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No. ¦**«: January 1, 1859.] T H E ^ADEB,...
—"^ DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium - )
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No. ¦**«: January 1, 1859.] T H E ^Adeb,...
No . ¦**« : January 1 , 1859 . ] T H E ^ ADEB ,: _ 29
—"^ Dr. De Jongh's (Knight Of The Order Of Leopold Of Belgium - )
— DR . DBJONGH'S , ^ •_/ . » n f thi , Hi-tier of Leooold of Belainni )
LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , n " e ^ nspd in consequence of its immeasurable superiority ^ cvw ithTkind . as the safest speediest , and most over c \ erj effectual remedy for ^ s'SHMPTl 6 K , nUONCIIITIS , COUGHS , GOUT , niIKUMATIS » I , SS , DIS . CASKS OFTII-B SKIS , INFANTIMC WASTING , « fci ££ GESERAL DEBIMTV , ANU AM . SCKOFUfcO-US " ' ' AFFKCTIONS , v t r , i ' '
, ? 3 . ' opisiow o * G . H . BARLOW , ES ^ Q ., MD ., F . R . C . P ., Physician to Guys Hospital , < yc . < jc . " T have frequently recommended persons consulting , me frvniakeuse ofDr . de . rough ' s Cod Liver Oil . I have bceii tnu satisfied with its eirects . and believe it to be a pure Oil , well Sffifd tor those cases iu which the use of that substance is indicated . " Sold ONtYin Impe rial Half-pints , 2 s . Cd . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d ; Quarts 9 s .. capsuled and labelled with Dr . de Jonghs Xnaturo " without wuicii none can possibly ue genuine , by respectable Chemists . SOr . K AnENTS , , _ , WSAR . HARFORD . and CO .. 77 . Strand , London , A \ . C .
TRIESEMAR . Protected by Royal Lnttors Patent <> f Hn ( j ; la »( l . and socurpd by the aoftls of tho Kcolo do l'liarmnclo do 1 ' nriH , and tho Jmpovlnl Oollogo of Mo < UciiU ) , Vienna . Trlosomnr , No . 1 , Ur remedy for relaxation , HpurmutoiTliam . and oxlinuistion ofthoHystom . Trloaomar , No , 2 , vd'cctually , In thasbort spuoo ofthroo days , coinplotely and ontlr »«) y eradloatos all traces of thoao dhordora which uapHulcs luivo ho Ioiik boon thought an antldoto for , totlioniiu of tho health ofuvaHti Pprtipn of tho population . TrioMomar . No . « , i « lIuiKroafc MJHtliumtal romouy for that ivlatm of iliHorilors wliioh unfortunatoly tho JtlugliHli phyolvian trontn with mercury , to 'lioiuovitablodoatruct inn oftho i > nt lout VcoitHt It ut ion , nutl wntclt all tho jjarBaparllln in I ho world cannot remove . JrieBoinar , Noh , 1 , 2 , and iJ , arn nllko dovold of taMtoor fojoll , and of all nauHoatlng qtiallticM . They may Ho on tho roUofc table without tholr iiho boliigbviHix . u'tod . —tiold in tin wsps . nHoo lla ., froo by poHi 1 h . 8 d . oxtra tonny part oftho wmtou Klngdoni , or four vnqvti in ono ft > r « 1 ! Jb ,, hv pout , ? J . m , oxtm , " which savoH Hh . i and In Rl . antioui whoniby Wp ISA Having ofl / . l < Ja . ? divldod into aoparaf . o Uohch , a « w > minlt ) Corod by Valpoau , Lalloman < l , Itoiu , & c . Bold by fit . Olyii'oh , 78 , Grnouehuroh'titii'ooti liartloll Hoonor , li » , S ing WlUlftin-stroot 1 « . V . WivMh , 17 , Mtrniul 1 I ' rout , 22 l » , Btmna i liannay . OH , Osford-Htn'odi Suiikop , 1 «« . Oxfonl-* woofc , London » li . H . IiiKham , Markot-Htroot , 1 kInuvU « tiUT | W ^ l ' owoll , 18 , WostmorolauU-BUroot , Dublin .
- to it - - - MAPPIN'S ELECTBO ^ SILVER PLATE e AND TABLE CUTLERY . ' - MAPPIN BROTHERS . Manufacturers by Special Ap-° pointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield makers who supply the consumer iii London . Their London Show s Rooms , 67 and 68 , King "William-street , London-bridge , ft cbnUin by far the ' largest STOCK of ELECTRO-SILVUtt d PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in tho -World . - which is s transmitted direct from their Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . „ . ' ,,. ^ , , T ^ - r t ' -1 - .. ¦ ¦ Fiddle Double King ' s Lily ' Pattcrn . Thread . Pattern , Pattu . . ' ¦ £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d ; £ s d . s 12 Table Forks . best quality .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 e 12 table Spoons . clo . .. 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 1-2 0 12 Dessert ' Forks do . .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 12 Dessert Spoons do . -. 17 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 -2 . H « . * 12 Tea Spoons do . .. 0 16 0 140 1 7 <> ri « 0 " 2 Sauce tadles do . .. 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 <» 0 1 . 1 Gravy Spoon do . -. 0 7 0 0 10 fi 0 11 0 DUO 4 Salt Spoons Cgilfc bowls ) .. 0 6 8 0 10 0 0 12 <> » 14 » , 1 Mustard Spoon do . --0 1 8 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 3 0 > . 1 Fair Sugar Tongs do . .. 0 3 6 0 5 6 0 . 6 0 07 0 e 1 Pair FiJh Carvers do . .-1 0 0 110 0 114 0 1 [ , 1 Butter Knife do . .. 0 30 0 5 0 0 60 0 , 0 . 1 Soup Ladle do . .. 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 17 0 1 0 0 3 6 Egg Spoons ( gilt ) do . - j ^ J ^ ° ° ° ° 1 * ° s Complete Service .-.. * S 10 13 10 15 16 6 17 13 6 21 -1 6 5 Any Article can be had separately at the same Prices . ¦ ¦ One Set of i Corner Dishes ( forming S Dishes ) , 8 / . 6 s ; B One Set of 4 Dish Covers—viz . one 20 inch , one IS inch , anil two 14 inch—10 * . 10 s . : Cruet Frame . 4 Glass . 24 s . ¦ 1- ull-Sr / . o « Tea and Coffee Service . 91 . 10 s . A Costly Book of kngravings , with prices attached , sent per post on receipt ot 12 stamps . ;¦ Ordinary Medium ' 13 est Quality . Quality . Quality . Two Dozen Full-Size Table £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . tl . Knives , Ivory Handles ........ 2 4 0 3 6 P . 4 12 ' » 1 lJDoz . Full-Size Cheese ditto 1 4 0 114 0 . 2 11- 0 , One Pair Regular Meat Carvers .. 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 lo <» 1 One Pair Extra-Sized ditto ...... 0 8 6 0 12 0 . 0 lfc . b ; i One Pair Poultry Carvers 0 7 6 0 11 0 0 15 b One Steel for Sharpening 0 3 ^ 0 4 0 »¦ 6 0 Complete Service . * . . £ * 16 0 6 IS 6 0 10 is Messrs . Mappin's Table Knives still maintain their unrivalled superiority ; all their blades , being their own She ! - field manufacture , are of the very first quality , with secure Ivory Handles , which do not come loose in hot water ; and the difference in price is occasioned solely by the superior qualitv and thickness of the Ivory Handles . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 67 and 63 , King William-street , City , London ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery M orks , Sheffield . - . ,
st , , NEW YEAR'S FESTIVITIESNow that the duties of the toilet require more than ordinary care in the preparation for scenes of gaiety , the Hair and Teeth demalid especial attention , as F n J hc ' r P erv faction ' mainly rest the pretensions of the laircs . t face to t beauty and its claims to admiration . , .. DALTENBURGS ORIENTAL OIL . .-oqn ^^ WJ ** r , beneficial and beautifying effects On the hair rend * nng it i ' soft as silk , and bestowing a lustrous bright-ness . heyond ' belief . Price 2 s . 9 d . and 5 s , 6 d . per bottle ; by post 12 stamps ° IJ ^ LTENBURG'S DENTIFRICE is « n ^ ° rienlal proparation which permanently imparts to the leeth * PerTect , whiteness and high polish , arrests decay . Prevents ^ toothache , and removes every discoloration ; it also strengthens the Kums and renders the breath fragrant and pure . Price ? Is . lid . per box ; free by post for 1 G stamps . Sold bv D'ALTKNBURG and Go .. 3 Sa . Lamb ' s Conduit-3 street , L ' ondon ; and by most respectable chemists and perfumers . ¦ . e ° s ft d s .. ' . s e . * " ,
, > e [ , . 3 5 ¦ ¦ B « . ^""^ ~ TEETH-TEETH . ' PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS 1 -L PATENT , and received by the most eminent or the l ' anultv .-Mr . LAWRKNCE'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH by the CLEO-PLASTIO process entirely super-• sede tho Soft Gum . and every substance that become putrescent in the mouth . Their cleanliness . ea . se and comfort render them available in every ease , without springs , or wires , at less than , advertised P ™?^ ri £ ViMr itv ! TOOTH EXTRACTION' by GRADUATED I , LLC I » ICI 1 ^ is always attended with certainty and success . -- A lrcatise i on the above methods sent post free on application . Mr . LAWRKNCE , Member of College of Dentists , L . h ... . . 50 , Beriicrs-strcet , Oxford-street , London . ¦ ; .
, ! ' i . HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . WORMS . —Whatever weakens the power of digestion lias a tendency to generate intestinal worms , of which there are no less than five VJirietics which infest the humanhody . The ta : nia , lunibricus , and ascaris , or tape , round , and . thread worms are the most common . These maybe effectually expelled from the stomach or bowels by . iniproving digestion and invigorating the body . By assiduous friction over the abdomen with Hollowny ' s Ointment the troublesome parasites , already present in the intestines , are-banished ; while the tonic properties of the vermifuge Pills successfully preclude their regeneration . In childhood , worms constantly produce convulsions or create worm fever , wlncti cankers the tender bucl or withers the opening ilower , the dearest pledge of parents' love . ; i- '
¦ , ; ; GALVANISM . i- AfR- WILLIAM II . IIALSE , tho Medical AX Galvanist . or No . 1 , Addison-terracc , Kensington , ' London , solicits invalids to send to him for his Pamphlet on "Medical Galvnnism , " which he will forward post free 011 receipt of Two Postage Stamps . The beneficial effects of Galvanism in cases of Paralysis , Loss of Muscular Power in any part . Asthma , Indigestion ,. and Nervousness , are most extraordinary when applied in a scientific manner , and - with an etticient apparatus . AttendanC 9 from Ten to lwo ' o ' clock .. Mr . llalse ' s Galvanic Machines are Ten Guineas each . . ¦
ABERNETHYS PILL FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . TNVALIDS who . suffer'from Lowness of- Spirits , JL Want of Sleep , Loss of Appetite , and Bilious Attacks , will hail this medicine as a great bJessing . It acts by purifying th « blood and by restoring the stomach , liver , and bowels to their healthy state , and thus eradicates melancholy , weakness of limbs , & c . The smallest size box will be quite sufficient to convince any invalid of the extraordinary virtues of theso pills . Price Is . ljd , 2 s . i > d ., a-nd 4 s . fid . a box . Agents--Barclay , 95 , Farringdon-street . at-. d Hannay , 63 , Oxford street . Any medicine vendor will procure tnem .
DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD . r I TURKISH TREATMENT . —A Sdrgeon from I the Crimea , who was cured of fourteen years * deaf ness and most distressing noises in the head , is anxious to coniiiiuuicate the means of cure to others so afilicted- run instructions to efrect a cure sent to any part of the world upon receipt , of a stamped directed envelope . —^ Surgeon Colston , M . R . C . S . and M . R . S . L ., No . 7 , Leicester-place , Leicestersquare . London , W . y . Consulting hours eleven till four daily . ^___
THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . TVTORTON'S CAMOMILE TILLS jL \ arc confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which we are subject , being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial , that it is with justice " Natural STaENGTnENEK 01 ? the Human SioMAcn . " NORTON'S PILLS act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient : are mild in their operation ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testimonv to the benefits to bo derived from their use . Solil in Bottles at is . l | d ., 2 rj . 0 d ., and lls . each , in every town in tho kingdom . '' .-,, CAUTION!—Bo sure to ask for " Norton's Pills , " and do not be persuaded to purchase tho various imitations .
FORE AND ' PLANTE'S WINTER HOSIERY of every description , knitted and woven . Underclothing for Family use aiidInvalids .. Pi ¦ intcU anil Woven Flannels in great variety . —POPfc and PLAN li ., Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place . Pall Mall , London . ~ POPE AND PLANTE'S MILITARY SHIRT , constructed to tit the fiff « re without creasing with peculiar accuracy—POP-b and PLAjs J . J-, i , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London . _ ¦ " ~~~ " POPE ANb ~ PLANTE'S LADIES' ELASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , for use before and after Accouchement , admirably adapted forgiving emci ' entsupport , and EXTREME LIGHTNESS—a point litt ? o attended , to in the comparatively clumsy contrivances ana fabrics hitherto employed . Instructions for measurement , with prices , on application , and the articles sent by post from the manufacturers and inventors . POPE and PLANTE , 4 . Waterloo-place , Pall Mall . London , S . W .
HALSES SCORBUTIC DROPS . r pHIS old-established Herbal Preparation has JL a miraculous effect in all Scorbutic Complaints . quickb eradicating all impurities from the" blood . Indeed , a finer purifier of the blood cannot well be conceived , the pale , sicklv complexion speedily being converted to the roseate hue of health . Ladies should haye recourse to this preparution , instead of using , the dangerous cosmetics now so much in vogue . Price 2 s . Vi < X . and lls . a bottle . Wholesale Agents— Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; li annay and Co ., 63 , Oxrord-street . Any Loudonor country medicina vendor will procure the above for any customer .
IMPAIRED DIGESTION Is the certain result of imperfect mastication * ft"d * he source of an endless train of internal disorders . Mastication cannot bo properly performed with unsound teeth , and hence the importance of their claims on our attention , and the necessity of extreme caution in tlio choice of a preparation which ! while it shall cleanse and whiten the teeth , shall hot injure the delicate surface of the enamel , that onco destroyed can never bo repaired , and is certain to terminate in dccay .-D'ALTENBURG'S DENTIFRICE is an oriental preparation of groat rarity , possessing extraordinary properties in preserving tho teeth from decay and fixing them . securely in tho gums , on which also it exercises a salutary influence iu rendering them llrni and healthy . Its constant use will entirely prevent toothache , and preserve tho tooth sound , win ' to , and highly polished to extreme ago ; it speedily removes any discolouration , and renders tho breath fragrant and puro . Pripo Is . lid . per box ; free by post for 10 stninps . —D'Altenburc and Co ., 38 a , Lamb ' s Conduit-street , London .
KEATINGS PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL , Perfectly pure , nearly tnsteless , has boon analysed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Taylor and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in the words of tho late Dr . Pjsrki . ua , say , that " The finest oil is that most dovold of colour , odour , nndjlavour- " llnlf-piuts , ls . 6 d ., Pints . 2 s , ( Id ., Quarts , Is . 6 d ., and Five-pint Bottles , 10 s . 6 d ., Imperial Measure .-r-70 , St . X ' aul ' s Churchyard , London .
KEATINGS COUGH LO 2 ENGESr •\ -X 7 HAT IS A COLD ? THE PLAGUE OF YV THE ENGLISH OLIMATB . At this soason who , howovor careful , escapos it . s dcHtroyinK iivlluoncoP Wo may clothe well , live well , and guard well to ropol tho inovitabloaltapk ; it comes at laat with tho « vo . r-changing atmosphere of thin country ; then should bo procured a box of KRATING'S COUGH LOZKNGICS , which have boon known to euro whon other moans have failed . Propnrod and Sold in Boxoh , Is . \ u \ ,, mid Tins , 2 a . Od ., 4 a . Od ., and 10 s . Cd . onoh , by THOMAS KI < : ATlNO , ( MiomiM , & c , 70 , St « Paul's Olmrohynrd , London . Retail by nil DrugKlats and Patent Moillcino Vendors in tho World .
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For moderator lamps , selected from choice parcels direct from Lille , 4 s . 6 d . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , 7 d . per lb . ; ditto Moulds , 8 s . per dozen lbs ., stored in March last especially for family use . Household Soaps , 40 s ., 44 s ., tos ., and 4 Ss . per cwt . Delivered free to any part of , or within tivo miles of , town , and orders of 51 . value railway froo to any part of England . WH 1 TMORE and CRADDOClv , 1 » 5 . Bishopsgate-stroct Within , E . G ., Loiidon , old servants of , and City Agents to , Price ' s Patent Candle Company .
' \ RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN" LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo the most effective invention In the curative treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel spring ( so hurtful iu its effects ) iahcrcavoidod . aaoft Bandagobeingworn , round tho body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by tlto Moc-Main l * ad and Patent Lovor , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during Bleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fall to fit ) forwarded by post , on tho ciroumforeticoof tho body , two inches below the hi p , bclitfr aont to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 2 : 28 , Pioemlill . v , London . Prlco of a single truss , lOs ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . Od . — FostnKO Is . DoubloTruss , 318 . Od ., 42 a ., and 62 s . fld . —Postapo Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 a . 0 d . —Postago la . 10 il . Post-onioo ordors to bo made payable to JOHN WHIT IS , Post-oflloo , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & o ., M 24 Tor VARICOSE VEINS , and all caaoa of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , Ac They aro porous , light ) in toxturo . aud inexpensive and nro drawn on like an ordinary stocking . PHco from 7 a . ( id . to 10 a , ouch .- —Postnffo Od . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London . > , , ¦ , . ' ; j
S E H >\ 61 J It E . —AM E RIC AN '~ TRE A TM EN T . > TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED . 0 IIARLES WATSON , Member of tho Reformed American , College , U . S . ; tho Society of Medicine , Rouen ; tho National , Academy of Sciences , Paris j and Tallow and Honorary Vico-Presidont of tho Imperial African Institute ofFranco , , i 7 , Alfrcd-placo , liodford-aquaro , London , continuoa to . i « . su . e ,-oii receipt of six stamps , "THE GUIDE TO SELF ' CURE . " "Those about entering tho Marriage Statoshould poruso ; Dr . Wntson ' Hinvalnablo littlo work , as tho advice ho gives 011 hoalth and dlsoasorodects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . " —Critic " Tho truoGuido to those whodosiro aspcody andprivate j euro . "— University Magazine . For Qualllloations vide "Diplomas" and tho "London ModloaTDIrootory . "
VALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS J ' A neatly printed book , 100 pngoa . TRN THOUSAND c CO 1 MKS of which nro bolng issuo ' d GRATUITOUSLY , by tho " ANATOMIOAI . AND l ' ATlIOr . oaiCAl . SOOlHTYOIfQMKAX . Bimtain . " ThoSooioty ppouontH this itnportnnt work to tho publio tfratiiiioiiNly , for tho bcnotlt of thoao who nro sullVrliiB from debility , norvousnosa , loas of moinory , ; diiunoHH of night , droWHliivsa , indigoatlon , irritability , ni ) d I uoix'ritl proHiratlon of tho Hyttoni , inuapaolty for study , > itutiinotHS . qr eooioty . and hsiujoiali-v hkcommi-ikds , ix to I YnttNa Mkn . , , , A . . lt , f " . Mont valuable to those who fool an interest in tho sub- t loeU tronted of , bhowliifj HuH'orora tho moat oortaln mouna j > of rcoovorlnKperfoothoalth . "—Moiiioal Journal , Knelotio two Hta « npn to prepay poatnKO , and addroas Dr . W . li . MnrHton , Anatoiulonl Museum , 47 , JUornonj « Btroot , OxI ' orU-Htroot , London . ft
; I > I t j > . ft ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE : And PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT , lOff , Oront HusHoll-stroefc , BloomHbury , W . O . —Slmplo and Mod I en ted VAPOUR * GALVANlOi and ELEOTRO-OUKMICAT , BATHS , on iniprovod prlnoiplos . For tho extract ion of Load , Moroury . and othor Minorala from tho body , mid for tho euro or Norvoua , Diabetio , Paralytic , Outuuoouti , Hopatie , Spinal , Rhqvvnmtlo Gout , and other diaoaaott . Modioal Suporlntondont—JOHN SKHLTON , liaq ., M . D ., M . R . O . S ., Kub . For torrus , & o ., boo circular sent froo upon rooolpt of nddrous .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 29, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/29/