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JNO, do*, jo.uw-u. ox x, ¦«.^^l»j ~- »«,...
CORN MARKET. Mark-lane, Friday, July 31,...
FOREIGN PUNDS. tXiST Official Quotation ...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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J London, Friday Kvonink, July 31,1807 ,...
mim £ 1 : Sambre and Meuse . yJ , 8 .
Jno, Do*, Jo.Uw-U. Ox X, ¦«.^^L»J ~- »«,...
JNO , do * , jo . uw-u . x , ¦« . ^^ » j ~ - »« ,. A ^^ 1 . 1857 . 1 THE LEADER . Ul ¦ ¦ ' — ^ — =
Corn Market. Mark-Lane, Friday, July 31,...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , July 31 , 1857 . OUB harvest is progressing most favourably , and in franco a verv large proportion of the erop is secured , a he Italian harv / sts are reported as wonderfully fine ; and ^ in Germ any the yield of Wheat and Rye will bo large , except in the north / where Rye . cannot be anabudant crop , but Denmark and Sweden will only have moderate crops of spring corn . The markets have not been well supplied this week , and EnKlish Wheat has in consequence advanced is . to 2 s . The ialfs of cargoes of Taganrog Ghirka at 52 s . for shipment 111 ^ e next two moathsTand 53 s ., 53 s . 6 d ., and 54 s on P ™*^' . according to size and position of cargoes . For the Flavio Gioia' alio Taganrog Ghirka arrived 57 s . is said to have been bid .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Pbices . ) __ Sat . Mon . Tues . \ Wed . Tkur . Frid . tgSSfc ** : ™ :. "m 2 & affl su " & g 3 per Cent . Con . An . 91 | 9 \ i 91 91 914 90 | Consols for Account 91 f 918 91 i 91 * 918 901 New 3 per Cent . An . 91 f 915 91 f » U 91 | 90 J New 2 i per Cents ... 77 •""• ' -. "A " , * Lone Ans . 1860 2 7-16 2 9-16 2 i . i 2 ? ; India Stock 216 J 216 214 214 i 214 J 216 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 17 d 19 d | 25 d Ditto , under . £ 1000 20 d ..... ...... | ...... Ex . Bills , £ 1000 4 d 2 d 5 d 5 d . 1 d j 2 d Ditto , £ 500 2 d Id Id ; 5 d Id i- Id Ditto , Small Td par par 5 d par ; 1 d
Foreign Punds. Txist Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN PUNDS . tXiST Official Quotation dueing the Week ending Fkiday Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 101 * Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents 85 $ Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents Cents „ Ill * Chiliau 3 per Cents Russian 44 per Ceats .... 97 s Dutch 24 per Cents 635 Spauish ....-..- 39 ? Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . 93 Spanish Committee Cer-Equador Bonds of Coup , not fun 5 J Mexican Account 22 f Turkish 6 per Cents 94 Peruvian 4 "i perCents .... 80 J Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 101 | Portuguese 3 per Cents . 44 | Venezuela 4 i per Cents
Theatre Royal Olympic.
T HE PUBLIC is respectfully informed that this Theatre will be reopened on Monday , August 10 th , under the Management of Messrs . F . Robsou and W . S . Dmden . The performance will commence with a Comedietta to be called A SUBTERFUGE , in which Mrs . Stirling . Mr . George Vining , and Mr . G . Murray will appear . After which , Mr . F . Robson will deliver an address . To bo followed by the Drama of the LIGHTHOUSE ( by Wilkie Collins , Esq . ) . Principal characters by Messrs , F . Robson , G . Cookc , Addison , and Walter Gordon ; Miss Wyndham , her first appearance hero these three years , and Miss Swanborough . To conclude with MASANIULLO . Masaniello , Mr . F . Robson . Doors open at Seven , commence at Halfpast Seven . .
MADLLE . ROSA BONHEUR'S GREAT PICTURE of THE HORSE FAIR . —Mossrs . P . and D . COLNAGHl and Co . beg to announce that the above Picture is now on View at tho GERMAN GALLERY , 168 , Now Bond-streot , from 9 to 0 , for a limited period . —Admission , Is .
CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS . —ST . JAMES'S V ^ THEATRE . —It is respectfully announced that tho world . renowned CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS , who have given their popular entertainment for more than 3000 consecutive nights in Now 5 fork with unexampled success , will COMMENCE a short SERIES of REPRESENTATIONS on MONDAY 1 DVENING next , August 3 . beginning at halfpost 8 o'clock . —Boxes and stalls at Mr . Mitchell ' s , Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at tho Box-office of the Theatre .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATIONT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 ModicalQontlonion to bo tho most offec-tlvo invention hi the curative treatment of Hernia . Tho vise of a stool spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is hero avoided , a soft Hand ago being worn round tho body , while thoroquisito resisting power is supplied by the Moo-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . X descriptive circular in ay bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by pout , on tho circumference of tho body , two inches below tho hip , boing sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE . Price of a single truss , 10 b ., 21 s ., 20 s . Cd ., and 31 s . Od . — Postage , Is . Double Truss , 31 s . Od ., 42 s ., and 32 a . 0 d . — PohUro Is . 8 u . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and R 2 s , Od . —Postage 1 b . lOd . Ppst-ofllqe Orders to bo raado payablo to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . TflTASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , J 5 si . for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNBSfcJ » nd SWELLING of tho LEGS , 8 PR . AJN 8 , & c Anoy are poi-omb , light in toxturo , and inexpensive , and aro 4 ravrn on like an ordinary stocking . T « . *»» T % i 95 / 7 » - » u -tO Ids oaoh . —PostaKO . Od . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 2 » 8 . Piccadilly , London .
¦ ¦ ' — ^ — = TTiril MAJESTY'S THEATRE . JtdL FAREWELL PERFORMANCES AT REDUCED PRICES . Saturday August 1 , f LE NOZZE DI FIGARO ( Last LaltNi ^ t but Four , IALPHEA Time but One ) . Malllo . Marie Taghoni and M . Chables . By General Desire , rLA FIGLIA DEL REGGIOn Mondav August 3 , J MBNTO ( Last Time ) . Oa Kfeu ^ ut Three , ^ "g * 5 ? S ^ g " Edgardo , Signor GireiiNi . On Tuesday , August * JIL DON GIOVANNI Last Night bat Two , I ( Last Time ) . On Wednesday , August 5 , CLE NOZZE DI FIGARO Last Night but One , I ( Last Time ) . LAST NIGHT . C LA TRAVIATA On Thursday , August 6 , [ And Last Act of IPUPITANI . THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Will follow the Opera . The entertainments in the Ballet will include Madlle . Mabie Taglioni , Madlle . Kathine , Madlle . Mobxaccki Madlle . Boschetii , & c . & c . JC o « C *'* Pit Tier , Grand Tier , and One Pair 2 12 6 Two Pair \ *\ ° HalfCircle n io « Pit Stalls ... ... ... n li « Gallery Boxes « , « Gallery Stalls n I a Gallery Side Stalls g 3 0 Pit % I t Cralle ^ No Fbee List . Doors open at Seven o'clock , to commence at Half-past Seven . ^ ¦
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr , Alfred Wigan . Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday , being the last five nights of Mr . Alfred Wigan ' s Management , will be performed the Drama of DADDY HARDACRE . . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , Leslie , G . Vining , G . Cooke , Misses Stephens , and Hughes . To conclude with a new original Extravaganza by R . B . Brough , Eso . .. called MAgANiELLo Characters byUessrs . F . Robson , G . Cooke , Dangers , and H Cooper- Mesdames Swauborough , Thiriwall , Hughes , B ; omley , Sand Mej ^ ^ haifpasfe gfeven >
THE NONDESCRIPT . —WONDERFUL ATTRACTION . —Miss JULIA PASTRANA will hold her Levees Daily from Eleven to One , / Three to Five , and at Eight o ' clock , at the REGENT GALLERY , 63 , QUADRANT , REGENT-STREET . Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s . ; Gale i The appearance she presents is hardly conceivable and not easily forgotten /'—Court Circular . " A female of very peculiar characteristics , so peculiar , indeed , as to lead us to believe that she has no equal in the whole range ^ f humanity . "— Morning Post . . " The legs and feet are pretty . She dances well and sings in Spanish . "—Illustrated News . . ... " ft is that of a female whose main peculiarity consists m her possessing hairs nearly all over the body . —A beard , continuous with smaller growths of hair on the upper lip and cheeks . —Moustache and Whiskers . "—Lancet . " Wo are undoubtedly astonished at the intelligence and aptitude displayed by this extraordinary creature . —It is only justice to tho exhibitor to say that this statement , like every other which he has put forth , so far as we have been able to test it , boars the stamp of truth . " —Era- ¦ "Miss Julia sang the ' Last Rosa of Summer , * and a Spanish song , in a very pleasing stylo , and afterwards danced a bolero with a grace that only tended to increase the mystification produced by her personal appearance . ¦ — Morning Chronicle . . " Physiologists , and those curious in such matters , will doubtless visit this specimen of an uncommon variation in our species . "—Mormnn Advertiser . " Certainly nothing like it has been seen in this generation . "— Morning & ews . " We havo noliositation in recommending a visit to the Nondescript . "—Lloyd ' s Weekly Newspaper . " We should certainly advise a visit to the remarkable tenant of Regent Gallery . "— Theatrical Observer . Monday , Tuesday , and Wednesday , Miss Julia will hold a Levee at the Beaumont Institute , Milo-ond , after tho evening entertainment at Regent Gallery .
IN REMEMJBRANCE of tue late Mr . JERROLD . — Miss JULIA PASTRANA , the NONDESCRIPT , having noticed tho generous efforts now being made to raise a fund to perpetuate tho name of this favourite modern English dramatist and wit , and . likewise sympathising most slncoroly with the deep affliction caused by the loss of so good a husband , paront , and friend , desires to inform the Nobility and Gentry that she intends giving up one of her days , consisting of threo Entertainments , at the Rogont Gallery , 09 , Quadrant , Regent-street , on EW ^' August 7 th , from 11 to 1 , 3 to 6 . and 8 o ' clock . StallSt Ss . ; Area , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . —Tho entire proceeds of which will bo forwarded to Arfliur Smith , Esq ., lion . Sec , at tho Gallery of Illustration . —Tickets to bo had , and places secured , at tho JBox-ofllce , Regent Gallery , 09 , Quadrant , every day , botwoou 10 and 4 , without any extra charge .
IN REMEMBRANCE of the late Mr . DOUGLAS JERROLD . —In answer to the " CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC" which has boon inserted in tho newspapers by the committee , Miss Julia Pastrana's guardian toga to state that cortain intended exhibitions . " wholly unsanottouod by thom , " a » d the " unauthorised uao of their honorary Secretary ' s name , " of which they complain , are entirely an error of Judgment on tho part of Mius Pastrana's guardian , who , boing an AMERICAN , was ignorant of the fact that any prpposod representation for the bonoUti of tho Jorrold Fund should , have tho aanotlbn of tho committee , and ho trusts thoy , and particularly tho publio , will acquit him of any intention whatovor , beyond a dosiro to aid . in a philanthropic matter . It being still his intention , to give the boiiout , and . should tho committee atill persevere , in their original intontion , to band over tho proceeds for tho benefit of any charitable purpose thoy may tlilnfc lit to naino . —Regent Gallery , July 31 st , 1807 .
SOLERA & AMONTILLADO SHERRIES GUARANTEED , 1834 VINTAGE , 54 s . PER DOZEN QUEEN ISABELLA'S favourite WINES , as used at the ROYAL TABLE of SPAIN . THESE WINES are totally distinctive in their CHARACTERS , the SOLERA possessing GBEAT BODY and RICHNESS : the AMONTILLADO PECULIAR DELICACY and DRYNESS , combined with full NUTTY FLAVOUR , each possessing in common all the qualities of FIRST-CLASS WINES , rendering them at once the FINEST SHERRIES ever imported , and eminently suited , to the palate of those who are able to appreciate and enjoy Wines of a really high-class character . A Pint Sample of both Wines for 4 s . 6 d . Packages allowed for when returned . TEEMS— CASH . Country Orders must contain a remittance . Cheques to be crossed " Bank of London . " J . I * . DENMAN , Wine and Spirit Importer , 65 , Fenchurch-street , London . Counting-house entrance , first door on the left up Railway-place .
SCHWEPPE'S MALVERK SELTZER WATER . —Manufactured by J . SCHWEPPE and Co ., the sole lessees , from the Pure Water of the Holy Well , possesses all the celebrated properties of the Nassau Spring . Schweppe ' s Soda , Maonesia , Potass Waters and Lemonade are manufactured as usual . Every Bottle is protected by a Label with their signature . SCHWEPPE & CO ., . ' . „„ Manufacturers of SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE .
d ^\ OODRICH'S SISAL CIGARS ! at his Of Tobacco , Snuff , and Cigar Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Box , containing 14 , for Is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 109 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich .
p LENFIELD PATENT STARCH Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , & c . & c .
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . " If progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study the diseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest ou a visit to tha well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Here incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and . cured with a facility truly astonishing , while the efficacy of the remedies , and the quickness of their action , appear to have revolutionised the whole system of firing and blistering . Among the moat recent proofs of the cure of spavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , and . second favourite for the Derby , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers coula desire . And by the advertisement of Mr . Major s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miracuous cures are set forth , which place him at the head or the Veterinary art in London . "— Globe , May 10 , 1856 .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT - BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Has now , in consequence ofits marked superiority over every other variety , secured the entire confidence and almost universal preference of the most eminent Medical Practitioners «& , fiSUBS &^ JSBK SBM ^ fififf . SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN . Ilfffe ^^ f ^^ r-Slu ^ i ^^ o : ' Its leading distinctive characteristics are : COMPLETE PBE 8 EBVATION OF ACTIVE AND ESSENTIAL . 7 BINCIP & E 9 . INVABIABM 3 PUEITY AND TJNIFOBM STBENOTH . ENTIRE FBBEDOM PB 0 M NAUSEOUS PJ . AVOUB AND ABTEHTASTE . KAPID CUBATIVE EFPECTS , AND CONSEQUENT ECONOMY . From "THE LANCET . " . " The composition of genuine Cod Liver Oil is not £ 0 simple as might bo supposed- Dr . de Jongh gives the preference to the Light-Brown Oil over the Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatile fatty aoid , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphoric acid , and the elements of bile , and upon which ingredients the efficacy of Cod Liver Oil , no doubb , partly depends . Some of the deficiencies of the Palo Oil are attributable to the method of its preparation , and especially to its nitration through charcoal . In thb PBEJfEBENCB OB THB LlGHIT-BBQWN OVER THE PAIB Olt WE fujciy concur . Wo have carefully tested a specimen of Db . x > b JoNon'sLipUt-BrownOodLlvorOil . Wo find it to bo genuine , and ripli in iodine and the elements of bile . " Sold oniy in Impbriai . Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints . As . ed . ; Quarts , 9 a . ; capsuled and labelled with Db . db Jongu a Stamp and Signature , without which none can pobsuu . y be genuine , by many respectable Ohomlsts throughout the United Kingdom . WHOLESALE AND BBTAII . DJBF 6 T , ANSAIt . HARFORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAND , LONDON , W . 0 .. DB . » B JONOH ' S SOLE BBIIISH CONSIGNEES , CAUTION . — Proposed substitutions of other kinds of Cod Liver Oil should bo strenuously rests tod , as they proceod from interested motives , and will result in disappointment to the purchaser .
DEAFNESS . —A retired Surgeon , from the Crimea having boon restored to porfoot ll 0 » rJ'n « 2 ^ . ? native physician in Vurkoy , after fourteen y *»* lS * B *™* aKs ^ fcjBftAAaBJ r'Pffiafe Z * srtsuscssUK TOS & SSKs S & j & aETMarss » SS ) l » oo . JLoloostor-sauaro , Xondon , whoro thousands or letters may be soon from persons ouroa .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 1, 1857, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01081857/page/21/