, FRANCE. The Moniteur of this day, Frid...
PRUSSIA. The King and Queen of Prussia a...
SERTIA. A. telegram from Belgrade states...
TURKEY. Advices from Constantinople to t...
PERSIA. According to advice* froth Persi...
Thb Condemned av LiVKnrooL.—This morning...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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16 The Iieadee. [No. 458, Januaiiyji ^Jj...
16 THE IiEADEE . [ No . 458 , JanuaiiyJI ^ JJ ^
Alse Glories Of The Theatrical Mines, Wh...
alse glories of the theatrical mines , where gems and gold and silver seem to be found in an abundance greater even than at Golconda or Potosi * A new and very ingenious mode of using and shifting the scenery has also been applied , by which very unexpected and extraordinary effects are produced on this small stage . Alto- , gether it must be pronounced a remarkable success , and it reflects great credit on all concerned .
" ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ^Civp'fr'r*«*+Fr Jdustmrhii* : -T^T- -~***Y : * ? —
^ tKiteript
Lbjldeb Office, Friday Evening, December...
Lbjldeb Office , Friday Evening , December 31 st . THE REVENUE . Tub accounts for the Quarter ' s , Revenue to be made up this day will show an increase of about 1 , 000 , 000 ? . as compared with the corresponding quarter of last year . Bat as the comparison is made against a period of great commercial embarrassment , it would be better to contrast the revenue of this quarter with the corresponding quarter of 1856 . In the latter case the result would show an increase of not more , probably , than about 200 , 000 / . The portion of the decrease which falls in Income-tax will be in a great measure compensated by unusually large receipts from miscellaneous sources . The Customs will give an increase of about 600 , 000 / ., as compared with the same quarter of 1857 , but a decrease of 30 , 000 ? . ( about ) as compared with the same quarter of 1856 . In Excise there is an increase of not more , probably , than 180 , 000 & , notwithstanding the increased duty on , spirits . ¦ Stamps show an improvement of about 260 , 0007 ., but only of 180 , O 00 £ if compared with 1856 . The new duties have contributed to this result . Land and assessed taxes will be about stationary . In the Income-tax there will be a decrease of about 300 , 000 ? ., owing , of course , to the reduction in the rates of duty . The Post-office will produce an increase of about SOjQOO ? . Crown lands , as usual , show scarcely , if any variation . Under the head of Miscellaneous Receipts there will be an increase of probably nearly 200 , 000 ? . As against the quarter of 1856 , this item gives an increase of more than 700 , 000 / . But these increases , arising from exceptional causes , do not indicate a positive improvement of revenue .
, France. The Moniteur Of This Day, Frid...
, FRANCE . The Moniteur of this day , Friday , announces that the Emperor has granted a full pardon or commutation of sentence to one hundred and sixty-four persons -who had been convicted at the sessions or by the ordinary tribunals , two of whom had been condemned to death . The troubles that have broken put in Algeria among , the Kabyles are said to be serious . The gravity of the matter is , perhaps , exaggerated , but , if so , it is owing to the total silence of the Parisian press—no journal having got permission to utter a word about it . They may , of course , say what they like about India , and the approaching ruin of the English domination , but of Algerine troubles not a tittle . The theatre of the troubles is said to be a mountain district in the subdivision of Batna and province of Constantino .
Prussia. The King And Queen Of Prussia A...
PRUSSIA . The King and Queen of Prussia arrived in Rome on the 23 rd instant , and were lodged at the Prussian Embassy . The King grows daily more feeble .
Sertia. A. Telegram From Belgrade States...
SERTIA . A . telegram from Belgrade states that the nephew of Alexander Karageorgewitch ( the deposed Prince ) is coming to Paris and London on a special mission .
Turkey. Advices From Constantinople To T...
TURKEY . Advices from Constantinople to the 22 nd state that the change of Ministry had been postponed . AH Pasha is strongly supported by Austria , but violent scenes had taken place in the council . The creditors of the Court are to receive part payments of their , debts . The Journal do Constantinople represents that the elections in the Principalities will be delayed twenty days .
Persia. According To Advice* Froth Persi...
PERSIA . According to advice * froth Persia , Mr , Murray , the English Ambassador , has again fallen seriously ill on his journey . Ferouk ; Khan refutes any other placo in the Ministry than that of Foreign Affairs , The reconciliation of Afghanistan with Persia has taken place .
Thb Condemned Av Livknrool.—This Morning...
Thb Condemned av LiVKnrooL . —This morning « despatch from , the Homo Office was received at Uyerpoo ) , respiting Auguste Wllhelm , tho Manchester obeniUti aontonccd to death At the last X-Ivorpool
Assizes , for causing the death of a female by procuring abortion . Reid , the other condemned prisoner , who strangled his wife at Manchester , will be executed tomorrow ( Saturday ) . ,. "
Crystal Palace.
POULTRY SHOW . " The Great Winter Show of Potjetbt and Pigeons will take place on Saturday . Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , the 8 th , 10 th , 11 th , and 12 th January , 1859 , in the North Wing , adjoining the Tropical Department . Admission , including all the attractions of the Palace , Saturday , Half-a-crbwn ; Children under 18 , One Shilling ; Qther days , One Shilling ; Children , Sixpence . CRYSTAL PALACE . ~~ GRAND CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL AND REVELS , AND JUVENILE HOLIDAY FESTIVAL . By DYKWYNKTN . Last Fivk Dats , Monday to Friday , the 7 th January : — Gigantic Twelfth Cake , with Characters animated for MossTERpJLUM-PimDiNG , in honour of " Old FAthek Christmas . " . . . . _ Grotesque Mummeries , and Procession in the Gkkat Hall of BIikce-Pie , summoned to attend Old Fatiieb Christmas and his Court . . TEEPSienoKEAN and Pantomimic Bevel by all the Courtly Characters . _ Flight of Master Punch amid the Tears of Jui > t . Bevels under the disturbing influence of the Loud ob Misrulb , and general restoration of harmony . _ _ Graceful Ascent of the Fairy Balloon , and distribution of Floral Christmas Gipts-Distribution of Magical Plum-Puddings . Laughable and Ludicrous Magic Shadows—at Dusk . CosMOBAMic Effects , daily . "¦' . -. " Shocking' Events" produced by Electricity . In Lecture-room in Tropical Department , Lectures on Chemistry daily , with Brilliant Experiments , by J . H . Pepper , Esq ., and Dissolving Views , illustrating the timehonoured story of Bluebeard , the Egyptian Coubt , and the Ancient Temples of Egypt . Natural Magic and Necromantic Tricks . . Open at Ten . Admission , Saturday , 2 s . 6 d . ; other days , One Shilling ; or by Season Tickets , 10 s . 6 d . ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . ; ' .. Trains at frequent intervals to and from London ^ bridge and Pimlico Stations . - ¦
KOYAL LYCEUM THEATBE . ( Manager ^ Mr . Edmund Falconer . ) Increased Attraction . — First Appearance of Madame Celeste . Continued Success of the New Burlesque , with its unequalled cast and gorgeous scenery . Monday , January 3 rd , and ( under permission ) during tho week , a New and Original Drama , entitled MARION DE LORME ; OR . THE CRADLE OF STEAM . Madame Celeste . Miss Portmah , & c . To be followed every evening by THE SIEGE OF TROY . To conclude with the Comic Pantomime of HARLEQUIN TOY HORSE . The Harlequinade by the Lauri family . Prices—Private Boxes , 21 . 2 s ,, 1 ? . lls . 6 d ., 11 , Is .. ; Dross Boxes . 4 s . ; Upper Boxes , 3 s . ; Fjt , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . ; Stalls , 5 s . Half Price at Nine o ' clock . n Doom open at Half-past Six . to commence at Scveu precisely . Box-office open from Eleven to Fivo daily . A Morning Performance of the Burlesque and Pantomime , on Saturday next , January 8 , commencing precisely at Two o'clock . Doors to open at Half-past One .
THEATRE ROYAL , SADLER'S WELLS . ( Under the Management of Mr . Phelps . ) Monday , and during the week , tho performances will commence with Cumberland ' s Play of THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE . After which will be produced ; with New Scenery , Dresses , and Decorations , a Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime , entitled HARLEQUIN AND OLD 1 ZAAK WALTON ; OR . TOM MOORK OF FLEET-STREET . THE SILVER TROUT . AND THE SEVEN SISTERS OF TOTTENHAM . Harlequin , Mr . C . Font on ; Columbine , Miss Caroline Parkos ; Clown , Nicolo Deulin ; Pantalpon , Mr . Naylor . Boxes , First Circle , 3 s . ; Second Ditto . 2 s ; Pit , is . ; Gallery , 6 d . Doors open at Half-past Six . Tho Performances to commence at Seven .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . PA / TRON--H . R . H , TH © PRINCE CONSORT . In consequence of the great ; bucccss of CHILDE'S Now and Splendid PHANTASMAGORIA , arrangements liavo aeon mado to exhibit it daily at Half-past Two , and every Evening at Half-past EJght , in addition to tho Now DISSOLVING VIEWS of DON QUIXOTE , and nil tho other XHA 8 LECTURES and ItNTJBRTAlNMBNTS . — The ? IRBT DISTRIBUTION amongst the Juveniles of tho Gifts from the WHEEL of FORTUNATUS will take placo on Wednesday next , tho Bth of January . Managing Director , R . I . LONG BOTTOM , Esq .
MR . and MRS . HOWARD PAUL in thoir Comic and Musical PATCHWORK on Monday , January 3 , and every evening for a limited period , at the ST . JAMES'S HALL , Mru . Howard Paul's marvellous mitfttion or Mr , Sims Reeves . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s , i Galcry , la . Commence at 8 . Tickets at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal library , Old Hond-atrcct . Morning performances every Tuesday and , Saturday at 8
ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSpOUTION rpUE EXHIBITION OF FOREIGN AND X ENGLISH PHOTOGRAPHS Is OPEN DAILY , « t 0 A , PALL-MALL EAST * from 0 till dHBk ; and on TucVdfty and Thurnday evenings from 7 till 10 . —Admission fro © to iubecribera lo ohooaqtholr subjects i to the Public , Ono SfillllDg . Season TickctM , Hftlf-o-Crown . Catalogue , Six-> onco . Illustrated Catalogues , to Subscribero , Fivo Shll . lings | Npn-puuscrlbers , Seven ghMUngi and Sixpence . ROBERT HE ^ K EVH , Hon . 6 eo ., 00 , Wimpok-Btrcot , W .
THEATRE ROYAL , DRUET LANE . ( Lessee , Mr . E . T . Smith- ) GRAND MORNING PERFORMANCE of the most successful PANTOMIME of the ^ Scason on WEDN ESDAY NEXT , January 5 , and every Wednesday , at Two o ' clock , till further notice . THEATRE ROYAL , DRtTRY LANE . ( Lessee , Mr . E . T . Smith . ) Reduced prices as usual . —Box-office open daily from la For the convenience of the patrons of this theatre arrangements have been made by the Lessee that the Pantomime terminates at llVctock . The 4 ^ A mneoiis , and effective Scenery of the Pantomime by BEVJERLE Y . Glorious success of those popular and celebrated artistes Mr . and Mrs . Barney Williams , the original Irish Boy and Yankee Girl , who will appear on Monday , and during tfce week in their celebrated characters of Phili M ulhgan and Widow Sprouts in the laughable piece entitled LATEST FROM NEW YORK . With double Irish Jig and Irish and Yankee Songs . V - After which will be produced , on . a scale of unusual magnitude and masrnincence , a new grand pictorial Pantomime entitled ROBIN HOO 1 ); OK , HARLEQUIN FRIAR TUCK AND THE MERRY MEN OF SHERWOOD FOREST . * Harlequins , Si ^ nori Mila no and St . Mayne ; Pantaloons , Messrs . G . Tauner and Delevanti ; Clowns , Harry Boleno and Delevanti ; Columbines , Madame Boleuo and Miss F . Brown ; Harlequina , Miss Julia Lj "" b ; Juvenile Harlequin , Clown , and Pantalopn , Master & . Laun and Masters Delevanti ; Columbine , Miss F . Lauri ; Principal Danseuses , MesdUes . Ferro and Magnay . Stage Manager , Mr . Robert Roxby .
. KOYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . ( Under the sole management of Miss Louisa Pyne and Mr . W- Harrison . ) On Monday , and until further notice , Balfe ' s highly successful offi SATAN ELLA . OR THE ' power dtf . -tovv Characters by Miss Louisa Pyne , Miss Rebetwisaacs Miss Susan Pyne , Mr . George Honey . Mr > A . St . Albyi ;* Mr . H . Corri , Mr . Weiss , and Mr . W . Harrison . Conductor , Mr . Alfred Mellon . Concluding with the New , Pantomime , LITTLE RKD RIDING HOOD . Messrs . W . H . Payne , Frederick Payne , lienry Payne . Jlexmore . Barnes , Miss Clara Morgan , Mesdlles . Morlacchi and Pasquale . Doors open at Half-past Six . Commence at Seven . . Private Boxes , U . is . to 31 . 3 a . ; Orchestra Stalls , 7 s . ; Dress Circles , fis ; Amphitheatre Stalls , ? s . and 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s . 6 U . ; Amphitheatre , Is . Box-ofllce open daily from 10 till 5 , under the superintendence of Mr . J . Parsons , whero places may be secured without any fee for booking . - ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA , COVENT GARDEN . ( Under the sole management of Miss Louisa Pyne and Mr . W . Harrison . ) The Nobility , Gentry , and tho Public , aro respectfully informed that the FIRST MORNING PERFORMANCE of th ^ Ne w Pantomime , LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD , will take place on Monday next , January 3 rd , commeucuiB at Two o ' clock . Carriages to be ordered at lour .
BOYAL PBINPESS'S THEATUE . ( Farewell Season of Mr . Charles Kean as Manager . ) Monday and Friday , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING . Tuesday . THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . WeSXy ^ mfsSS ^' , THE CORSIOAN BROTHERS , and tho Pantomime every evening .
THEATRE KOYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under tho Management of Mr . Uuckstouc ) Tho Pantomime Every Evening . On Monday and Tuesday , to commqnc © at Seven , with THE RIVALS . Sir Anthony . Mr . Chippendale { Acres , Mr . Buckstonoj Lydia Languish , Mlsa lloyiioirts . On Wednesday and Thursday , SL'EBV THE PLOUGH . Farmer ABhtte'ld . Mr . Compton ; Bob Handy , Mr . W . l '* rro » . t Lady Handy , Mrs , Poyufcori Miss Blandrord . Mrs . Q . \ nz-William . On Friday and Saturdaj ' , THE BUSY BODY . Marplot , Mr . Buckutouo . After which , every pvening , »>« GranU l ^ antoroimo of UNDINE : OR , HARLIiQUIN AND THE SPIRIT OF THE WATERS , in which those vmrivalled pantominilsts Mr . Arthur Lcclcrcq , Mr . Charles Leo'lcrcq , JUistr Oole , Miosi Louisa Leolorcq . Mrs ' . Locloreq , and Fanny Wright , will appear with magnificent hconory by Frederick Fenton . The First Morning Performance of tl » o Pantomime will lake place on Thursday next , January ( Stl > , and every Thursday during the present mouth . Jwora open at Imlf-paat Ono , commenco afcTfwo , and conclude oy Four . Stago Manager , Mr . Chippondalo .
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . Robson and W . S . Emdon . ) Monday , and during tho week , will bq performed TU 1 J PORTER'S KNOT , gharngteru by Messrs . V . Kobsoii , O . Jooko , W . Gordon , H . Wlgan . G . Viuhig . H . Coopqr , J . II . Whitu , J . Vrnnka i Mrs . Lejgh Murray and MJ » s 11 ughct ) . To conclude with a . Now JBxtravagaussa fouuduu on t-on * JUyron's Pooin of MASSMPPA . Oliaraotcrtt by Mc « nrM . V . Itcihson , G . Oooko , H . Wigan , V . Chnrlep , H . Cooper , j . Uowara , and L . JU » U t M « fldamQ » Wyndham , Huh Ijoh , Mardtou , Cottroll , liromlcy , and W . B . Etadou .
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSKUM , 3 , TiohboVno-Btreot , oppoaUotho Ha < mmrkot , OPJ 0 N DAILY ( for Gentlemen only ) . LKpTURtfa , at 3 , 4 « , m ^ 8 o ' clock on Important ana IntoreHtiiig TopU >« , 1 m connexion " with ANATOMY PHYfelOLOGY , und PATHOAJGY < v » do Program mo ) . Admission . li .- * -J > r . Kuhi J Nino Lectures on tho Philosophy of Marriage . * ° ;» "ft ; pout freo , direct from tho Author , ou tfrp rucelpt ox la ¦ tamp *
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 16, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/16/