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426 THE
€f)t ^Zoological (Sfav&ms,
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426 The
426 THE
From Thelondon Gazette. Friday, April 23...
FROM THELONDON GAZETTE . Friday , April 23 . Banebttfts . — H . Lamfxoitgh , late of Snow-hill , chymist , to surrender May 1 , June 4 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitors , Messrs . Langley and Gibbon , Great James-street , Bedford-row ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Aldermanbury . J . G . Lacy , Great St . Helen ' s , Bishopsgate-street , gun manufacturer , May 1 , June 12 , at the Bankrupts' Court , ; solicitors , Messrs . Reed , Langford , and 'Marsden , Friday-street ; official assignee , Mr . Penriell , Guildhall-ohambers , Basinghall-street . J . Laing , Southampton , coal merchant , May 4 , June 8 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitors , Mr . Harle , Southamptonbuildings ; and Mi-. Philipson , Newcastle-upon-Tyne } official assignee , Mr . Graham . W . Lodee , Wokingham , innkeeper , May 6 , June 8 , at the Bankrupts' Court ; solicitor , Mr . Soames , Old Broad-street and Wokiugham ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombard-street . T . Wei-sh , Burslem , Sta rdshire , joiner , May 5 and 27 , at the Birmingham District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Mr . Smith , Shelton , Staffordshire ; and Messrs . Mottram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham . ¦ J . Meek , Wolverhamptonr victualler , May 3 and 24 , at the Birmingham District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Mr . Kitson , Wolverhampton ; and Messrs . Mottram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Bittleston , Birmingham . R . W . Todd and R . Hobbs , Bath , ironmongers , May 6 , June 3 , at the Bristol District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Hellings , Bath ; official assignee , Mr . Miller , Bristol . E . A . Yandai . 1 ., Bath , innkeeper , May 7 , June 2 , at the Bristol District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Hellings , Bath ; official assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol . M . Fobkacbe , Wignn , innkeeper , and Standish-witb-Langtree , colliery proprietor , May 1 and 27 , at the Manchester District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitor , Mr . Price , Wigan ; official assignee , Mr . Mackenzie , Manchester . T . pEARCEandW . Thackbay , Sunderland , timber merchants , May 11 ; June 10 , at the Newcastle-upon-Tyne District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Messrs . Moore , Bishopwearmouth ; official assignee , Mr . Wakley , Neweastle-upon-Tyne ., H . Bates and H . Wiixiamsoi * , Warley , Halifax , common brewers , May 24 , at the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy ; solicitors , Messrs . Wavell , Philbrick , and Foster , Halifax ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds . Tuesday , April 27 . Bankbttpts . —J . D . Bbnjamin , of 15 , Southampton-street , Bloomsbury-square , dealer in cigars , to surrender May 7 , June 11 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London ; solicitor , Mr . L . H . Braham , 101 , Chancery-lane ; official assignee , Mr . W . Whitmore , 2 , Basinghall street . A . Mason , of Kimbolton , Huntingdonshire , ironmonger , May 7 , June 11 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London ; solicitors , Messrs . Skdlbeck and Hall , 19 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , and Mr . G . W . Prescott , Stourbridge , Worcestershire ; official assignee , Mr . Caiman , 18 , Aldermanbury . H . PttJMMEB , jun ., of 134 , Golden-lane , St . Luke ' s , wood turner , May 3 , June 19 , "at the Court of Bankruptcy , London ; solicitors , Messrs . Terrell and Matthews , 30 , Basinghall-street ; official assignee , Mr . W . Pennell , 3 , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street . J . Wood and E . Nokton , of Holyland Nether , Yorkshire , corn millers , May 7 and June 11 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , . Leeds ; solicitors , Mr . B . Marshall , Barnsley , and Messrs . Bond and Bar wick , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . G . W . Freeman , Leeds . L . Niwham , of Sheffield , draper , May 15 and 29 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Sheffield ; solicitors , Messrs . Sale , Worthington , and Shipmau , Manchester , and Mr . Gould , Sheffield ; official assignee , Mr . G . W . Freeman , Sheffield . H . Da vies , o Liverpool , leather seller , May 13 and June 3 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool ; solicitors , Messrs . Blundell and Sharman , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . W . Bird , Liverpool . T . Mills , of Llanidloes , Montgomeryshire , grocer , May 11 and Juno 7 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool ; solicitors , Messrs . Evans and Son , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . G . Morgan , Liverpool . J . M'Coskrie , of Liverpool , merchant , May 11 and June 7 , at tho Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool ; solicitors , Messrs . Neale and Martin , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . J . Cazenove , Liverpool . T . Lawson , of Bury , Lancashire , draper , May 10 and June 7 , nt the Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester ; solicitor , Mr . R . T . Grundy , Bury ; official assignee , Mr . J . Fraser , Manchester .
€F)T ^Zoological (Sfav&Ms,
€ f ) t ^ Zoological ( Sfav & ms ,
REGENTS PARK , Are Open to Visitors daily . The Collection now contains upivarda of 1 , 500 Specimens : a F \ po Series of Antelopes having been added to the Hippopotamus , Elephant Calf , and other raxe animals , during the Winter . Admission , One Shilling . On Mondays , Sixpence .
THREATENED DEMOLITION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE . I N consequence of many thousands of Persons in tho United Kingdom having boon unable to obtain a Copy of the , ^ Gkbat Exhibition Chaut , Printed in Colours , and Presented by the Proprietors of the " " Weekly DiBpatch . " to their Subscribers and the Public , in tho months of January and February lust , A Rk-issuk hnli been determined upon , to tivko plaeo on Sunday , tub 10 th of May . The Chart , which has undergone n careful revision , shows by Himplo diagrama tho number of persona that visited the Inhibition daily , tho amount of money taken at the various ontrancoa , the quantity of refreshments consumed ; tho nameaof the KoyaL Corniniasionorfli an account of tho origin of tho Palace , and ita dimensiona in foot . In ordor that ovory individual in tho country may pobhohh this statistical reflex of curious and interesting roaulta , to mark tho demolition of tho building , and to sorvo as a memento of its exiatenoo , tho Chart will bo dolivorod G RATIO to every Subsoriber and Purchaser of tho " Diapatch" tho " ^ Tho " Diapatoh" ia publiahed ivt 4 o ' clook ovory Saturday morning , in time for tho First Railway Trains leaving London , nud for tho Morning Mails . , , Early ordora ehould bo pivento all Nowavendora , In Town and Country : or to Mr . R , J . Wood , No . 139 , Floot-streot . 3 J . B . Tho Newa AgontH will have ft Copy of tho Chart with every Diapatoh" ofMay 10 th .
KOSSUTH DEMONSTRATION COMMITTEE . A MEETING- of the above Committee will be TV held in the Coffee Room of the John Street , Institution , ot Wednesday Evening , May 5 th , at ^ half-past Eight , o clock precisely , with a view to winding up the affairs of this Com-The " members are urgently requested to attend , aa the balance sheet will then be ready for delivery ^ ^ ^ Seeretftiy <
HEAL AND SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of BEDSTEADS , sent free by + post , cbntaining designs and prices of npwards of 100 different Bedsteads , and rlso their Priced List of Bedding . They hayelikewise , in addition to their usual Stock , a ^ eat varie ty of PARISIAN BEDSTEADS , both in wood and iron , which they have just imported . Heal and Son , Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturers , 196 , ( opposite the chapel ) , Tottenham-court-rbad .
No . 4 , LEABENHALL STREET , NEAR THE INDIA HOUSE , LONDON . AC ost people complain that shaving ' a bore , XS ach day ' s painful scrape only chafes an old sore ; C hoose the cutler who stands at the head of the trade ; EC alf the battle depends on a well-temper'd blade—X ri the front of these lines his name is display'd . MECHI'S RAZORS , STROPS , and MAGIO PASTE , are renowned throughout the civilized world . He exhibits also the magkrecherchS stock of Papier Mache articles , DressingTCases , WoH :-Boxes , Tea Trays , Writing Desks , & c , in London . Everything for the Toilet and Work-table . Mechis famous Bagatelle Tables , affording a charming amusement on a wet day . - ' ¦ . . ¦
rjlHE HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL , for the _ I _ Treatment of Patients on the Homoeopathic Pjririciple , 39 , Bloomsbury-square . Supported by'Voluntary Contributions . The Board of Management nave the pleasure of announcing that the THIRD ANNUAL COMMEMORATION DINNER in Aid of the Funds of the Hospital , will take place at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on MONDAY , the 10 th or May next , The Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR , M . P ., President , in the Chair . The friends of the Hospital are earnestly requested to favour the Board with their names as Stewards oh this occasion , no responsibility attaching thereto beyond the Dinner Ticket , price 21 s . Early cbnununication is requested , addressed to the Hon . Secretary , at the Hospital , or 9 , Greshanvstreet , West . W . WARNE , April 10 , 1852 . ' " ' . Hon . Secretary .
rpO be LET , FURNISHED , the wholeof tlie X Upper Part of a PRIVATE HOUSE , with Kitchen , Cellars , and Domestic Offices , in the vicinity of the Strand . Address , H . H . H ., care of Mr . Smith , baker , 321 , Strand .
npRAFALGAH LIFE ASSURANCE _ L ASSOCIATION . Chief Office , 40 , Pall Mall , London . » Fully subscribed capital of £ 250 , 000 , by upwards of 1000 Shareholders , whose names and addresses are published with the Prospectus , guaranteeing thereby most extensive influence and undoubted responsibility . The system adopted by this Association presents unusual advantages to every class of life assurers and annuitants . Loans are granted on personal or other securities , in connexion with Life Assurance . Applications for Prospectuses , Forms of Proposal , Agencies , and all other information respecting the general business of the Association , are requested to be made to THOMAS H . BAYLIS , Manager .
TNSURANCE AGAINST RAILWAY I ACCIDENTS , by THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ' ASSURANCE COMPANY . — Empowered by Special Act of Parliament ( 12 and 13 Vic cap . 40 . )—Offices , No . 3 , Old Broad Street , London . Chairman—3 . D . Paui , Esq ., 217 , Strand . Deputy-Chairman—Ot , B- Harbison , Esq ., 24 , Gt . Tower Street . Table of PaBMioMS . Tickets , insuring against aooident for a single journey , whatever its length , may be obtained at moat railway stations , at the following ratoa : — 3 d . to insure iJlOOO , in a first-class carriage . 2 d . to insure £ 500 , in a seoond-class do . Id . to insure £ 200 , in a third-class do . For tho convenience of frequent travellers , periodical tickets are issued , which give tho holder tho option of travelling in any class carriage and on any railway , and may be obtained of tho various Agents , or at the Offices of tho Company . To insure £ 1000 , at an annual premium of 20 s . To inuuro £ 200 , at an annual premium of 5 a . These sums to be paid to the legal representatives of tho holder , in tho event of fatal oocident while travelling by railway , with proportionate compensation to himself in case of personal injury . Wm . JOHN VIAN , Secretary . 3 , Old Broad Streot , London .
TO THE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES . — Suppose a man at tho ago of thirty , wishes to leave £ 20 to his widow , children , or any ono whom ho chooseH , he will have to pay lOd . per month , or about tho cost of ono pint of boor per week , bo long as ho livoa ; but if ho should die tlio next day after tho first payment , his fuinily will receive tho JB 20 . Should a person be unablo to continue tho AHHiirunoo , the Suma paid will not he forfeited aa in other Officea t us ho will bo granted another Policy of los » amount , but equivalent to tho sums already paid , and exonerated from any future payments . Tho Directors of tho RATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY propose to extend tho benefits of Life Assurance in all its details , to all claaaea of tho community—in fact , to the million /! generally , by adapting the modes of payments to meet thoir views and oirciimatancca . Tho Ratea of premium , for every other ayatom of Assurance , detailed Proapootusos , containing a list of tho Shareholders of tho Sooioty , and every other information , will bo readily afforded on application to tho Soorotary , at tho Chief OfnooH of tho Sooioty , 34 , Moorgato Street , Bank , London ; at tho Branch Olnoes , Queen ' s Chambers . Market Btroot , Manohoator ; or to any of tho Aifouta appointed in tho principal towns throughout tho United Kintrdora . ,
SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATEl ? COLOURS . '^ - ^ The FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION is nnw open at their Gallery , 6 , Pall-Mali East , from Nine tin Dusk . _ ¦ - ;; ; - ¦ - ¦/; : ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ . - ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ <¦ . : ' v ' - '; ' ¦ ' .. - ; ' V- f ¦ .. . Admittance , One Shilling . Catalogue , Sixpence . GEORGE FRIPp " , Sec .
BUILDING LAND , CRUCIFIX LANE , BERMONDSEY M & GEOBGE SMITIIwiUSeUTbyAuction at the Mart , Bartholomew Lane , City , on TUESDAY * 18 th MAY , 1852 , in Three Lots , "VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND AND PREMISES , Bituate and being Nos . 40 to 4-4 , Crucifix Lane , Bermondsey , the property of Mr . Hager . of Derby , and occupied by Messrs . Willsher , Miles Spendlow , and others . There is a Frontage of 118 feet , and a depth in part of 150 feet . A considerable part of the money may remain on Mortgage . Plans may be seen , and Particulars and Conditions of Sale had in a few days , of Mr . George Smith , Surveyor and Land Agent , . 3 , Philpot Lane , Fenchurch Street , City .
STEAM TO INPIA , CHINA , & e . — Particulars of the regular Monthly MaU Steam Conveyance and of the additional lines of communication , now established by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with thei East , & c . The Company book passengers , arid receive goods and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , w their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 8 th of . the month . The next extra Steamerwill be dispatched from Southampton for Alexandria on the 3 rd October next ; in combination with an extra Steamer , to leave Calcutta on or about the 20 th September . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded by these eltra steamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON , ALfiXAlf . DRIA , ADEN , CEYLON ^ MADRAS , and CALCUTTA , BOMBAY . —The Company will book passengers throughout from Southampton to Bombay by their steamers' leaving England on the 20 th May , and of alternate months thereafter , such passengers being conveyed frona Aden , to Bombay'by their steamers appointed to leave Bombay on the 14 th of May , and of alternate months thereafter , and affording , in connexion ¦ with the steamers leaving Calcutta on the 3 rd of May ; and of alternate months thereafter , direct conveyance for passengers , parcels , and goods from Bombay and Western India . Passen"ers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s Steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and . from Suez by the Honourable East India Company ' s steamers : ' ' y MEDITERRANEAN . —MALTA—On the 20 th and 29 th of every month . Constantinople—On the 29 th of the month . Alexandria—On the 20 th of the month . ( The rates of passage money on these lines have been materially reduced . ) SPAIN AND PORTUGAL .--Yigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the month . N ! B .- — - ' l ' ^ e Steam-ships of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between Hong Kong and Shanghae . ^ v For further information and tariffs of the Company a-reccntly revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , and Oriental . place , Southampton .
CITY OF LONDON BREWING AND MALTING COMPANY . ( Provisionally Registered , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , o . 110 . ) ^ For supplying the Public with SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS AV REDUCED PRICES , and in accordance with the Market Value ot Malt and Hops . Catital , £ 300 , 000 , iir 60 , 000 Shakes of ^ 5 each . Deposit , 10 s . per Share . — - ( Withpower toinorease thesameto £ l , 000 . ow , at such periods and in such sums as the necessities ot the Company ' s trade may require . ) ¦ ¦ « ., '„ v-n ¦ In order that no Director or Shareholder of the Company shall he liable or held personally responsible for any debt or claim against the Company beyond the amount of his Shares : Every Contract or Engagement shall contain a condition binding the party or parties with whom such Contract ahaU Do made , to look solely and exclusively to the Funds and Property of the Company for payment , and engaging that neither the Directors nor Shareholders of the Company shall ,. under any pretence whatsoever , be subject to any personal liability in respect thereof . MANAGING DIRECTOR . John Lloyd , Esq ^ ., Hornsoy-road , Middlesex . rnovisiONAri dibectobs . , . Charles Barnard , Esq ., Twickenham , Middlesex . and Margaret-EdwardT . ' Bradford , Esq ., Hill-houso , Shinfleld , Wilts . T . H . Hardinge , Esq ., 130 , Piccadilly . , Edward Charles Richards , Esq ., Spa-terrace , Bermondsey . Richard Henry Moore , Esq ., 4 , Queen ' s-terrace , Regent a-par * . SECBBTAUV . William Campbell , Esq . The Royal British Bank , Tokenhouse-yard , City , and 1 , Ag « r atreet , Strand . Leeds-Matthew B . Beveriey j Glasgow-WilUftTn Mudto ,, jun . Bristol—J . Kompson Thomas . | DubPm-A . W » n , Labertoucia . Hull—T . W . Flint and Co . Afl tho bonajlde holdersoflOO Sharesaro eligible ^ ^^^ tho permanent dirootion of this Company w })} . 6 ™ "tU h ' faenorul the choice made from amongst those bo qualified at the « u , j . Meeting of Shareholders—thus ensuring an efficient anu ness-like management from their own body . OFFICES , 18 , CORNHILL , LONDON . Tub object , of this Company is to supply tlio . Public wj ^ X "'^ BrirpaBsod Malt Liquor , pure and genuine , ut a cons lrtorau dnction compared with tho proaent oxtravugant pnoen ™ h iirtiolo , giving tho Consumera tho benefit of low '"^ " ^ "Ue tho present exiting monopoly demos thorn , ' n , r undou bted time securing to the Shareholders u most ample and « " > return for tho oapitol employed . ... , . riven t ° In tho , allotment of Sharon , preference «* J ^ oflfercd Lieonaed Victuallers , to whom unusual advantugea aro by tho Company . . , . n „ yoto , a" ' Tho holder of Fivo Shares will bo entitled to Ono ^ j ft tho holder of Ono Hundred Bhnrca will bo qualified ^ Ap ^ iicatiana for Sharon and ProspeotuHos . may be . made to any of tne Oompany ' a Agenta , aa above , or to tho Secretly , Company ' s onloea . WIMJAM CAMPBK ^ . 18 , Cornhill , April , 1852 . ac 0 K
Leader (1850-1860), May 1, 1852, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01051852/page/22/