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¦ J ¦ • . ¦ ¦ 7^2 THE LE1DEB. [IS©, 384,...
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¦ J ¦ • . ¦ ¦ 7^2 The Le1deb. [Is©, 384,...
¦ J ¦ . ¦ ¦ 7 ^ 2 THE LE 1 DEB . [ IS © , 384 , August 1 , 1857 .
T > EDSTEAI > S , BATHS * and LAMPS . — Jt > WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LARGE SHOWBOOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , » and Metallic Bedsteads . The stock of « sehia at onoe the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from ........ i .. M 12 s . 6 d . to ^ 612 Os . each . Shower Baths , from ...... ; 7 s . 6 < L to 5 12 s . each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) , from ....... 6 s . Od . to 6 6 s . each * ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil .... ¦ . - . ,.. 5 s . per gallon . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The RTil A L NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent of Messrs , Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from realsilver . Fiddle . Thread . King's . Table Spoons and Forkfi per dozen 38 s 48 s . 60 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 30 s 85 s 42 s . Tea ditto 18 s 24 s . 80 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kiuus of replatiug done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Table SpoonsandForks , * iddle - Thread " Kins > s ' full size , per dozen 12 s . ... 28 s . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and < litto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Tea ditto ......... ; 5 s . ... 11 s . ..., 12 s . In these Premises , formed of Eight Houses , is on show the most magnificent STOCK of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY , with Cutlery , Nickel Silver , Plated Goods , Baths , Brushes , Turnery , Clocks , Candelabra , Lamps , Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , and Bed-hangings ) , so arranged in Sixteen Large Show'Rooms as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods that caunot be hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXFORD-STREET . W . ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , and 3 . NEWMANSTREET ; 4 , 5 , and 6 , PERRY'S-PLACE , LONDON . Established 1820 .
HEAL and SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE contains designs and prices of every description of BEDROOM FURNITURE , as well as of 100 Bedsteads , and . prices of every description of Bedding . Sent free by post . —Heal and Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers , 196 , Tottenhatn-courfcroad . W .
TrkEANE'S TABLE CUTLERY , celebrated for JiJ inore than 150 . years , maintains an unrivalled reputation for cheapness and first-rate quality . The stock is most extensive and complete , including the finest transparent Ivory Handles at S 2 a . per dozen , choice ditto Balance Handles from 22 s . per doz ., medium ditto Balance Handles ( an exceedingly cheap and serviceable family article ) , 16 s . per doz ., also Bone , Horn , Stag , and every varietyof mounting , all warranted . Plated Dessert Knives and Forks with Silver , Pearl , Ivory , and Plated Handles , in cases of 12 , 18 , or 24 pairs , also plated Fish-eating Knives from 42 s . per doz . Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of the newest and most elegant designs always in stock . London Agents for Messrs . Joseph Rodgers and Sons' celebrated Cutlery . pEANJS , DRAY and Co . 's General Furnishing Ironmongery Warehouses ( opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established A . D . 1700 .
J . W . BENSON'S WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY , 33 and 34 , LUDGATE-HILL , LONDON . Established 1749 . —J . W . BENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every description , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his magnificent and unprecedented display of Watches , which is admitted to bo vhe largest and best selected Stock in London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplex , Patent , Detached Lover , Horizontal , and Vertical Movements , jewelled , Ac , with all the latest improvements , mounted in superblyr ' fliughed ongino-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . The designs engraved upon many of tho oases are by eminent artists , and can only too obtained at this Manufactory . If tho important requlsibea , superiority of finish , combined with accuracy of porfornwtnoe . elegance , durabUipy . and reasonableness o * price , are wisnott for , tho intending Purchaser should visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . BENSON ( and scut poBt free on application ) . which contains sketches , prices , ana directions as -to what Watch to buy , where to buy ic , and how to use it . Several hundred letters have been received from persons who hnvo bought Watches at thio Manufactory , bearing testimony to tho correct performances of the samo . OPINIONS OF THE PRESSVrom tuo Morning Post , Oct . 30 , 1850 , — "Exhibits exquisite artistic feeling in ornamentation , and perfection of mechanism In structure . "—From the Morning ' Chronicle . Oct . 30 . — " Uxcollonco of design and perfection in workmanship . " —From tho Morning Advertiser , Nov . 1 , — " Tho high roputo which Mr . Benson has obtained for the qualities of his manufacture stands second to none . "—From tho Morning Herald , Nov . 3 . — " Tho high standing or Mr . Benson aa a , London manufacturer must seouro for him a largo amount of public patronage . "—From the GlobdfNov . 3 . — "All that can be desired , In flnlah , taste , and design . " GOLD WATCHES , Horizontal Movements , Jewelled , & o ., accurate tlwo-koopcrs , 32 . 15 s ., 4 > l . 10 s ., 51 . 15 s .. to ml . 15 s . each . Gold Lovor Watches , JowoUod . aud highly-finished movements , dl . 6 s ., 8 ? . 8 s ., 102 . 10 s ,, 1 U . 12 s ., 14 ? . 14 s ., 101 . XOb ., to 40 guineas , SILVER WAT 0 HB 6 , Horizontal Movements , Jowollod . & o ,, oxiiofc timo-tkeopors , 22 . 8 s ., 2 , 1 , 10 s ., 3 ? . IBs ., to 62 . 5 s . each . Silver Lever Watches , highly ilnishod , Jowollod movements , HI . 10 s . 4 t . 10 s ., 5 & . 108 ,, 11 . 10 » ., 82 / 103 ., 10 J . 10 s ., to 20 guineas , A Two Years' Warranty given with every Watch , and sent , carriage paid , to Scotland , Irolnna , Wales , or any part of the kingdom , upon receipt of Post-oflloo or Banker's order , mado payable to J . W . BENSON , 3 a and 34 , Xiiidgato . hiU , XiOiidon . MorohantB , Shippers , and Watch Clubs ouppHod . Old Watohoa talcon in Jilxoiinngo .
INDIA AND LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 14 , Waterloo Place , Pall Mall , S . W . INDIAN ASSURANCES . MILITARY OFFICERS or Civilians proceeding to India may effect Assurances on their lives at Kreatly reduced rates , on application at the Offices as above . A . R . IRVINE , Manager .
THE UNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The Hon . W . E- F 1 TZMAUBICE , Chairman . W . E . SNOW , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . This Society transacts every description of Life Assurance . Offices , 54 , Charing-cross .
XT QUIT Y AND LAW LIFE ASSURANCE Xl / SOCIETY , No . 26 , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , LONDON . Trustees . The Right Hon . the Lord High Chancellor . The Right Hon . Lord Monteagle . The Right Hon . the Lord Chief Baron . The Hon . Mr . Justice Coleridge . The Hon . Mr . Justice Erie . Nassau W . Senior , Esq ., late Master in Chancery Charles Purton Cooper , Esq ., Q . O ., LL . D ., F . R S . George Capron , Esq . Examples of the Bonus upon . Policies declared to the 31 st December , 1854 : — Date of Policy .... March 18 , 1845 . April 24 , 1845 . Nov . Y , 1845 . Age at Entry 30 . 42 . Si-Annual Premium . £ 25 7 6 £ 35 16 8 £ 419 8 4 Sum Assured £ 1000 0 0 £ 1000 0 0 . £ 1000 0 0 Bonus added . ..... JE 157 10 0 J 6184 0 0 £ 21110 0 Copies of the last Report , Prospectuses , and every information , may be had upon written or personal application to the Office .
THE MUTUAL LIEB ASSURANCE SOCUETY 39 , KING-STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . Established 183 * . This is a purely Mutual Life Assurance Society , with a Capital of more than 280 , 0002 . invested In Government and Real Securities , created entirely by the steady accumulation of the Premiums , and all belonging to the Members . The Assurances in forceare 1 , 260 , 0002 . and upwards of 55 , 0002 . per annum . ¦ Detailed Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal , together with the list of Bonuses paid on the Claims of tho past Year , arid the General Cash Account and Balance Sheet of the Society to the 31 st December last , will be given on a written or personal application . CHARLES INGALL , Actuary . The Friends of the Society , and the general Public are respectfully advised that any Assurances effected within the present year , will have the advantage of one year in every Annual Bonus .
-p | EPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK ( In-JL / corporated ) . — Deposits received at Six per Cent . Interest payable half-yearly . Drawing Accounts opened . Bills discounted . Annuities granted . Chairman—The Eabjc op Devon-. 6 , Cannon-street West , EC G . H . LAW , Manager .
THE -FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS . AyTADE TO ORDER from Scotch , Heather , ItX and Cheviot Tweeds . All wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN . Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street . The TWO-GUINEA DRESS and FROCKCOATS . The GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS and HALF-GUINEA \ 1 TA 1 STGOATS . The REGISTERED QUDE WRAPPER , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , 25 s . , N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
OPERA GLASSES , MICROSCOPES , TELESCOPES , SPECTACLES , EYE-GLASSES , and every kind of Optical and Philosophical Instruments , manufactured and sold by W . LADD , 81 , Chancery-lano . Also maker of Bentley ' s Inductive Coils .
DON'T BEAT YOUR CARPETS , —They can bo thoroughly Cleosed from all Impurities , tho Colours revived by pure Washing , and promptly returned . Price 3 d . and 4 d . por yard . Turkey , and extra heavy carpets in proportion . Blankets , quilts , counterpanes , table-covers , curtains , and all kinds of heavy goods purely waBhed and finished in tho best style at a moderate charge by the METROPOLITAN STEAM WASHING COMPANY , 17 , Wharf-road , City-road . All goods promptly returned . Orders by post immediately attended to .
''J ^ EETH . —Messrs . GABRIEL supply COMJL PLETE SETS , without Springs , on tho principle of capillary attraction , avoiding the necessity of oxtrooting etumpa or causing any pain . SILIOIOUS iENAMELLED AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH , the best in Europe—guaranteed to answer every purpose of mastication or articulation—from 8 s . 6 d > per Tooiih . Sots , 42 . 4 s . ~ Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent have boon awarded for tho production of a perfectly WHITE ENAMEL , for decayod FRONT TEETH , whloft can only bo obtained at Messrs . Gabriel's Establishments , 33 , LUDGATE HILL , five doors from tho Old Bailey ; and at 112 , DUKE-STltEET , LIVERPOOL . Consultation and every information gratis .
TpUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED X \> WITHOUT A TRUSS .-Dr . BARKER'S celebrated REBfJEDY is protected by three patontB , of England , France , and Vienna ; and from its ftroat success In private practice is now mado known as a public duty through the medium of tho proas . In every case of single or double rupture , in either sex , of any ago , however bad or long fltancUnK , it is equally applicable , effecting a euro In a few days , without inconvenience , ana will bo nailed as a boon by nil who have boon tortured with trusses . Scut post free to any part of tho world , with iuHtruotions for uao , on rccoipt of 10 s . ( Id . by post-ollloo ordor , or stamps , by CHARLES BARKER , M . I ) ., 10 , Brook-stroot , Holborri , London . —Any infringement of this triplo patent will bo proooodod againsti , mid restrained by injunction of tho Lord Ilieh Chancellor .
PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESfABMSHED IN 1797 , 70 , Lombard-street , City , and 57 , Charing-cross , Westminster . DIRECTORS . Robert Gumey Barclay , Esq . Henry Grace , Esq . WilliamCotton , D . C . L ., F . R . S . K . D- Hodgson Esq ., 3 LP . Octavius Edward Coope , Esq . HenryLancelotHolland . Esq . John Davis , Esq . Benjamin Shaw , Esq . William Walter Fuller , Esq . Matthew Whiting , Esq . Jas . A . Gordon , M . D ., F . R . S . M . Wyvill , Jun ., Esq . . M . p . This Company offers COMPLETE SECURITY . Moderate Rates of Premium with Participation in Fourfifths or Eighty per cent , of the Profits . Low Rates without Participation in Profits . LOANS in connexion with Life Assurance , on approved Security , in sums of not less than S 002 . ANNUAL PREMIUM required for the Assurance of 100 Z ., for the whole term of life : — a * . * Without With A _ . Without With Age . p roflts . Profits . Ase * Profits . Profits . 15 XI 11 0 £ 1 15 0 40 £ ¦ % 18 10 £ 3 6 5 20 1 13 10 1 19 3 50 4 0 9 4 10 7 30 240 2 10 4 60 S 1 O . C 74 > ROBERT TUCKER , Secretary .
TMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , A 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . Instituted 1820 . T . GEORGE BARCLAY , Esq ., Chairman . MARTIN T . SMITH , Esq ., M . P ., Deputy-Chairman . One-Third of the Premium on Insurances of 500 J . and upwards , for the whole term of life , may remain as a debt upon the Policy , to be paid off at convenience ; or the Directors will lend sums of 50 ? . and upwards , on the security of Policies effected with this Company for the whole term of life , when they have acquired an adequate value . FottR ; Fi ' fiks » or 80 per cent , of the Profits , are assigned to Policies . every fifth year-, and may be applied to increase the sum insured , to an immediate _ payment in cash , or to the reduction and ultimate extinction of future Premiums . At the fifth appropriation of profits for the five years terminating January 31 , 1856 , a reversionary bonus was declared of Xl . 10 s . per cent , on the sums insured , and subsisting additions for every premium paid during the five years . This bonus , on policies of the longest duration , exceeds 21 . 5 s . per cent , per annum on the original sums insured , and increases a policy of IOOO ? . to 1638 J . Proposals for insurances may be made at the chief office as above ; at tho branch office , 16 , Pall Mall , London ; or to any of the agents throughout the kingdom . BONUS TABLE , Showing the additions made to Policies of 1000 Z . each . tw « ^ e Amount of Addition made « . „„ , T > niilp tP « , ^ , «« . Additions to as on « fSr Death Insurance . Feb x 1 ( j 51 Feb _ x 1856 > after Death . & b . d . & b . < 1 . £ . s . d . 1820 523 16 O 114 5 0 1638 1 0 1825 382 14 0 103 14 0 1486 8 0 1830 241 12 0 03 2 0 1334 14 0 1835 Z 86 SO 88 17 0 1274 0 0 1840 128 15 0 84 13 0 1213 8 0 1845 65 15 0 79 18 0 1145 13 0 1850 10 0 0 75 15 0 1085 15 0 1855 « - ' 15 0 0 1016 0 0 And for intermediate years in proportion . The next appropriation will be mado in 1861 . Insurances , without participation in Profits , mny be effected at reduced rates . SAMUEL INGALL , Actuary .
WANTED . SPECIAL OR CHIEF AGENTS . THE DXEBOTOB 8 OB TilB TVJATIONAL ALLIANCE ASSURANCE JLA COMPANY are desirous of seouring tlio services of active and respectable men , with extensive and available connexions . Thoy must be propared to dovoto their tirno and energies to representing the Company in thoir l'csncctire localities . An oxfera Commission upon New and Renewal Premiums will bo allowed to properly qualified persons , ho as to enable thorn to pay thoir Sul ) -agonts tho usual commission ol 10 / . per cent , on Now , and til . per cent , on Konowal l'ro-Applicatione ( which will bo treated as strictly nrivalo niul confidential ) to bo addressed to tho Manager in Loimon . The business of tho Oflloo consists of Ist .-THH LIFE ASSURANCE DEPA RTMENT . For effecting Aosurances on tho lives of all olassos , nt Homo and Abroad , granting AnnnitioB and Endowment " , and transacting every description of bvminosB to wliloli tno principles of Life AsBurauco are applicable 2 ud .--THE CASUALTY DEPARTMENT . For insuring suma of money payable lu tho evonfcbf doallj occurring from accidental causes , oitlior durhifj travel ' , v sea or land , in any part of tho world , orwhilst following « ' « ordinary occupations of llfo at homo i together with a wook > allowanoo in non-fatal oasos of accident , including pnymoiii of Medical Attendance , Tlie Company also Insures ai / atnw accidental broalcage qf Plate Olatis qf all kinds . ¦ ard . —ANNUITIES , Tho grunting AimuUloa according to tho ojtpeofcaljnn nj Llfo ; thus giving to annuitants of precarious or conllri 011 ill-health the opportunity of obtaining tlio lnrgowt i > o »» iulo return for thoir Inventmont . , . < , „„ Tho Annual Roport , Prospectuses , Forms , and every lnioimatlou will be forwarded on reqiioHt ) . „ __ THOMAS ALFRED POTT , Malinger . Oiuoos-30 , Old Jewry , London .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 1, 1857, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01081857/page/22/