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TSTo. 458, Janua ry 1,1859.1 TELE LEAP1B...
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Tsto. 458, Janua Ry 1,1859.1 Tele Leap1b...
TSTo . 458 , Janua ry 1 , 1859 . 1 TELE LEAP 1 B , . 31
- ivjAPPIN'S DRESSlNa CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . ^ atjp tN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Ap-^ ment t tho Queen ' are the only Sheffield Makers who ^ i ? the consumer in London . Their London Show supply the ° onsuniw WILLIAM-STREET , London Mf' ofnt ^ n bv farYhe largest STOCK OF DRESSING £$ ES andKiJs ' afidGentlf men ' s TRAVELLING BAGS ^ tuL World , each Article being manufactured under their ° ^ IApFlN " s Gufnea DRESSING CASE , for Gentlemen . HATPIN'S TWo Guinea DRESSING CASE , in solid ^ ffltes' TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 2 a iSvSo .. from 3 n 2 , to 8 ot . . Messrs . MAPPIN invite Inspection of their extensive Stock , which is complete with every Variety of Stylo and ^ wstly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , forwarded by post on receipt of 12 Stamps . MAVPIN BROTHERS , , ^ TT ^^ T flTftiid 68 . KING WILLIAM-STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Queen ' s Cuti-ebt Works . Sheffiei-i » . MAPPIN'S "SHILLING" RAZORS . Warranted good by the Makers . Shave well for Twelve Months without Grinding . _ MAPPIN'S 2 s . RAZOUS shave well for Three Years . MAPPIN'S 3 s . RAZ 0 RS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) Shave well for Ten Years . MAPPIN BROTH ERS , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield ; and 67 , King William-street , City , London ; where tlio largest Stock of Cutlery in the World is kept .
THE PEN SUPERSEDED . The most elegant , . easy , and best , method of marking ; Arms , Crests , Names , or Initialson Linen , Cotton , Books , or j other articles , without the ink spreading or fading , is j with the INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE PLATES . Any ! person can use them with the greatest ease . Names ( any ¦ Style ) , 2 s . ; Initials , Is . 6 d . ; Crest , 4 s . ; Numbers per set , Is . ; 6 d ., "sent post free on receipt of stamps by the inventors , P . WHITEMAN & Co-, Engravers , & a , JO , Little Queen- ! street , Lincoln's Inn-lields , W . C . A name plato engraved j any style . Is : ; 100 superior cards , thin or thick , 2 s ., or 50 i for Is .: sent post free ; -unequalled at the price ? . I
A PATENT CORN FLOUR , with BROWN and POLSON'S name , has now the annexed trade mark on each packet . For Puddings , Custards , & c , preferred to the best Arrowroot' and unequalled as a Diet for infanta and Invalids . The Lancet says , " This is superior to anything of the kind known . "—See Reports—also from Drs . Hassall , Letheby , a ' nd Muspratt . / > Sold by Grocers , Chemists , & c , at 8 d . per 16 oz . packet . Paisley , Manchester , Dublin , and 23 , Ironmonger-lane , London . ' ¦ . 4 ¦ [ ' '
CAUTION TO HOUSEHOLDERS , Bankers , Merchants , and Public Offices . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can be had only of F . PUCK RIDGE , 52 , Strand , near Charine-cross . These Locks are important for theirsecurity against burglars and thieves , as evidenced in the fraudulent attempt to pick it at the Crystal Palace , in August , 1854 , by John Goater , foreman tp Messrs . Chubb , for the REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thief proof Iron Safes , Plate and Jewel Chests , Deed , Cash , and DespatchBoxes , Embossing Dies , & c . Warranted Street ? Door Latches , 178 ; Cd . each . !
¦ HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are" particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears the back label with the name of William Lazenby , as well as the front label signed " Elizabeth Lazenbv , " and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an additional label , printed in green and red , as follows : — "This notice will be affixed to Lazenby's Harvey ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well-known labels , which are protected againstiinitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of 9 th July , 1858 . " (! , Edwards-street , PortnianTSqUare , London . .
EPPS'S COCOA . ETPS , HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST , London . — lib . and Jib . packets , Is . Cd . and 9 d . —This excellent production , originally prepared for the special use of hqin . icopathic patients , having been adopted by the general public , can now be had of tlie principal grocers- Each packet is labelled James Epps , homoeopathic chemist , London . ¦ .
EXCURSIONS in SOUTH WALES , ILLUSTRATED . THE ART-JOURNAL FOR JANUARY ( Price 2 s . 6 d . ) commences a new Volume : it contains Engravings from the following Pictures in the Royal Collections ;—" The Marmozettosi" by Sir E . Landseer , R . A ., and " ¦ Gil Bias at Pennaflor , " by D . Maclise , R . A . ; aud also an Engraving from the Bas-relief , by F . M . Miller , entitled " Emily and the White Doe of Rylstbne . " . The principal literary contributions of the Number arc : — "Hogarth in London Streets , " by G . Walter Thornbury ; "Excursions in South Wales ; Part I . —The Wye-, from Ross to MOn mouth / ' by Mr . and Mrs . S . O- Hall , illustrated ; "On Domestic Games and Amusements iii the Middle Ages : Part I . -The Game of Chess , " by T . Wright , F . S . A ., illustrated ; " British Artists : their Style and Character : No . U- ^ -LouisHngho , " illustrated : " Tombs of British Artists : No . 11—J . Nollekens , " by F . W . Eairholt . F . S . A ., illustrated ; " The "Royal Scottish' Academy ; " " The New Foreign Ofllec ; " " EnRland iii the Olden Time , " illustrated ; " Rubens and his Scholars , " by F . W . Fairholt , V . S . A ., illustrated ; "Photographic Apparatus ; " "Tho Terra Cotta Works of J . Pulham , Broxbourne , " illustrated ; "Memoir of T . UwinS , E . A ., " "riio Eugi ^ avings at Kensington Museum , " "British Museum Novelties , " & c . & c . VIRTUE AND CO ., 25 , PATERNOSTER-ROW .
WORKS OF THE PRESENT SEASON 1 M CIKCULATION AT MU DIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . What will ho do with it ? Ursula ; a Talc of Country Life . Tho Two Sicilies , by Julia Kavanngh . 1000 C (> 2 > ie $ . loon Copies , 500 Copies . Carlylo's Fricdricli thy Second . King ' s Italian VnlN-ys of tho Ali > s . Livingstono ' s Travels in Africa . 1 * 00 Copies . 500 Copies . 3000 Conies . Mnsson ' s Life and Times of Milton . Agnes llopctouu , by Mrs . Oliphant . Winter Evenings , by Loitch Ritchie . Ellls ' s Visits to Madagascar . Life of M . A . Shimmolpcnninck . Do Quiucy's Leaders in Literature . Tho Scouring of tho Whito Horse . Buckle ' s Civilization in England . Frocr's Henry tho Third of Franco . 1000 Copies . 000 Conii's . 500 Copies . Life of Douglas Jorrold . Muirhead ' a Life of James Watt . Wilkinson on Colour and Tasto . Hodson ' a Twolvo Years in Indin . Gootho . s Solids , by Aytoun and Martin . LioblR ' s Chomistry . —Neto Edition . Blakosloy ' s Rcuidence in Alfjoria . Sttiphon hanjjton , by M . F . Tuppor . Deborah ' s Diary .- Tho Daj'S of Old . Lifoof Thomas Uwins , M . A . Portor ' a KiuKlits of Malta . Blollhauscn ' s Central America . Dorn , n * s Pictures and Panels . Father and JJnuplucr , by F . Bromor . Walmsloy ' a Algeria . . Noel ' s India . Forster ' s Biograpljlcal Essays . Jones ' s Naturalist ' s Aquavivarium . Gullick and Tlmbs on Painting . Mansol ' siBampton Lccturoa . Rawlinson ' s HorodotiiH . Eric . Southoy ' s Life of Weslpy . —2 S aw Edit . Baron Aldorson's Life and CImrgos . Portor ' M Hand Hook to Palestine , Now York to Delhi .-- —Roos's Lucknow . Snnford ' M Historical Studios . Tl \ o Laird of Norlaw— - Rita . Krightwoll ' a Life of Liniinsns . Colotta ' s History of Naples . ; , Woman ' s Sphoro and Work , t » y Landols , Gladstone ' s Studios of Homor . wuortaon ' s Lectures and Addrcssos . Mullor ' ct Llturaturo of Groeco . Morley ' a Bartholomew Fair , WfOIn a Moravian Sottloniout . Guthrio ' a Iuhoritanoo of the Saints . Lowos ' s Soa-Sido Studios , ragot ' a JNodos on Macaulay and Ponn . Dasont ' s Tales from tho Norso . Phantaatoa . —¦—Cecil ' s Pooms . Domonooh ' s Travels in Texas . Tho 1 ' ort Roynllxts . — . Vow Edition . Urialmout ' s LJfo of AVolliugton . Bleoinan ' a Travob throuKb Oudo . Willca's Three ArchblahopH . Gubblu ' s Siego of Luoknow . f lno Meiiuip Annals . ——Andromodn . TomosV American in Japan . Forrostor ' s Corsica and Sardinia , oraalna of Sir Humphry Davy . 11 lnttm '» Tour in Sweden . Maiden Siators . An Old Debt , rpuao ' u History of England . Tlio Unproluotod Ftuiwilos in Sicily . Symouds ' a Curloaitioa of Food . OgUvio ' s Jlastor Uuildor ' M Plan . Dr . Tliorno . Maud JlliiRloy . Aftoriioon of Unmarried Life . Rio of Honry S . Polohampton . Miirtlncau ' H Studies of Chrisiiunity . Miller ' s Oruiso of tho Botsoy . Mwavan ' s Auvonturou in India . Wala ' a Journey tluo North , Oooko ' o Lottors from China . "ftftonga ' B Llfo in Piedmont . Trust inul Triiil , 1 > . V Mary Hmvitt , Whito ' s Mouth in Yorkshire . Mio of tho Oouutosu liouuoval . Von TemjmUy'H Travels in Mexico . Twtnlng ' a Locturos on Plants . KQlIy ' tiLifo in Victoria . ' Baillic ' a Mcmolra of ttnint AuHuatiuc . Esaays , by Dr . John Urown . Prcsh Copios of eacli of tho abovo anil ovory other roocnt AVork of ncUnowloilgod merit and gonoral interest in JIlSTORY , BlOOKAPIIV , lilCI . IOION , l ' lULOaOIMIV , Tlt . VVKU , ail ( l tllO lIlGUJKK QlJtAtl QV FlCTIOX , COUtillUO to l > 0 ndded as frcoly as Subscribora may require them . Tho present rate of increase exceeds ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND VOLUMES per Annum . SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION , ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM , * int"Ol « as Country Subscription , Tico Guineas aud upwards , according to tho number of Volumes required , CHARLES EDWARD MUDIE , NEW OXFORD STREET , LONDON , AND CROSS STREET , MANCHESTER ,
, , THE WESTMINSTER Bjsyu & W . NEW SERIES . No . XXIX . JANUARY , 1859 . Price 6 s . CONTENTS : [¦ ' I . Eeformof Paelumest . II . This Religious Policy op Atjbtbia . ' III . The Saxitaky Condition of the Aemt . IV . Chloroform and other Anaesthetics ; V . Spiritual Destitution in England . ' VI . Carlyle ' s History of Friedrich the Second . VII- Becent Cases of Witchcraft . Contemporary LrrEJOATCBE : —1 . Theology and Philosophy . — 2 . Politics . Sociology , Voyages , and Travels- — 3 . Science . ^ 4 . History and Biography . —5 . Belles Lettres ! and Art . Londoii : John Chapman , 8 , King William-street , Strand .
BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE For JANUAB . Y , 1859 . No . DXIX . Price 2 a . 6 dcontents : What will he do with it ? By Pisistratus Caxtox Part the Last . BVRMAH AND THE BURMKSE . A Cruise in Japanese WatSrs . Part II . How to boil Peas . An Angling Saunter in Sutherland . The Field of Towtton Moor . Pofl-lak Literature—The Periodical Press . The Royal Proclamation to India . "William Biackwood and Sons . Edinburgh and London
DITBLIN TTNIVERSITf MAGAZI HE , No . 313 . JANUARY , 1859 . Dr . Arnold . . Periwigs and Petticoats . By Carlyle ' s Frederick the Great . T . Irwin . Gerald Fitzgerald , "The Wilhelm Tell . By Professor Chevalier . " . By Charles de Vericour . Lever . Part XIII . Things New and Old . The Great Duke at the . The Lilliput of theCorniche . Sculptor's . I Our Foreign Courier . No . VIL A British Straw upon au : M . de . Montalembert on the Indian Stream . ' Indian Debate . Dublin : Alex . Thom and Sons ; London : Hurst and Blackett .
This day , No . Xlil ., New Series , price 3 s . 6 d ., THE JOTJRNAX OF PSYCHOLOGICAX MEDICINE . Edited by FORBES WINSLOW , M . D ., D . C . L ., Oxou . CONTENTS : Psychological Quarterly Retrospect . Art . 1 . Literary Fools—Bluet D'Arberes . ¦ 2 . On Puerperal Insanity . -. 3 . Psychology of Kant . 4 . On the Obscure Mental Disorders of Criminals . 5 . The Statistics of : Justice . 6 . On Convulsion .. 7 . On the S $ ate and Condition of Lunacy in Ireland . 8 . Don Quixote—A Psychological Study . 9 . On the Insanity of Children . Reviews . Plea of Insanity—Trial for Murder . London : John Chtjechili ., New Burlington-street ;
This day , price One Shilling , THE PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL , No . 211 , CONTAINING THB TRANSACTIONS OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL ' SOCIETY . Contents : —The Progress of the Medical Council—Registration—Tho General Interests of the Profession—Tho Pharinacopoeia-: English Prescriptions—The Battle of the —opathies-Juvenile Associations -The Bradford Poisoning Case ; Result and Moral—Speculation in Poisoning and Adulteration—Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society — Pharmaceutical Meeting — Spermaceti Ointment—On Decimal Weights-Correspondence relating to tho British Pharmacopoeia— Provincial Transactions —Mineral Pigments—On tho British Lichens , their Characters and Uses —Original and Extracted Articles — Study — Molecular Motion—On tho Equivalents of the Simple Bodies—Now Submarine Cable—The Now Medical Act—Tho Preparation of Spermaceti Ointment—White or Marbled Castile SoapP —Liquid Coclnnoal—Tho Insuranoo of Chemists' Stock--Tho Poisonings at Bradford—Poisoning by Dover ' s Powdor . VOLUME XVII . may bo had in boards , as well as the preceding volumes , price 12 s . 6 d . each . London ; Jons OnaKcniix . Now Burlington-street : Maclaciij , an and Sxewabt , Edinburgh j and JPanwiit and VyO ' i jJUOllll *
THE CRITIC ; WEEKIA'JOURNAL of LITERATURE , ART , SCIENCE and tho DRAMA , is now published every Saturday , prjco * d ,, stamppd 5 d . The Orixio contains Rovjowa of all tho current Literature of tho Wook , Homo and Foroigu , jneludins Frcnolh Gorman , Italian , Solavonio , and Oriental , Arolwologioal , Soiontido , Artistic , Musical and Dramatic Summaries . RoportB of tho Loarnod Sooiotios . Loadinw ArtiolcB upon Litorary aud Artistic topios , and all tho Literary , SoientiUo , and Artistlo News of tho Week , Tho OuiTio may be-obtained through the trado , or ordered dlroot from tho Oflleo , 20 , Easox-street , Strand , W . O .
LIVING CELEBRITIES . bA lK !?» tf Photographlo Portraits , by MAULL jvnd POLYBLANK , prlco 6 s . each . Tho number for J / AK VARY oontatns JOUN B . BUOKSTONE . Esq ., with a Memoir . 1 ? 7 At PlooadlUy t Mid W . Kmx and 0 ? ., l ^ oWafcroot .
1 0 XQ LETTS'S DIARIES , ALMANACS , rffVi i * i * ' '^^^ * 0 ftU ¦ Oallinga , Profoaulons , or Tra , d 08 , hii above ioo VARIBTIB 8 of Siao and Worm , atfrom Staponco to ^ ourfceon ShUJlivfa oaoh , na woU « w DeaorU ) fcivo Sr ^ T ^ Sfi !/ G « AW | i may Ua obtained at AN * " UOOKSELLB & 'tf ju the W «« i 3 ow .. LB XTO aud Co ., 8 , Royal HxoiiaugOa
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011859/page/31/