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iX54 THE LEADE R. [No. 297, Sat., Dec. 1...
LONPON i Printed and FublUhtd by Alfkkd ...
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Ix54 The Leade R. [No. 297, Sat., Dec. 1...
iX 54 THE LEADE R . [ No . 297 , Sat ., Dec . 1 , 1855 .
NEW WORKS . - ¦ ¦ ? Mr . MACAITLAY'S HISTORY of ENGLAND , from the ACCESSIONof JAMES the SECOND Vote . Ill and IV ., 8 vo ., price 36 s . ( About th , lSth * ut . 3 . The PAST CAMPAIGN , from the DEPARTURE of LORD RAGLAN to the REDUCTION of SEBASTOFOIi . By N A . WOODS , late Special Correspondent of the Morning Herald . 2 vola , post 8 vo . * ( On Wednesday next . 3 . JOURNAL , kept during the RUSSIANTTAK . from the DEPARTURE of the ENGLISH ARMY to the FALL of SEBASTOPOL . By Mrs . HENRY DUBBBLY . Post 8 vo . ( In a few day . IDA PFEIFFER'S LADY'S SECOND JOURNEY round the WOKU > . 2 rOls ., post 8 vo ( On Wednesday next . EVENING RECREATIONS ; or , Samples from the Lecture-Room . Edited by the Bev . J . BT . GURNEY , M . A . Crown 8 i-o . . (/» a few days . ATJDUBON the NATURALIST in the NEW WORLD : His Adventures and Discoveries . By Mrs . HORACE ST . JOHN . Crown 8 vo ., 2 s . 6 d . * . ( At Christmas . 7 . MANUAL of the DOMESTIC PRACTICE of MEDICINE . By W . B . KESTEVEN , F . B . C . S . E . Square post 6 vo . ( On Wednesday next . 8 . A PRACTICAL TREATISE on BANKING . By J . W . GELBART , F . R . S . Sixth Edition , revised and enlarged ; v » nh Portrait . 2 vole ., 12 ma , 16 s . ( Next week . MOORE'S IRISH MELODIES , illustrated with 13 Steel Plates , from Original Designs by eminent Artists . Square crown 8 vo ., 2 la . cloth ; morocco , 318 , 6 d . ( Nearly ready . The LIFE of LUTHER , in 48 Historical Engravings . By G . KOENIG . With Explanations b > Archdeacon HARE and SUSANNA WINkVoBTH . Fcap . 4 to , price 28 s . EASTERN EXPERIENCES collected during a WINTER'S TOUR in EGYPT and the HOLY LAND / By ADAM STEINMETZ KENNARD . Poat 8 vo ., 10 b . Cd . XII . FRANCIS ARAGO'S POPULAR ASTRONOMY . Translated by Admiral W . H . SMYTH and R . ORANT . M . A . Vol . I . with Plates and Woodcuts . 8 vo ., 2 is . XIII . PEREIRA'S ELEMENTS of MATEKIA MEDICA and THERAPEUTICS , fourth Edition of Vol . II . Part I . Plate and Woodcuts . 8 vo ., 21 s . XIV . The CORRELATION of PHYSIcal FORCES . By W . R . GROVE , Q . C ., M . A ., F . R . S . Third Edition , with Notes and References . 8 vo ., 7 a . xv . ANALYTICAL VIEW of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PJUItCIPIA . By HENRY LORD BROUGHAM , F . B . 6 ., and E . J . ROUTH , B . A . 8 ro ., 14 s . XVI . NARRATIYE of the NIGER , T 8 HADDA , and BINUE EXPLORATION . By T . J . HUTOHINSON , E * q . IGnvo ., 2 b . 6 d . cloth ; or in Two Parts , is eaoli . xvm The MAID of MESSENE ; and Other Poems . By KDWARD HENRY rEMBER , Student of Ch . Ch . Oxford . Foap . 8 vo ., ( is . XVIII . The Rev . Dr . B . H . KENNEDY'S PALAKSTRA STILI LATINI ; or . MATERIALS FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN PROSE . > amo ., Oa . XIX . Professor DOWNING'S ELEMENTS of PRACTICAL HYDRAULICS , for the Use of Students In Engineering . 8 vo ., with Six PlntOR , price 8 s . XX . CURRENCY SELF-REGULATING and KLA 8 TI 0 , explained In a Letter to Hie Grace the Dako of Argyll . 8 va , 7 b . Cd . London : Lokomaw , Bkown , Gkben , and Lonokah * .
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Just published , in 2 large vols ., Svo , handsomely printed , and bound in cloth , tcith Portraits , price 30 s . THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE . WITH SKETCHES OP HIS AGE AND CONTEMPORARIES . ( From Published and Unpublished Sources ) . By G . H . LEWES , Author of' The Biographical History of Philosophy , ' & c . " Goethe ' s Heart , which few knew , was as great as his Intellect , vrhich all knew . " —Jcng Stilling . ' Mr : Lewes has written a work of art , and not thrown before the public a quarry of raw material A thorough study of bis subject , a careful preparation extended through many years , and trained skill in authorship , have enabled Mr . Lewes to convey a lively representation of the man Goethe as . he lived , of the society of which he was the centre , of the general characteristics of the time , and to blend with all this ample analytical criticism on his principal writings , and intelligent discussion of the principles on which poetry and prose fiction should be composed Goethe is shown to have possessed one of the noblest and sweetest natures ever given to erring man , and to have lived as ever * in the eyes of the Great Taskmaster , who had given him his talents , and was by that gift calling him to discharge great duties . " Spectator . " A more faithful and life-like biography than this we have rarely read . "—Literary Gazette . London : DAVID NTJTT , 270 , Strand .
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MR . PRESCOTT'S NEW WORK . This day is published . Library Edition , 2 vols ., 8 vo ., with Portraits , 28 s . ; Cabinet Edition , 2 vols ., crown 8 vo ., with Portraits , 12 a . ; Cheap Edition , post 8 vo ., 5 s ., HISTORY of the REIGN of PHILIP II . Of SPAIN . By WILLIAM HICKLrNG PRESCOTT , Author of " The Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella . " London : Richard Bbntlby , Publisher in Ordinary to her Majesty .
USED IN COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS . JThlrd Edition , post 8 vo ., 7 a . Gd . THE RISE and PROGRESS of THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . By PROFESSOR CREASY , Professor of History at the University College , London . Just Ready , London : Riohabd Bentxby , Publisher in Ordinary to her Majesty .
This day is published , price Ca ., part IX . of the FERNS of GREAT BRITAINNature Printed ( Life Size ) . Parts 1 to 8 are always on sale . Bbadbo & t and IS vans , II , Bouverie-street .
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NEARLY READY , Two Volumes , post octavo . LETTERS from the UNITED STATES CUBA , and CANADA . By the Uoii . AMICMA M A 1 U 11 RAY . Ono Volume , with a Frontispiece , THE CHRISTMAS TREE , and Other Tnles-Adapted from the German , by FRANCES KKM 1 JM " One Volume , foolscap octavo , T ~ \ O R O T II Y : a TALE . London : . Toiin W . Pabkbh anrt Son , West Slrnnd .
This day la published , 2 vola . 8 vo ., mm ., AGE , AUTHORS , nnd AUTHORITY of the PENTATEUCH . —Introduction to tlio Hoi * " Genesis , with a Commentary on the opening portion , , """" the German of Dr . MOTErVoN BOIILEN , Into I ' rolotinor of Oriental Languages And Literature in the Unlvowlty ° » Konlgoburg . Kditcd by JAMES HEY WOOD , M . P .. V . ll . 8 . London : John Ciiaiman , 8 , King WHHam . fltroof , Slranil .
Lonpon I Printed And Fubluhtd By Alfkkd ...
LONPON i Printed and FublUhtd by Alfkkd Kdmuwd UiHOWAT , « t " Tb « Lendor" Ofllco , No . 1 M , StrnntI , in the County ol MicMlcicx .- December 1 , I 960
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 1, 1855, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01121855/page/24/