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28 THE LEAB1K [No. 158, Jantjary I, 1859...
the district commissaries of as large a ...
BOOKS RECEIVED..1 Handbook of Railway La...
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28 The Leab1k [No. 158, Jantjary I, 1859...
28 THE LEAB 1 K [ No . 158 , Jantjary I , 1859 .
The District Commissaries Of As Large A ...
the district commissaries of as large a quantity as possible of copper money , in -order to pperate an exchange at par with the old pieces of five centimes . The United- St ' atks Mint .- —According lo the report of the directors , the entire amount of bullion in all the several monetary establishments during the year was : —Gold , ' 51 , 494 , 811 dols . 29 c ; silver , 9 , 199 , 954 dols . G 7 c ; total , 60 , 694 , 265 dols . yGc . The coinage operations during the same i > eriod were a * follows : — Gold , 52 , 889 , 800 dols . 29 c . ; silver , 8 , 2 . , 287 dols . 77 c . ; cents , 244 , 000 dols . ; total , 61 , 357 , 088 dols . Otic . The amount of gold of domestic production deposited during the year was 40 , 977 , 168 dols . 55 c , derived as follows :- — From . California , 40 , 591 , 140 dols . 88 c : from Oregon ,
9181 dols . ; and from the Atlantic States , 376 , 846 dols . 67 c . The gold from Eraser ' s River is found to be considerably alloyed with silver , more so than the average of Galifornian " gold ; its value isl 7 dol . « . 50 c per ounce after melting .. The gold from Platte Kiver is equal to 19 dols . 92 c . per ounce . Some Chinese stamped ingots of gold received at the Mint -were valued at 19 dols . 97 c . per ounce troy . The production of silver from the mines of Lake Superior increases from year to year , biit usually with the disadvantage of a large alloy of copper . The Director of the Mint concludes his
reof circumcising a son of the V iceroy , 200 ^ 000 ^ . worth of fireworks was ordered of a Frenchman . - There is no extravagance in this , if we compare it with the seven millions which the Sultan has expended in building and fitting up a theatre at , Constantinople . Tub Bank , of Austkia . —The advices from Vienna give the details of the . new financial arrangements between the Government and the Bank . The State ones to the Bank 15 , 000 , 000 / . ; and this debt is to be
discharged by handing over to that establishment 3 , 000 , 000 f . due by the Southern Railroad to the Government , 2 , 000 , 000 / . in bonds which arise from estates belonging to the Government , and 10 , 000 , 000 / . by the mortgage of estates held by the Crown . Against the latter the Bank arc to be allowed to issue 10 , 000 , 000 / . of 1 guilder notes , convertible into silver , to pay oft" the notes of 1 , 5 , and 1 . 0 guilders which are still in circulation . The measure is stated to nave produced a good effect on the Vienna Exchange .
port with an interesting table , showing the relative fineness a lid value-of the precious metals of various nations . MKDiTiinRAN ' EAX Ti ; i » icGKArii . —Intelligence has been received by the Mediterranean Extension Telegraph Company , announcing that their superintendent at Malta had proceeded to Cagliari , and after testing the line at that place had given his opinion that the existing fracture is about midway ; . In order to facilitate the repair of the cable the company proposes to make use of the Elba , a vessel lately employed by the Turkish Government , for telegraphic operations in the Archipelago , and now hourl-v expected at Malta .
Corros at Natal . —Government are taking active steps "for encouraging the cultivation Of : cotton by the natives . At the experimental native village , in Mr . Fynn ' s magistracy , about fifty acres will be sown before Noveinlicr ; and at intervals along the line of country between the Umhlatuzan and the Umjcomas , patches of cotton cultivation , it is expected , will appear within the same period . . In like manner , it is intended to induce natives in other suitable localities to commence this species of industry . The assistance and-co-operation-of the missionaries are confidently anticipated , and will be very valuable . Mr . Payne , Who recently arrived with seed and other appliances for this enterprise ,, isbusily engaged on Mr . Thompson ' s estate , Clairmont , and intends to commence operations on other estate 3 shortly . The principal landowners in this neighbourhood have offered him liberal facilities for his experimental cotton cultivation on their lands . We will desiderate an
experiment on an adequate scale , on the middle and upl and districts . So far as it has been tried , we believe the cotton plant thrives admirably at Ekukanyeni , the church mission station , near Maritzburg ; and the opi n ion of the most competent judges is in favour of inland cotton cultivation . —Port Elizabeth Mercury , Nov . \ Zth . The Iron' Tradk . —The preliminary meeting of the ironmasters of the district was held at the hotel , Dudley , on Thursday , Philip Williams , Esq ., in the chair . The attendance was numerous , and a resolution proposed to the effect'that present prices of bars ( 8 ? . per ton , and other descriptions of finished iron in proportion ) should be re-confirmed , was unanimously adopted ,
TiIust and Loan Company of Upjpku Canada . — Yesterday an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was held at the offices in Morgate-street , for the purpose of authorising the directors to exercise the borrowing powers of the company in accordance with the 10 th clause of the Canadian Act of Parliament passed in 1858 . A resolution , enabling the directors to increase their borrowing powers to the extent of 875 , 000 / ., was put and carried , and a vote of thanks passed to the chairman . Tins Rival Railways . — -As a consequence of the contest which has nrisen between the Brighton and London and South-Western Railway Companies , the latter have issued a notice in which they state that
The Gt-occEsxKRSftiKE Coal - Mining Company ( Limited ) . —We take the liberty , unasked , of alluding here to the prospectus of the Gloucestershire Coal Mining Company which appears in another part of our impression . The remarkable detached coal-field of the Forest of Dean is now known as supplying house coal of good quality to Herefordshire and Gloucestershire , the district between the Wye and Severn , and , in fact , to all the country within compass of the broad-gauge lines . But its general opening and recognition as a coal-field are yet so comparatively recent that the . public are quite prepared to learn that mineral operations within its borders have been by no means regarded by private capitalists as reducible to such a certainty as those
in the older fields of Durham , Northumberland , Lancaehire , Staffordshire , or South Wales . A mineral district is not created in a day . A mining population is not to be extemporised . Engine works , foundries , powder works , manufactories , in short , connected with every branch of industry necessary . to successful mining , are not found ready to the hands of those who break ground in new fields , and when they do locate themselves , their numbers are so few at first that , for want of competition , the prices they are at liberty to demand are so many checks upon industry . Credit , again , except in specially mineral districts , is sparingly given to the mineral speculator ; And the cautious country tradesman cannot be wondered at who declines , as lie says , to bury his
money underground , " to alter the system of his dealings , and foster what he considers a lunatic attempt to get gold from the earth . The county of Cornwall , with which w-e are acquainted , is a peculiar instance of a district tinged throughout witti mineral enterprise . Every soul in the county , from the Lord-Lieutenant to the peasant child , is at home in such matters , and could interpret the recondite pages of the Mining Journal to a Cockney without faltering . But this is the ripening of seed " sown by Jews and Phoenicians in "remote ages , while the Forest of Dean now struggling for a position as a coal-field was not dreamed of half a century ago . But its time of trial is now past , and the
extension of the broad gauge , system in every direction , as well as its immediate connexion with the sea , is now carrying- its produce far and wide . We have means of knowing that the proprietors of the pits under notice are themselves large holders in the association they ' promote . Two of the gentlemen they have joined with them are experienced Scottish coal-owners . That a third owns the next coal-field is a distinct vote of confidence . The certifying engineer holds an excellent position . These facts we know ; and supposing that , as stated , three-fourths of the capital is subscribed , we see no reason why the remainder should not be readily forthcoming in these " piping times . "
French Loan Bank .- —Accounts from Paris state an expectation that the contemplated scheme for a new loan bank will be shortly put forth . It appears that it is to be called the Commercial and Manufacturing Credit Company , and that its capital is fixed at 1 , 600 , 000 / ., in 20 / . sharep . Deposits , not exceeding in the aggregate one-half the capital , may be received at interest . The company are to discount home and foreign bills , to make , advances on -warrants and goods , to grant limited loans on Government securities for ninety days , and on mortgages for
six months , to collect dividends and debts , and to receive securities upon commission for snfe keeping . The advances on Government securities and mortgages are each to be restricted to a fifth , of the subscribed capital , but the transactions in bills , warrants , & c , seem to be loft to discretion . The total liabilities of the company are never to exceed six times the amount of the capital . Subject to the consent of the Minister of Finance , subscriptions may be made to foreign loans and foreign companies .
The French Government and the Isthmus Scheme . —The Paris correspondent of the Exjtrest says : <— " The telegram stating that the Sultan had washed his hands of the Isthmus of Suez business , and that the Pasha of Egypt would not allow tho works to bo commenced without his sanction , was suppressed in Pat-is , and none of the journals have felt at liberty to allude to tho subject . It was , however , apprehended nt tho Bourse that tho Lcssops bubblo , was about to burst . The shares wore dono at 10 and 15 discount .
The Supplt ow Tea ,- —Tho reports current in tho first part of tho season , that tho supply of tea this year would bo short , although they did not got much crcdcnco at first , saetn aa if they were actually to prove truo . The advices just received say that at all tho ports the supply is remarkably short , and , owing to tho small stocks , tho teamen aro enabled to keep up prices to a figure which prevents foreigners from buying freoly . Tho export this year to the prosont time shows a decrease of 9 , 000 , 0001 b . on that of last year to tho same period , and of 18 , 000 , 0001 b , on that of 1850-07 ,
The Ooihaqio in Lomdahuy , — Accounts from Venice state that the , Archduko Maximilian has juet adopted two important , measures , The first' authorises tho mints of Milan and Venice to issue monthly 800 , 000 florins in gwanalgors of foreign manufacture ( tho circulation of which has hitherto boon prohibited ) in exchange for now Austrian mouoy of a corresponding value , Tho oocond Is intended for the convenience of tho working classes , and directs tho distribution among
" the London and Brighton Railwoy Company having intimated their intention to obstruct tho South-Westorn Company in tho use of tho railway between Havant and Portsmouth , and as it is possible they may carry that intention into effect for a time , tho public aro respectfully informed that tho Now Portsmouth Railway will bo opened on Saturday next , tho 1 st of January , as already advertised , but as between London and Ilnvant only . " PMBaongcru for Portsmouth are to perform tho remainder of their jounioy by omnibus ., Mussulman Extiiavaganoe . — Intelligence from
AloxunUvlu says : —•• Tho conditions imposed by tho English company for the loan which tho Viceroy wished to contract wo so unfavourable that , in splto of tho urgent noccaaltios ot the Egyptian treasury , it | i « s boon decided riot to accopt thorn ., and tho affulria consequently at an end . Scarcity of inonoy , however , is not in tho Hunt , whether on tho banks of the Nile or on tho shores of tho JUosphorus , any renson for suppressing useless expenditure . At this very moment they arc building on tho bunks of tho Nile , uonr Cairo , a magnificent pulaoo at nn Immoneo cost . For the rejoicings , on tho occasion
Books Received..1 Handbook Of Railway La...
BOOKS RECEIVED . . 1 Handbook of Railway Laiv . By Arthur Moore , Esq . W . H ; Smith and Son . Southern Lights ami Shadotcs . By Frank Fowler . Sampson Low and Co . Life in Victoria in 1853 and 1858 . By W . Kelly . 2 vols . Chapman and Hall . Songs by a Song-writer . By W . C . Bennett . Chapman and Hall . What will he do with It ? By P . Caxton . 4 vols . 8 vo . W . Blackwood and Sons . . Twelve Years of a Soldier ' s Life in India . By Rev . G . Hodson . 8 vo . J . W . Parker . . Mildred Norman , the Nazarene . By a Working Man . Longman and Co . . 1 Musical Gift from an Old Friend . Walton and 3 Iabefy . Hints " forthe ' Table . W . Kent and Co . . Painting Popularly Explained . By Thomas John ( Gullick , Painter , and John Timbs , F . R . S . W . Kent and Co . The States of Central America . By E . G . Squier . Sampson Low and Co . ¦ . . Reissue of Scraps and Sketches . t By George "Cruik-. shank . W- Kent and Co . : Frederick the Qreat and his Merchant . 2 vols . R . Beiitley . " . . ... . . : The Physiology of Common Life . By George Iltnry Lewes . No . I ., " Hunger and Thirst . " W . Hlackwood and Sons . Tales from Blackwood , No . X . W . Blackwood and Son . Descriptive Ethnology . By E . G . Latham , M . A ., M . D ., F . R . S . In 2 vols . John Van Voorst . Japan and her People . By Andrew Stemmetz , Esq . Routledge and Co . Otitlines of English History . By Henry Ince , M . A . James Gilbert . Sketches of and fron \ Jean Paul Richter . A . W . Bennett . Poems and Ballads of Goethe . W . Blackwood . An Inquiry into the Evidence * relating to the Charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn . Hy John Pagot , Esq . The Virginians . No . 15 . ( January . ) Bradbury and Evans ; . A Popular History of England , By Charles Knight . Bradbury and Evans . Winter Evenings . By Loitch Ritchie . In 2 vols . Hurst and Blackett . Jhiblin University Magazine . No . CCCXIII . January . Hurst and Blackett . Fraser ' s Magazine No . CCCXLIX . January . J . W . Parker . Blaokiqoad ' a Magazine . No . DXIX . January . " Blackwood . Titan . No . CLXVI . January . James Hogg . The English Woman ' s Journal . No . XL Vol : II . January . Piper , Stephcnson , and Co . The British Workman . No . IV . Yearly Part , rartrklgc nnd Co . Itcvuo Britannifjuc . No . XII . Difccnibro , 1858 . Furls : au Bureau do la Revue , 60 , Hue Nouvc-Saint-Augustin . # Le Foiled Journal du Grand Monde . Simplcii ) , Marshall , and Co . The Galhry of Nature . By tho Rev . Thomas Milner , M . A ., F . R . G . S . Part III . W . and R , Chambers . Davenport Dunn . By Charles Lovor . Part AlA . Chapman and Hall . Hart' !/ liougkton ; or , the Reminiscences of a hooenito Qtficer . My L . J . F . Hnchan . 8 vo . Slmp kin u » a Mnnthall . ... , Tho TMdM Treasury . No . XXIII . Vol . III . W » rd and Lock , _ q The Art Journal No . XLIX . January . Jft »" ' ThVlHrto ' ricalMagazine , No . XII . Vol . II . TrUbner and Co . ,. an ,, The Life and Remains of Douglas Jcrrold . By his Son , Blanchani JonoUI . Crown 8 vo . Kent ftnd C , o . The Ware qf tha Itoees . By J . Q . Edgar . 8 vo . w Kent and Co .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 28, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/28/