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America. The Riots In New York Have Been...
been concluded at Lima , having for its object the protection of the Chiricha , Lotos , and other islands by an armed force of the English , and French for the term of ten years . The Government of Peru -was to control the guano trade as before . There have been disturbances at Dominica , arising out of public dissatisfaction at the legislation on the subject of the rum duty . The Governor was requested to dissolve the assembly , but declined . Riots ensued , and some blood was spilt . In Granada , a coloured man has been elected to the House of Assembly . A riot occurred at Montreal , Canada , on the 12 th
of July , in consequence of an Orange flag being hung out . A great crowd assembled , shots were tired at the flag , and two or three Orangemen were severely
beaten . Some serieus news has reached "Washington from Kansas . Under date of July 17 th , a correspondent of the New York Herald writes : — " The President received a telegraphic despatch this morning , dated at Leavenworth yesterday , from Governor "Walker , stating that a serious insurrection had broken out at Lawrence , and that he had called out the United States troops to suppress it . The Governor had started immediately for Lawrence . The cause of the outbreak is not known , but it is supposed to have originated from opposition to some of the territorial laws—probably the tax law . The receipt of this news has caused some little excitement in certain quarters . "
President Mora , of Costa Rica , has declared the grant of the Nicaragua transit route , conceded by that republic and Nicaragua jointly to Mr . Webster , to have lapsed from a non-compliance with its conditions by the grantee . The lapse was occasioned by the non-payment of the stipulated 500 , 000 dollars on or before the 1 st of June . Lord Napier has attended the anniversary of the Alumni Association of Havard College , which was celebrated at Cambridge , Massachusetts . He was enthusiastically received , and delivered one of his hearty and genial speeches . The American harvests promise excellently .
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Continental Notes. France. The Commissio...
CONTINENTAL NOTES . FRANCE . The commissioners appointed to inquire into the subject have reported that New Caledonia is well suited for a penal colony . From Algeria we learn that the road which throws open the approaches to the mountains of Kabylia is now finished , and that not a single tribe remains unsubjected . The conquest of Kabylia is therefore complete . Pursuant to instructions sent from St . Petersburg to Count Strogonoff , Governor-General of Southern Russia and Bessarabia , the difficulties respecting the expulsion of several French and other foreign families at Sebastopol has been settled . The first stone of a new building for baths at Plombieres was laid by the Emperor on the 22 nd ult ., in presence of the municipal council , the clergy j and a large concourse of persons belonging to the town and neighbourhood . The cure" of Plombieres delivered an address , to which the Emperor replied as follows : — " I am happy to satisfy your w ish of seeing me lay the first stone of the new bathing establishment , which , I am convinced , will contribute to the prosperity of Plombieres . This place interests me , not only because so many persons have here recovered their health , but because it is the centre of a population who have given me so many
touching proofs of their affection , and who have been always animated by true patriotism . I hope that all those who , like me , come here to take repose from their labours , may find renewed strength for the accomplishment of their duties and for the service of the country . It is to mo a cause of sincere regret that I cannot , during ray stay here , also lay tho firat stone of another and more important monument—that of the now church ; for when any person has found an alleviation of his sufferings , it ia proper for every Christian soul to testify his gratitude to Providence . In fact , if what is evil comes from men , all that is good comes from God . " In the afternoon , tho Emperor visited a foundry at
Varigny . " Tho Civil Tribunal of the Seine on tho 24 th ult ., " says tho Times Paris correspondent , " gave judgment in tho case of the Memoirs of the Duke do Jiaffusa , in which tho descendants of Prince Eugeno de Boauharnais brought an action against M . Perrotin for publishing statements in that work highly injurious to the Prince ' s memory , and quite unfounded in truth . The Court decided that tho plaintiffs had fully proved their case , and ordered Perrotin to insert in all the copies of the sixth volume which he had on hand tho thirty-three documents brought forward by tho plaintiffs in support of their complaint . It alao ordered Perrotin to pay all the costs , " The section of Agriculture and Commerce of the Council of State has voted unanimously in favour of tho suppression of the butchers' monopoly .
. Joseph Napoleon Ney , Prince of Moakowa , and eldest eon of Marahal Ney , died last Saturday morning at St . Germain-on-Layc , near Paris . For the laat two years
his health had been greatly shattered by apoplexy . He was in his fifty-fourtb . year , aiid was the godson of Napoleon I . and the Empress Josephine . The Jetes which will take place on the loth of August and succeeding days are to be celebrated this year with great magnificence . . , A singular instance of the intense heat of the weather is mentioned by the TiTTies , Paris correspondent , who writes : — " The Seine is now lower than it has been at any period since 1719 , when the water was not higher than the bottom of the scale placed at the bridges to mark its depth . All the foundations of the piers are
now exposed . " The Emperor has been invited by the municipality of Manchester to visit that city during his sojourn in England . He has replied that nothing would afford him greater pleasure , if time permitted . The prefect of the Allier has dismissed the schoolmaster of Lignerolles for ' maintaining intimate relations with the most ardent demagogues of Montlucon , ' and for ' daily frequenting cafes to which such persons resort . ' The same functionary has ordered nine cafe ' s or publichouses in the arrondissement of Montlucon to be closed , on the ground that they are the ' customary places of demagogical meetings . '
TURKEY . Ishan Bey has been named Minister of Turkey at Berlin . A note from the Porte to the Powers in favour of the union of the Principalities explains the impossibility which the Ottoman Government finds in applying to Moldavia the exceptions set forth for Wallachia in the firman of convocation .
SPAIN . The Government , after considerable hesitation , has accepted ( but it is said in no very courteous terms ) the offer of mediation on the Mexican question made by Lord Howden and the Marquis de Turgot , in the names of their respective Governments . A person named Losada , a Guatemalan by birth , and commissioned by Santa Anna to treat with the Spanish Ministry , has arrived in Madrid . The representatives of England and France intimated to the Spanish Government that ; if it refuse the proffered mediation , Spain is not to count on any assistance from the powers they represent in the event of any untoward circumstances arising out of a war with Mexico . The naval constructions are advancing rapidly . A lighthouse is about to be placed at the Point of Artuch , in Minorca .
ITALY . Among- the papers of the late Colonel Pisacane , the chief of the last insurrection in Calabria , was a document endorsed , " This is my political will , " and dated Genoa , June 24 th , 1857 . He begins by saying that he " believes in socialism , but in a different socialism from t he French system , all more or less founded on the monarchical and despotic idea which prevail * in the nation . " His idea of socialism is comprised in the words ' liberty' l association . ' These opinions he has developed in two volumes which he leaves behind him . They arc the fruit of nearly six years' study , and he trusts his friends will publish them . He proceeds : — " I am convinced that railways , electric telegraphs ,
machinery , improvements in manufactures—in short , all that develops and facilitates commerce—is destined by an inevitable law to impoverish the mass of the people until a division of the profits be made by competition . [ Qy . co-operation ? J All these means increase production , but they accumulate wealth in a small number of hands , from whiqh it results that this vaunted progress is , in fact , only decadence . If these pretended ameliorations are regarded as a progress it will bo in this sense—that by increasing the misery of tho people they will infallibly impel them to a terrible revolution , which , by changing social order , wiill turn to the advantage of all that which now sorves for the profit of a few . I am convinced that Italy will become groat by liberty , or
will be a slave . I am convinced that temperate remedies such as the constitutional system in Piedmont and the progressive improvements granted to Lombnrdy , far from advancing tho regeneration of Italy , enn only retard it . As for myself , I would not make tho smallest sacrifice to change a ministry or to obtain a constitution —not even to drive the Austrian ^ out of Lombardy and to unite that provinco to the kingdom of Sardinia . In my opinion the domination of the House of Savoy and tho domination of tho Houeo of Austria are precisely the same thing . I believe , likewise , that the constitutional system in Piedmont ia more injurious to Italy
than the tyranny of Ferdinand II . I bolieve firmly that , if Piedmont hud been governed in the same manner as tho other states of Italy , tho revolution of Italy would have beon effected at the present day . " Ho afterwards urges tho necessity of every Italian , as an infinitesimal part of tho country , conspiring for the liberty and unity of the peninsula ; and ho expresses his contempt of those men who not pnly will not not , but who find pleasure in execrating those who do act . Ho continues : — " If I arrive at tho place of landing , which will bo Sapri , I shall consider I have gained a great personal success , should I afterwards die on tho scaffold . A simple individual though I am , supported by a great
number of generous men , I can do more , and if I do so the rest will depend dn the country and not on me . 1 have only my life to sacrifice for such an object , and I hesitate not to risk it * . I am convinced that , if the enterprise succeed , I shall obtain universal applause . If j fail , the public will blame me . I shall be called silly ambitious , turbulent .... Let those detractors know that I consider them not only incapable of doing what I have attempted , but even-of conceiving the idea of it
To those who shall say that the enterprise was impossible , I reply that , if it were necessary to obtain the approbation of the world previous to the undertaking of similar enterprises , they should be altogether renounced . " After glancing at various historical events , showing that apparently hopeless enterprises have succeeded , Colonel Pisacane concludes by saying : — "If I do not succeed , I profoundly despise the ignoble vulgar who will condemn me . If I succeed , I shall very little appreciate their applause . "
Twenty-six persons arrested at Leghorn are to be transferred to the prison of Lucca for trial by the Royal Court . Others are to be merely plaeed under the ' surveillance of the police . The proceedings are conducted with the greatest despatch . A few items of intelligence from Naples are published in the French journals , where we read : — " The trials continue . None of the prisoners have as yet been executed . Nicotera has revealed the whole plot . He has justified the conduct of the crew of the Cagliari . Some of the papers found on Pisacane are in cipher ,
and have not been made out . Foschini , the refugee ^ , who escaped from London after committing a double assassination , is among the wounded . Padula has blown out his brains . A conflict has taken place between some of the inhabitants of Torre del Greco and the crew of the French ship Mete ' ore . The sailors were occupied in making hydrographical observations , when they « eere attacked by the Neapolitans , who thought they intended to effect a landing for revolutionary purposes . The King has Ordered apologies to be made to the officers of the Me " te * ore . His Majesty has gone to reside at Castellamare with his three sons . "
After the dissolution of the municipality of Genoa , the former Mayor was re-elected by a large majority . The Hereditary Prince of Naples has just been betrothed to the youngest daughter of Duke Maximilian and sister of the Empress of Austria .
RUSSIA . , The Emperor of Russia lias paid a flying visit to Berlin . He will go again in September , when he will remain some weeks . . AUSTRIA . The Government is said to , have signed a convention with various Italian states , the object of which is to resist in future any revolutionary attacks . The Austrian police have given instructions to the newspapers on two points of general interest . One relates to tho offers of marriage which daily appear in the journals . These advertisements are nor prohibited , but the editors are required to watch very carefully that thej' shall not contain anything improper . The second point is , the prohibition of the publication of books relative to the explanation of dreams , & c , which favour superstitious ideas .
GREECE . The King and Queen have been splendidly received by tho Russian Minister on board a Russian frigate . The Queen is said to have observed to the captain that the visit was a favourable omen of the future . The Queen has left tho country by this vessel , her object being to secure , if possible , the succession to the throne of Greece for her youngest brother , a Prince of tho House of Oldenburg . The Greek Court has received with great delight tho news of what recently happened in tho Parliament of tho Ionian Islands . It professes to believe that tho hand of Russia has been busy among tho native troops of India .
TUB ZO £ -L . VERKIN . The Governments who are parties to tho Zollvorehi ( says a despatch from Berlin ) collectively claim from England , through the medium of Prussia , an indemnity for tho losses sustained by their subjects at Cantontho bombardment having taken place without previous intimation to their Consuls .
THE IMNUUIAN lMUNClTAMTIES . It is believed that tho French Government will demand that those elections shnll be annulled which have beon the result of coercion . The Prefect of Gulatz » ns complained of tho gross illogulity and terrorism of tlio elections , and has resigned his post . Tho Turks have beon behaving with great ruffianism at Ismail . They entered the churches , smoking , nnd insulted tho images of tho saints . At length , tho populace wore so oxasporated that they struck them ; and it became necessary to call out a military force to put an end to tho disturbance . The same scenes , however , hftvo been wince repeated .
BICJLGXUM . , Tho Princess Charlotto was on Monday niarriod to the Archduke Maximlliun of Auatria at tho Palace at Brussels . Tho occasion has boon eolobrated by nutionul fotea .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 1, 1857, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01081857/page/8/