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3 Q THE LEADE R. [Ko 458; January 1 ^ 18...
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3 Q The Leade R. [Ko 458; January 1 ^ 18...
3 Q THE LEADE R . [ Ko 458 ; January 1 ^ 1809 ,
WINES FBOM SOUTH AFRICA . . DENMAN , IN TRODUCER of the SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , & o ., 20 s . per dozen , bottles included . A-PINT ^ SAMPLE OF BACH FOR 84 . STAMPS . Wine in Cask forwarded to any Railway Station in England . Extract from the Lancet , July 10 th , 1858 . _ The WnrasoB South Abbioa .- ^ " we have visited Mi-. Debtmah ' s Stores , selected in all eleven samples of wine , and bave subjected them to careful analysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of their bouquet and . flavour , their acidity aud sweetness , the amount of wine stone , the strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . We have to state that these Wines , though brandied € 0 a much less extent than sherries , are yet on the average nearly as strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration . Indeed , considering the ^ price at which they are sold , their quality is remarkable . ' EXCELSIOR BRANDY , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or SOs . per dozen . Terms Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance Ooss Cheques— "Bank of London . " Priced Lists , with Dr Hassatl ' s Analysis , forwarded on application . —JAMES L DENMAN , 65 , Fenchurcli-street , corner of Railway-place Tjnndon .
WINE AT HALF DUTY . QUALITY AND ECONOMY COMBINED . South African Port and Sherry .... 20 s . and 24 s . per doz . South African Madeira and Amontillado ... . 24 s . per doz . Pure , full body , with fine aroma . "Messrs . Brown and Brough ' s Wines prove , upon trial , that they are richer and finer- flavoured than much of the foreign wines ;"—Vide John Bull , Nov . 13 , 1858 . . , "Chemical analysis b-as proved Messrs . Brown . and Brough ' s Wines to be free from all adulteration , and experience attests them to be both salutary , and agreeable to the palate . "—Vide Medical Circnlan Nov . 1 , 7 , 1858 . Delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . Terms Cash . Country Orders must contain a remittance . BROWN and BROUGH , Wine and Spirit Importers , 29 , Strand , W . C , and 24 , Crutched-friars , City .
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , MADEIRA , & c-, in brilliant condition ; 20 s . per dozen . "I find your wine to be pure and unadulterated . ¦ ¦ -. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . , " Ht . Lexhebt , M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sample of either , ' Twelye Stamps . Terms—Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . ¦ .- ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ . The Analysis of Dr . Letheby sent free on application . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon . — WELLER and HUGHES . Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Grutched-friars , Mark-lane , London , E . G .
MALMSEY . 24 s . per doz .. Cash . —This delicious wine may bo obtained at the above extraordinary low price , from the importers , HARRINGTON , PARKER , and Co-, 5 & , Pall-mall , S-W . ALLSOPPS PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRiNGTON , PARKER , and CO . are now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . Supplied in bottles , also in casks of 18 gallons and upwards , by ifAB-RINGTONi PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 54 , Pall-Mail .
CADIZ . A PTJRE PALE SHERRY , of tho Amontillado character , 38 s . per dozen , Cash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of thia fine Wine . HENRY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn , E . O . _ opoRTO — AN OLD BOTTLED PORT of high character , 48 s . per dozen , Cash . This genuine Wine will bo much approved . HENRY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn , B . C .
ECONOMY , A 10-gallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY , for four guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . nor dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Three dozens carriage free . Cash . — -HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , and CO-, Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1831 . HENEKEYS' COGNAC , A . pure French Brandy , pale or brown , 20 s . par gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to bo returned within throe months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , tho cask included and carriage paid . HENEKEYS' LONDON BRANDY , Palo or brown , 14 a . por gallon , 30 a . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . HENEKEYS' LONDON GIN , As from the still , and the strongest allowed , eweofc or dry , 128 . per gallon , 203 . por dozen , Six gallons , tho cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . HENEKEYS' PRICES CURRENT OF WINES AND SPIRITS SontjpoBt froo on application . —HBNEKEYB , ABBOTT , andOXX , Gray ' slnn DjatUtory , 82 and 23 , High Holborri , W . O . Batabltohed 1981 . ,
THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instantaneously to any of four stages , from a warming power of 40 deg . down to 15 deg , A paper , describing the principles and right uso of proper Respirators . andospo , qiallyof this rooont and important improvement , by tho original Inventor pif tfro Respirator , Mr . Joffroys , may bo obtaHnod by post from If . E . Porolval , Manager , Chief Offl oo , 25 , Buoklorabury , London ; and of thQ Agents ovorywhore . ^ MmwM ... I
WHI ^ KlES ^ EQUALISATiqN OF DUTY . The choicest Scotch and Irish from . 14 * to 18 s ; per gallon . —OWEN and Co ., 75 , Lower Thames-street , London , B . C ., opposite the Custom House . Shipping and the Trade supplied . - ¦ . . '* _ ; •¦ ' . ' -, :
THE PAST AND THE FUTURE . HYAM and CO ., 86 , OXFORD-STREET , beg . to acknowledge gratefully tho encouraging success which has attended their trading operations during the year 1858 . So great has been this success that tho proprietors are led to augur favourably for the year 1859 . HYAM and Co ., on a review of their past efforts , congratulate themselves oil the assurance that they have extended the advantages of their business to the material benefit of the ; public Nothing will be wanting on the part of the Proprietors to secure by merit a continuance of support during the year " CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS .. HYAM and Co . respectfully invite the attention of parents and guardians to the superior Overcoats , Sleeve Capes , School Suits * & c , which they have now on stock , Style , Serviceableness , and Suitability being admirably conibined in these matchless Karmgn 1 iS i ______ ¦ CHILDREN , BOYS . AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co ; have contributed materially to the comfort and appearance of the Young in the design and make of their DRESS and UNDRESS JACKETS for Little Boys and Youths . . A vast yariety . may now bo selected from at the most economical prices . CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co . are celebrated for the Elegance , Excellcuco , avid Economy of the HUSSARS and TUNICS which they fashion , fabricate , and finish in the most approved stylo , and from the choicest patterns . CHILDREN , BOYS , AND YOUTHS . HYAM and Co ., in their excellent and diversified GARMENTS ; OE A-PIECE for the-Young , have provided what . was Ions wanting in convenient and becoming Undress for Children and Boys . These conjoint Garments look exceedingly well , and serve to spare the wear and tear of other articles of attire . ' ¦ . .. . SPECIAL CAUTION . ^~ HYAM- arid Co . are not in any way connected with any other establishments than the following , viz .: — LONDON—86 , OXFORD STREET , WEST END . BIRMINGHAM—23 and 24 , NEW STREET . LEEDS—42 , BRIGGATE .
THE 35 s . INVERNESS WRAPPERS , THE 50 s . TWEED SUITS , & THE 16 s . TROUSERS , ARE all made to Order from the New SCOTCH CHEVIOT , all Wool Tweeds ^ of Winter substances , thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W . Patterns and Designs , with directions for Measurement , sent free . The TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK COAT , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF GUINEA WAISTCOATS . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY— 30 , Gracechurch-street , VTnxrnmvr WEST—189 and 190 , Tottenham-court-road , J * jyJxy ww In tho READY-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an immense assortment of MEN'S , BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garmonts of tho most novel , durable , and elegant designs , can rarely bq seen . Tho Public will effoot a groat saving , the prices being based on the most economical principles , consistent with sterling quality—the only tost of cheapness . BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT . —Nothing can exceed the variotyand novelty of design in this department . For the winter season , such an immense assortment is provided as to exceed all L . II YAM'S former efforts . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most economic scale , and have only to bo Been to ensure that patronago which their intrinsic merits so Wojl deserve The ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a magnificent assortment of evory novelty for the season . Tho Artistes ; who are celebrated for reflned tasto and stylo , are guarantees for a good ( It . Economy is tho loading feature CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN are specially invited , the Black and Mixture Cloths being of a FAST DYE * An ordered Suit of Black for 32 . 3 s . Also tho celebrated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great variety . L . HYAM marks every Garment , in PLAIN FIGURES , from which no deviation is made ; and no garment need bo kept , when seen at homo , if not satisfactory , but can bo exchanged within any reasonable timo , if returned in good condition .
SANCTITY OF THE GRAVE COMBINED WITH ECONOMY OF CHARGE . THE LONDON NECROPOLIS , X or WOKINQ OEMETJ 3 RY . is situated within an easy distance from town , by South-western Railway , starting from tho Company's private station in Westminster Bridgeroad . This Cemetery Is of a dry sandstone formation , and ho extensive that over-crowding or desecration of tho dead by after removal is impossible in it . Indeed itis expressly stipulated by tho act under which this Comotery wna 6 sto , bllahod that a separate gravo should bo provided for each interment , which should not aftorwarda bo rooponod except at the expressed desire of the friends of tho deceased , for tho PMrposoof depositing tho remains of anothor naorabor of Tho London Nporopolls Oorapnny nndortalco tho entire . arrangooionta bonncoted with tho interment of the ( load at less than half tho charges ordinarily lriourrod . They oifor seven distinct scales of oliargos from which to select . Four of those vary from 111 . 4 b . to 71 . lOs ,, tnoluding oofllu . furniture . & o ., and tho oomploto porformanoo of tho funoral from the house to tho station , and thonco to tho Co ' motory . The pthor throo vary from 91 , IBs . to SI . ffs ., and iuolucKo ooflln and all undertaking oxpensoa , dispensing only with the funoral cortege from tho house to tho station . Qhlof Offlco , % Xancastor-pltvco , Btraud ; W . 0 .
THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE TOR SILVER . flie REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced more than twenty years a go by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkiiigton and Co is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it bo distinguished from real silver . A small useful plate chest , containing a set , guaranteed ofArst quality for finish and durability , as follows : — Ipidtlle or ITbrr . d or I I Old Silver , llrunsnick King ' , Wililarr Patleru . | Pattern . | Pattern . | Pattcis . £ s . d . £ s . d . \ ~ £ s . dJ- * s . d . 12 Table Forks ! 1 . 18 0 -2 8 0 ; 3 0 Oj 3 10 0 12 Table Spoons ..... ; 1 18 0 2 8 0 . 3 0 0 [ 3 XO 0 12 Dessert Forks ....: 1 10 Oi 1 10 0 j 2 2 0 , 2 10 0 12 Dessert Spoons ; 1 10 0 | 115 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 12 Tea Spoons 0 18 0 . I 4 0 l io o ! 1 18 0 6 Egg Spoons , gilt bowls ...... . 0 12 0 ; 0 15 O 0 * i > H o 1 1 0 2 Sauce Ladles .. 0 V 0 0 8 G : o iO ( 5 ; 0 l « o 1 Gravy Spoon 0 8 0 . 0 11 0 . 0 i 3 0 0 10 Q 2 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls ... 0 4 0 . 0 5 00 Go 0 7 G 1 Musta ' rd Spoon , gilt bowl . 0 2 00 2 0 ; 0 3 0 0 3 a 1 Pair of Sugar Tongs 0 3 0 0 3 « . ) ' 0 5 0 0 7 0 1 Pair of Fish Carvers ......... 1 4 0 1 7 0 . 1 12 0 1 13 0 1 Butter Knife .... ; .. 0 30 0 5 9 , 0 70 0 8 0 1 SoupLndlo 0 13 0 017 C 100 1 io 1 Sugar Sifter 0 4 0 . 0 . 4 0 ; o 5 0 u s ( 5 Total ... 11 It G 11 11 3 17 14 it 21 4 9 Any article to be had singly at the same prices . Air oak chest to contain the above , and a relative number of knives , & . C ., 2 Z . 15 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of replating done by the patent process . I ^ UTLERY , WARRANTED— The most va-\ J ricd Assortment Of TABLE CUTLERY in tlx ; world , all warranted , is ON SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because , of tlie large-. ness of the sales . 3 . J-inch ivory-handled table knivos , with high shoulders , 12 s . Gd ; per dozen ; desserts to ma . tcli , l < is . ; if to balance , Cd . per dozen extra r carvers , 4 s . Stl . . pur pair ; larger sizes , from 20 s . to 27 s . 6 d . per dozen ; extra lino ivorv , 33 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 40 s . to 50 s . ; white bone tablo knives , Cs . per dozen ; desserts ,. 5 s . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d- per pair ; black horn tablo knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s . i carvers , 2 s . fid . ; black woodrhaudled table kuivis and forks , Cs . per dozen ; 1 able steels , from Is . eiieh . The largest stock in existence of' plated dessert knives and l ' orks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated lish carvers . DISH COVERS AND HOT ' WATER DISHES , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the sot of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to -17 a . flu- si > t of six ; elegant modern patterns , 85 s , Gil . to 02 s . ( id . tlie set ; Britannia metal , with , or-without . silver plated handles , il . 11 s . to 61 . 8 s . the set- ; Sheffield plated , 10 / . to K >/ . los . tlie set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 1 : 1 s . to J $ Os . ; Britannia metal , 22 is . to 77 s . ; clcctro-plnted on nickel , full size , 11 / . 11 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATA LOG Hi ! may be had gratis , and free bv post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illiinited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal u-nmls , pish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , JVudtis , Marble Chimney-pieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , t . ' nseliers , Tea Urns and Kottlcs , Toa Trays , Clocks , Tiibli .- Outlory , Baths and Toilot Waro , Turnery , Iron and lira ** liidatoads , Bedding , Bed 'Hanging , & c . & c ., with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large"Show Rooms , at H ' . i , Oxfordstrcot , W . ; 1 , lA , 2 , and 3 , Nowman-strcet ; and l , . > , and G . Porry ' s place , London . —Eb'TABLISHKD lti-Jo .
DEANE'S TABLE CUTLERY Celebrated for more than 150 years , inaiutainsan unrivallM reputation for cheapness and llrst-rnto quality . Tlio » iui-k js most extensive and complete , including tlio Hurst transparent Ivory Handles at 32 s . per U 07 . 011 , choice- dit t « ' Itnlnnco Handles from 22 s . por dozen , medium ditto Balance Mnndles ( anoxccodhigly cheap and serviceable family iirtUMe ) , 10 s . por dozen ; also Bono , Horn , StnK , am . } , every vnri ' ' . mounting ; all warranted . Platod Dossert , Knivus nnd I'ni'Ks , with Silver , Pearl , Ivory , and Platod HwhIIch , in casts of 12 , IS , or 24 paira , also plated FialjontiiiK Knives from -las . por dozen . Silver and Plated FUli Carvers of tliu nowest and most elegant designs always in stock . —London n ; r < niis for Messns . Joseph Rodgors and Sons' celobrttted cutlery . DEANE and Go . ' * Qonoral FurnishliiB Ironnimitrory WarchoM 8 O 3 < oponii ) R to tho 3 Io » umciU ) , J . ondon Jiriilgo . Established a . d . 1700 .
SOHO LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTORY . 20 , Soho-squaro , London . —Kutablbhod 20 yonrs . — 'rl ) o Proprietor bogs to oall tho attention of tlio PMh'llo to t jo following very rocUiced Llat of 1 ' ijcos for LOOKl ^ MQLASSBS , of suporlor quality , littoa in oarel ' ully »»»»«• faoturod carved and gilt frames ;—¦ Slsso of Glass . Outsldo Bloasuroof Franio . 1 ' rloo . 4 , 0 by 30 in . 01 in . wldo by 3 $ ) In . high from a / . l"n . oni'H ' 40 by 30 in . 48 In . wldo by OS in . Iilgli from « ' « ' * ' 00 by 40 in , R 2 in . wldo by GO In . high from 0 { . (>«¦ < ' »« 63 by 43 In . 05 In . wldo by fll > in . high from 71 . . 7 k- «»< - ' 00 by 40 in . 8 tf in . wiUo by 00 in . high from »{• «• " *• «' « 00 by 48 In . 02 In . wldo by 74 lu . hgU from H »{ . «»•«» 70 by 00 in . 6 J , In . wido by 81 la . high , from lit- on . cnoU , Mahogany dressing and ohoval fflassos , P " . ( iorl }!" u girandoles , pioturo frames , & c , ut oqually modorato pritoa . Morohants and shippers supplied by special contnu ' t .
BRECKNELLS SKIN SOAP , The bost for produohiff a olear and houlthy ^ l « .. / iv paokets of four tablotH or eight ) squnroH . Broukimll » ¦(¦ -iloorlno Soap , for iiho whon tJ » o hUIii . «»¦;>''« »»{ ' « J ! * vi-lt paokots of four lanlota , 1 h . fld .-HlUiOKNMLL . TU } W - « . anU SONS , manuraoturorH of , Wnx . 8 | ionnao <» H , Mi » '< OoropoHllo , and Valjow Ouudlos to Iior Mnjoslyi « K « M l ? Prioo'S X ' atont Oaudlo Oomimiiy , doaiorn 11 all ctlmi '"» 'y Caudles , all kinds of houMuhnld aiid to lot Ho » i' » . ' ' Ool / . n , Sporm , Vogotablo , nndoMior Lamp OIU , iui . '' '" , '• }} 1 , Haymai'kdti , JVoiiUon .-N . U . Maolitnblol anU sqwuo W utaujned wltUtUo namo of JUrookuoll . "
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/30/