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Feb. 1, 1851.] ®!> * &*****« 113
Cmmnwrinl ffims.
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, Jan. 24. Wheat, R. New...
FLOUB. Town-made per sack 40s.to 43s. Se...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Ecclesiastical Courts. Brighton, Jan...
tion . The Courts of Commissaries , appointed by the bishop , exercise jurisdiction within prescribed limits , and the Archidiaconal Courts , according to the terms of their patents , or to local custom . There are also Peculiars of various descriptions , royal , archiepiscopal , episcopal , decanal , sub-decanal , prebendal , rectorial , and vicarial , and also some Manorial Courts . Several of the Peculiars possess voluntary but not contentious jurisdiction , and merely do or sell what no one opposes , as granting dispensations , licenses , faculties , remnants of Papal extortion , and keeping an office open for the purpose .
The appeal from each of the Provincial Courts lies to the Queen , and a commission formerly issued under the great seal , in each case , to certain delegates . By the recommendation of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners the jurisdiction of the delegates was transferred , with the same powers , by the statute 2 and 3 William IV ., to the Privy Council . The ecclesiastical laws , as now existing , have been for upwards of three centuries administered in the principal courts by a body of men associated 38 a distinct profession , for the practice of " the canon and imperial Roman law . " Some of the members of this body in the year 1576 purchased the site upon standsand at their
which Doctors' Common's * now , own expense erected houses for the residence of the iudges and advocates , and buildings for holding the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts . In the year 1768 a royal charter was obtained , by virtue of which the members of the society were incorporated under the name of " The College of Doctors of Law exercent in the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts . " This college consists of a president ( the Dean of Arches for the time being ) , and of those doctors of law , who having taken that degree either at Oxford or Cambridge , shall have been elected fellows in the manner prescribed by charter . From the College of Advocates the archbishop has always selected , the
judges of the archiepiscopal courts . Proctors in these courts discharge duties similar , to those of solicitors and attornies in courts of law or equity . This singular monopoly has been thus humorously described . *• Doctors' Commons ( says Mr . Dickens ) is a little out-of-the-way place , where they administer what is called ecclesiastical law , and play all kind * of tricks with obsolete old monsters of acts of Parliament which three-fourths of the world know
nothing about . It ' s a place that has an ancient monopoly in suits about people's wills and people ' s marriages , and disputes among ships and boats . You shall go there one day and find them blundering through half the nautical terms in Young ' s Dictionary ; and you shall go there another day and find them deep in the evidence pro and con respecting a clergyman who has misbehaved himself ; and you shall find the judge in the nautical case the advocate in the clergyman case , or contrariwise . "
" The advocates are civilians . The proctors employ the advocates . Both get very comfortable fees , and altogether they make a mighty snug little party , On the whole I would recommend you to take to Doctors' Commons kindly David . "f With your permission I will continue the subject in another letter . I remain , Sir , your obedient servant , W . C ,
The Ecclesiastical Courts. Brighton, Jan...
Ho culled from the doe . tors dining together at one . common wtlo . In ir > 7 r > th « privilefro of importing wino for the com . V » ° " / '* ' ( ll () ll < : l » 'iy ''» K ' » " UHiml UxeH , wnH tfi-untod lit Lord JSurloigh ' H aiiKg < i « t . l <» i , to ' bur inujosty ' H right truuty frioiulB . " + David Copperficld , p . J } 49 .
Feb. 1, 1851.] ®!> * &*****« 113
Feb . 1 , 1851 . ] ®!> * &*****« 113
Bradford Hungarian Committee. Bowling- D...
BRADFORD HUNGARIAN COMMITTEE . Bowling- Dye Works , Jan . 27 , 1851 . Sir , —The enclosed is a balance sheet of the Bradford Hungarian Committee ' subscription , and also a post-office order for the balance , £ 2 16 s ., which we wish you to acknowledge in your next week ' s Leader , according to a resolution passed at a public meeting in Bradford , which you were kind enough to attend , and trust that you will see it properly disposed of , Your kind attention to this will oblige , Yours , & c , on behalf of the Committee , v Jonathan JlAinrxnY . Balance Sheet of the Bratfftxd Committee for the Hungarian Refugee ' s , J & n . 21 , 1861 : — Dr . —Subscriptions—Bradford : J . Hartley , £ 113 s . 8 d . ; J . Hunter , Gs . 10 d . ; T . Carr , 8 s . fid . ; J . Harflnjaves , «>» . . ' { Jd . ; Thomas Wilcock , 4 b . ( id . ; J . Normington , 2 » . 8 < 1 . ; W . Scott , 2 s . 2 d . ; Thomas Umpleby , i 4 s . fid . ; W . Cooke , 2 s . ( id . ; P . Ambler , Is . 104 < l . ; J . Hudson , (>« . 9 d . Great Uorton : Fleece Inn , 14 s . 2 Jd . ; W . Loft house , 4 a . i ) d . ; J . Walker , o ' a . lOd . ; Aaron Shepherd , 4 s . « . )< UNew Loeds : It . llhydcr , Is . 6 d .: J . Waddington , !<>* ¦ 3 d . ; J . Watson , 3 s . lid . White Abbey : W . Christian , ( U . ' . Bowling : J . Barrett , 7 b . 2 d , Darby : W , IMetcher , / 5 s . 4 d . ; collection at K . Jonas' lecture , X'l ; bmith and Booth , 10 s . ; sundries , 2 Jd . —Total , £ 9 7 « . 2 d . ^ - —To ltihcls for collection books , ' In . ; postages , » s . Hd . ; stationery , 4 s . ; printing appeals , 12 a . ; rent of committee roomw , 7 k . ( 5 ( 1 . ; expenses of collection , 4 s » . ; by eunli to Leader office , £ /> . —Balance , £ 2 His . —Total ,
Health Of London During The Week. (From ...
HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Report . ) The present return exhibits a decrease in the mortality of the metropolitan districts during the week that ended last Saturday ; the deaths , which in the two preceding weeks were 1023 and 1037 , having now fallen to 956 . The average number of deaths in the 10 corresponding -weeks was 1104 , compared -with which ( without any correction for supposed encrease of population ) the account for last week presents a favourable result . But an inspection of the Tables of Ages and Fatal Diseases shows that , though there is a marked diminution of mortality from bronchitis , which had previously thinned the ranks of the aged , who are the greatest sufferers by > it ; and though the number who
die from what is rather vaguely described as " old age , has declined from 46 in the preceding week to 35 in the last , and in some complaints common to the young there is also a decrease , yet pneumonia , which is principally fatal to children , has actually encreased , and , in the epidemic class , smallpox and fever exhibit a considerable advance . The registrars again report various families which have been fatally visited by smallpox , and where vaccination is neglected from " prejudice entertained against it . " The births of 764 boys and 759 girls , in all 1523 children , were registered in the week . The average of six corresponding weeks in 1845-50 is 1382 . Ten Week 3 Week of 1841-50 . of 1851 Zymotic Diseases .. .. •• 2032 .... 211 DropsyCancerand other diseases of
un-, , certain or variable seat .. .. .. 538 .... 47 Tubercular Diseases .. 1872 .... 148 Diseases of the Brain , Spinal ^ larrow , Nerves , and Senses .. . .. .. 1284 .... 112 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels .. 320 .... 40 Diseases of the Lungs and of the other Organs of Respiration .. .. .. 2425 .... 192 Diseases of the Stomach , Liver , and other Org-ans of Digestion .. .. 631 .... . ) 2 Diseases of the Kidneys , & c .. 95 .... 16 Childbirth , diseases of the Uterus , & c . .. 1 ' 47 .... 10 Rheumatism , diseases of the Bones , Joints ,
& c . 71 .... o Diseases of the Skin , Cellular Tissue , & c . .. 11 .... 1 Malformations .. .. .. .. . .. 32 .... 1 Premature Birth and Debility .. .. 234 .... 21 Atrophy H 8 .... 19 A ^ e .. .. . .. .. «• « 6 o .... oj Sudden .. .. 131 10 Violence , Privation , Cold , and Intemperance 245 .... 29 Total ( including unspecified causes ) .. 11042 956
Cmmnwrinl Ffims.
CmmnwriBl ffims .
^ Money Market And City Intelligence, Fh...
^ MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE , Fhiday . This has been a very dull week in the market for English securities . On Monday Consols opened at 9 fi £ to 9 fi | , and continued at the same figure with an occasional advance of j | till yesterday , when they closed at the very same prices as those quoted on Monday . This morninp : Consols opened at 96 ^ to 9 G | . The fluctuation in English stocks during the week has beep as follow : —Consols , 9 ( 5 $ to 9 ( 5 2 ; Bank Stock , 214 to 215 ; Threeand-a-Quarter per Cents ., 98 £ to 99 ; Exchequer Bills , 67 s . to 61 s . premium . Although little business has been done in foreign securities prices have been , on the whole , well supported . The transactions in the official list , yesterday , comprized : —Brazilian , at 90 ^ and 89 J ; Mexican , for money , , 53 i and J ex . dividend ; for the account , 33 . 4 ex . dividend ; Peruvian , 78 . J , £ , and i ; the Deferred , 33 tf and 34 ; Portuguese Four per Cents ., 35 ; Russian Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 97 * , ft , 97 , and 97 &; Spanish Five per Cents ., 18 8 ; the Three per Cents ., 38 . J ; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents ., 584 ; and the Four per Cent Certificates , 91 J and & . Mark-lane , Fiuday , Jan . 31 . We are largely supplied with Foreign Wheat and Flour . Since Wednesday , holders being unwilling to submit to any decline in prices , there is only a very limited business doing at former rates . There are now very few cargoes from the Mediterranean and Black Seas oil the coast . Polish Odessa Wheat is held for 3 ( Ja ., but we have not heard of any sales at that price . The supplies of Foreign Barley are more than adequate to the demand , which is very languid , and sales cannot be made , to any extent , -without submitting to a reduction of ( id . to Is . per quarter . Fine Malting Barley is scarce , and readily taken at fully former ratea . With fair nupplies of Oats , Foreign , Iri . sh , and from our own coast , as well as per railway , trade is exceedingly dull , at a decline of ( id . per quarter . There has be * n no alteration of importance at any of the country markets held during tho week . Arrivals from Jan . 27 to 31 Jan . : — KnaUuh . Irish . Foreign . Flour . Wheat .. .. 1890 2921 ( 5 2 ( 500 Hurley .. .. 4950 7020 Onto .. .. .. 3180 4 H 5 O 11200 GKNHRAT , AVKKAGK PRICK OF GRAIN . VVkkk F . ndino Jan . L ' . 'l . Imperial Geuerul Weekly Average . Whent . ' » N » . <><<• Hy « L > : ! n . i > d . Umlcy TJt 7 lle : uiH l >(» 1 OuU Ki "' •'<¦ ' »» ' -I ? - > Affjfrejfiite Average of tin ; Six Weekn . Wheat . ' » H « . ' . ) ' ! . Ky « i Ulu . . ' Id . JJu , l « . y M 4 lieuno 'J 7 ; t OntH 1 «; 11 l ' "UN ^ 7 II AVKRAGK I ' HWK OF HIKiAR . The averago prico of llrown or Muncovuiln Hngur , compuhsd from thu returns made in ihu wci ; k ending tbt ) 'Jltit dity ol Jiiimury , I 8 . > l , iu - ' 7 a . 11 VI . per cwt .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) »— ..... ^ % «&• " "I "« £ - sr « fla & . si a st i a = 3 p . C . An . 1726 - —— " 96 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac , 962 96 * 96 J 9 G £ 961 3 | p . Cent . An . 98 | . 99 98 J . 99 981 New 5 per Cts . ——¦ LongAns ., 1860 . 7 13-16 7 | 7 £ - — Ind . St . 104 p . ct . 2664 266 Ditto Bonds .. 71 p 71 p 70 p 68 p 71 p Ex . Bills , 1000 * . 60 p 5 7 p 60 p 58 p 61 P Ditto , 5 J ( u ... 60 p 58 p 61 p Ditto , Sinai ' - 57 p 60 p 58 p 58 p
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening 1 . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 95 Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 33 £ Belgian Bds ., 4 i p . Ct . — Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 89 J Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cta . — Peruvian 44 per Cents . — Chilian 6 per Cents ... — Portuguese 5 per Cent . — Danish 5 per Cents . .. — — 4 per Cts . 35 Dutch 2 J per Cents ,.. 58 j Annuities — 4 perCents . .. 91 J Russian , 1822 , 4 . J p . Ct 3 . 97 f Ecuador Bonds .. — Span . Actives , f > p . Cts . 185 French 5 p . C . An . atParis 96 . 35 Passive .. — 3 p . Cts ., Jan . 30 , 57 . 80 Deferred .. —
Grain, Mark-Lane, Jan. 24. Wheat, R. New...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , Jan . 24 . Wheat , R . New 36 s . to 38 s . Maple 29 s . to 31 a . Fine 38 —40 "White 23 —2 * Old 38 — 40 Boilers 25 — 27 White ...... 40 —42 Beans , Ticks . .. 24 —25 Fine .. 40 —42 Old 2 « —28 Superior New 44 — 46 Indian Corn 28 —30 Rye 26 —27 Oats , Feed 15 —16 Barley 18—19 Fine 16 —17 Malting 22 —24 Poland 17 —18 Malt . Ord 48 —50 Fine .... 18 — li » Fine 50 —52 Potato . 17 —18 Peas , Hog- 25 — 2 G Fine .... 18 —19
Floub. Town-Made Per Sack 40s.To 43s. Se...
FLOUB . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds 37 —40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 33 — 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — ' American per barrel 21 — 22 Canadian 21 —22 "Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
From The London Gazette. Friday, January...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , January 24 . Declarations of Dividends . —\ V . Walford , Wolveihan-. pton , common brewer ; first div . of Is . Id ., any Thursday ; Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham—C . S . Fenwick , Tynemouth , banker ; third div . of Is . 10 d ., Jan . 25 , and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upon-Tyne—T . Brown , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , attorney-at-law ; second div . of 2 s . Jan 25 , and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-npon-Tyne—W . and S . Shaw , Saddleworth , Yorkshire , timber merchants ; first div . of Is . 6 d ., Feb . 11 , and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Fraser , Manchester—M . BakewelJ , Manchester , size manufacturer ; first div . of 2 s . 7 d ., Feb . , and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . 1 ' raser , Manchester—W . Lucan , Freston , Lancashire , innkeper ; first div . of 4 s . !) ijd ., Jan . 28 , and any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pott , Manchester—J . Seelic , Freescliool-street , Jlorslydown , rectifier ; first div . of 11 s ., on Saturday next , and thrre
subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane—J . T . Brumcld . Tichborne-street , and Great Windmill-street , china dealer ; first div . of 4 a . 10 d ., on Saturday next and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Ahchurch-lane—It . 11 . Gould , Strand , ice merchant ; first div . of 9 d . on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr . Groom , Abehurch-larie—E . Green , Almondburyj common brewer ; second div . of 4 J < 1 ., any day on or after Jan . 21 ; Mr . Youn < , ' , Leeds—J . Nash and T . Neale , Kcigatc arid Dorking-, bankers ; second div . of 2 a . 6 "d . on joint estate , and div . of 20 s . on each of the separate estates , on Monday and Tuesday next , and the following INIonduyand Tuesday , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . 1 ' ennell , Guildhallchambers , Uasiiifrhall-street—J . Pufje , Sidinouth , butcher ; first and final div . of 3 s . fid ., on any Tuesday or Friday after Jan . 2 f >; Mr . Ilernnman , Exeter —\ V . H . 'Itoon , Plymouth , ironmonger ; first div . of 7 s . any Tuesday or Friday after Jan . 25 ; Mr . Hernaitiiin , Kxeter .
Hankbiu'ts . —G . It . Galloway , St . John-street , brush manufacturer , to surrender Jan . 30 , March , I'hounix-street and Denmark-street , Soho , pianoforte maker , Feb . 7 , March H ; solicitor , Mr . Cox , IMnners ' -hull ; oflicial assignee , Mr . 1 'ennell , Guildhall-chambers , BaHinsjhall-Htreet—H . Lien , l , oii ( jfhboroii < fli , Iieici ! 8 ter « hire , bookseller , Feb . 0 , March 7 ; solicitor . Mr . Gregory , Leicester ; official assignee , Mr . Bittlfbton , Nottingham—J . ( Jhaiiam , Manchester , joiner , Feb . 4 ami 2 . "»; solicitor , Mr . Faulkner , Manchester ; oflicial assignee , Mr . Fruaer , MancheBter—J . JoiiNhon , Covenlrv . wine merchant .
Feb . fi , March 7 ; solicitor , Mr . Hrowett , Coventry ; oflloiul assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham . Dividknds . —Feb . 21 , W . Abbott and Son . Bermondsey-street , Southivnrk . patent hair felt inaniifucturcrH —Feb . 11 , J . Rixlen , Stamford , draper—Feb . 1 M , L . Kudge , Great . Burford , Ifedloidnhirii , apothecary Feb . 18 , K . Browning , Farinjjdon , num : ryman—1 'eb ' M , It . Turner , Worthing , draper—I ' eb . -JO , VV . II . rine , Ilonitou , mallstor—Feb . 20 , 6 . Mie |> luud , CiiUoiiipUin , inerclmnl— Fob . I'J , J . Frumpton , ( . - ' erne Abbas , l ) orsi-tnhii <' , money xcriveiier—Feb . HI , J . Dominy , llmiiiKter , currier—Ki-b . IH . W . Oaken , OUlhiun , cW . lumtlun —Fob . M . i . II . V « "itch , Durham , printer—K «> b . If ) , J . Gorby , Hhellleld , Hteel molter Feb . 15 , J . Woodward , KcclcHfiuld , Yorkshire , paper inauufact \ ner .
<; iciirii < 'iOATii 8 . — /<* litigranted , tuilcm cuwin be i / town to the contrary on the day of meeting . — Feb . IH , 10 . liruivmtur i » ml K . Wort , Hand-court , Dowgute , printnru— I'Vb . 15 , J . Williams and W . K . KuMt , Htriiiid . bookH (! llerrt — Feb . 14 , W . Keeping , IChbIHtroet , Wnlworth , common brewer—l '" eb . II , VV . Iluntley , Ilitrt-Htniet , Coveut-garden , licenned victualler - l ''« b . 1-1 , It . Wind , lirownlow-Htrcirt , 1 )» in v-Ihiii-, coach c . uriier— l '' el > . 21 , \ V . II . Ambler , Ilishop Aiickhu ' id , Durhiim , banker -Feb . IN , U . \ rtln r , Newcast . le-npoii- 'ryne , llnendiaper - Fel > '¦!() , W . I , ax , Durlington , laud Hurveyor— F » ib . 21 ) . . 1 . F . lirett , GulCHhead , Inilor— -Fel > . 11 , K . ltattt-ruby mid J . Ti'lfrnd , Liverpool , ironftxindfi ti — Keb . 18 , T . lluirivon , Slockport , ( . ' henhii (> — Feb . , ( J . Fclteroley , TyldoHloy , Lancufhlru , victualler — F « b . ll > , ( J . M . Hmith , Ironbrltlge , UhropHbiri ; , bookHttlltir—Fob . 24 , W . lirudbtirn , Bliilf ' iiull , HhropHliire , corn dealer . Hootuii Hh < j (/ kntiiatioNH . —J . Walker , jun ., andOn ., Olnsgoiv , calico prlntdiu , Jim . 2 . 't , F »> b . 21—A . Oorrui , I ) niiHC ( iic , . Inn . 151 > , Fob . l'J—G . I ' ateirton , Tmnent , fanner , Jan . 2 'J , F < b . IV .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 1, 1851, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01021851/page/17/